
This land of the midnight sun and glacier-born fjords is the birthplace of skiing and home of the Nobel Peace Prize. One of the first countries to grant universal suffrage, Norway was also the first country to have a parliament for its indigenous people, the Sami, a people with a unique culture similar to that of Native Americans.
Inventors of the paper clip and the cheese slicer, Norwegians have long played a role in global culture.

Some world famous Norwegians include the Viking, Leif Erikson, who was the first European to land in America, the explorers, Thor Heyerdahl and Roald Amundsen, the father of modern drama, Henrik Ibsen, the painter of "The Scream," Edvard Munch, and the Olympic athletes, Johann Olav Koss and Bjørn Dæhli.

From the capital city of Oslo to the coastal port of Bergen and the arctic city of Tromsø, Norway with its 4.3 million inhabitants offers an abundance of new and exciting experiences for the American student.
Thus, many of the students who take Norwegian spend a summer, semester or year in Norway in order to experience the culture firsthand.    
As Norwegian was influenced by both Swedish and Danish during its union with these countries, anyone speaking Norwegian can easily understand the other two Scandinavian languages.

Country map & links

Search engines



-> Kvasir-Norway


Telephone Directory




Excite Travel: Destination Norway


Norwegian Youth Hostels


The Lonely Planet: Destination Norway




Norsk språkråd - Norwegian Language Council


Elementary language lessons


Government Information


ODIN - Government information about Norway


Statskonsult - Norwegian Central Information Service


Norway Online Information Service in the USA


Statistisk sentralbyrå - Statistics Norway




Nyheter - Links to major Norwegian newspapers and magazines


MediaLinks - A link to major Norwegian newspapers and magazines


Aftenposten - Norwegian newspaper


Dagbladet - Norwegian newspaper


VG - Norwegian newspaper


NRK - Norwegian television station


TV2 - Norwegian television station with on-line news




Database of Colleges and Universities in North America that teach Norwegian


Universities in Norway


Universitetet i Oslo


Universitetet i Bergen


Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim


Universitetet i Tromsø

Books and music


Norwegian National Library database


Boknett - links to information on literature


Norwegian Writers' Web


Aftenposten's author index


Olaf Norlis bokhandel - on-line book sales

-> Musikkonline: downloadable Norwegian music


Akers mic on-line - on-line music sales




Sons of Norway


Valdres Samband


NORTANA - Norwegian Teachers and Researchers Association of North America


SASS - Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study


Norwegian-American Historical Association




Bokmålsordboka og nynorskordboka - On line, searchable dictionaries




Information about Norway


Museumsnett - information on museums in Norway




National Archives of Norway - genealogy research


The Norwegian Historical Data Centre, University of Tromsø


Thor M. Andersen archive - database of Norwegians in America


Norwegian-American Collection of the National Library



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