Summer Symposium in Real Analysis XXXIV
"The Buckeye Symposium"

Steven Krantz
Washington University, St. Louis

Professor Krantz was a student of E.~M.~Stein, graduating from Princeton in 1974. He served as Assistant and Associate Professor in the Departments of Mathematics at UCLA and Pennsylvania State University respectively before moving to Washington University in St. Louis as Professor of Mathematics in 1986. His distinguished career as a scientist of the highest caliber has included Visiting Professorships at Princeton, The Institute for Advanced Study, Uppsala University, Beijing University, the Mittag-Leffler Institute, and the Universite Paul Sabatier among several others. He has served as a principle speaker at dozens of national and international conferences on real analysis, complex analysis and functional analysis lecturing on his ground breaking work in each of these areas of research and has authored over one hundred and seventy research papers in these areas of analysis.

In addition, Professor Krantz has been honored with several awards for his teaching and his lecturing. His current research in real analysis includes a new look at convexity in real analysis and a norm approach to providing new perspectives (and simplified proofs) of how smoothness in each of several variables separately (or all directions) can provide joint smoothness.