St. Olaf ShieldTime Entry System


Frequently Asked Questions for Supervisors

My student did not enter hours this month and now the timesheet has disappeared.  What do we do? Why did this happen?

If this occurs, please email – a timesheet will be generated for the missing month. The system decided after being dormant the whole month, the student wasn’t working and didn’t need a timesheet. To prevent this from happening again, inform your student workers that they are required to enter their time as they work it.  If the student OR you opens the timesheet even once during the month, it will remain on the page, even with zero hours.

Where can I get instructions on how to use this system?

Go to the Time Entry System (TES), and in the left hand column you will find “Help”.  Click on that, and there are instructions for both students and supervisors.

Can the timesheet be accessed from off campus?

Yes, anywhere you can access the Internet and the St. Olaf home page, you can access the Time Entry System (TES) as usual, and you each should be able to access the timesheet.

My student is seeing, “Sorry, there is nothing for you to do.”  What’s wrong?

The student needs to contact the Student Work Coordinator.  There may be forms that the student needs to complete.

There are duplicate jobs and timesheets listed for my student worker.

Two work authorizations were submitted for the student.  Email regarding this matter.

Can my student workers use paper timesheets?

Only in specific situations approved by the Payroll Office.

When does the timesheet show up on TES (Time Entry System)?

The timesheet shows up when the work authorization date is reached, and then the beginning date of the pay period.  Once the two dates are reached, the timesheet is created.

My student worker entered hours on the wrong day – how do they correct this?

The student needs to delete the “out” time first, and then the “in” time.  Then enter the hours on the correct day.

My student signed the timesheet before completing the month.  I received it asking me to either reject it or approve it.   What do I do?

You need to reject the timesheet, and make sure to enter a reason.  The timesheet will then be returned to the student, and he will be able to enter the hours for the balance of the month.

My student’s account says that the timesheet is on “Hold” and ineligible to be paid.  What does that mean and what do I need to do?

Your student needs to contact the Student Work Coordinator.

My student worker accepted the work authorization for the job in my department, but the timecard is not showing up in TES.  What should I do?

Please notify the Student Work Coordinator – there may be a problem with the dates on the work authorization.

My student forgot to enter some of his hours on the previous month’s timesheet, and I already approved it.  Can they go back and add those hours?

In this situation, the student needs to contact the Payroll Office directly for assistance.

What do I do if a student’s supervisor changes?

Email with that information – it will be changed.

Is there a way to sort the list of students on the TES page so the students can be viewed by the job title, alphabetically or by the type of work they do?

There is a way to both sort and filter the page of people working for you.  The video below demonstrates this for you.  For best viewing, maximize the video player (the icon that looks like four corners around a button, immediately before the “screenr” logo). 

Essentially, you can enter whatever term you want in the filter box at the upper right-hand corner, whether it’s a job title, someone’s name, etc., and only rows that match that will appear.  Then you can sort by clicking on any of the column headings (title, employee, start or end date, rate, current hours).  Clicking again reverses the order (e.g. A > Z or Z > A).

Why do we need to get a notification email for each timesheet that is ready for approval when we already receive a reminder when they are due, and we have to check the TES system anyway at the end of the month for the timesheet approvals?

This was a requested feature from some supervisors, particularly those that had students that signed timecards early.  You can add a filter in your St. Olaf Gmail to send messages from to a different label/folder so it’s not clogging your inbox.  If you need assistance doing that, give the Helpdesk a call (x3830) and they can walk you through it.

A few of my students now have different titles for the job that we originally hired them for.  How do we get that changed?

Email with the names, old titles and new titles, and they will be changed.

One of my student workers is no longer working for me, so the end date of the job needs to be changed.

Email with that information – it will be changed.