Yuval Peres

Yuval was an undergraduate at Tel-Aviv University, and took his PhD at the Hebrew University under the direction of Hillel Furstenberg. He has taught at Yale University, at the University of California, Berkeley and at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He is an associate editor for Annales de l'Institut H. Poincare (Probab. et Stat.) Y. Peres's main research interests involve Hausdorff dimension questions, probability theory and their interaction. He was awarded the 1995 Rollo Davidson Prize (jointly with P. Biane) for his work `Intersection-equivalence of Brownian paths and certain branching processes', (Communications Math. Physics 177 (1996), 417-434). In 1997, he presented a series of invited lectures at the Saint Flour Summer School. More recent works of Y. Peres are "Entropy of convolutions on the circle" (with E. Lindenstrauss and D. Meiri, To appear in Annals of Math) and a joint paper with A. Dembo, J. Rosen and O. Zeitouni on the occupation measure of Brownian motion, that includes the solution of the Erdos-Taylor (1960) conjecture on planar simple random walk.

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