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Friends, colleagues celebrate Johnson's 25 years at St. Olaf

By David Gonnerman '90
June 25, 2003

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Johnson visits with dinner guest Deanna Zibell Weber during his surprise party.Photo by David Gonnerman ?90.

One hundred friends and colleagues of Manager of St. Olaf College Music Organizations Bob ?B.J.? Johnson gathered for a surprise party May 24, in honor of his 25 years of service to St. Olaf.

One of Johnson?s most lasting contributions to his profession during the past quarter century is the creation of the College Music Tour Managers Association in 1990. ?Everyone looks to St. Olaf to see how to manage music organizations,? said St. Olaf Records Sales and Marketing Manager Mark Johnson. ?B.J. is the most respected person in college music management in this country.?

Johnson has also been instrumental in turning the St. Olaf Records music label into a thriving business. This year saw the sale of the 100,000th copy of the CD Great Hymns of Faith. For Memorial Day Johnson oversaw the donation of more than 2,000 copies of this same recording to the U.S. military chaplaincy for worship services among the troops.

The dinner, in the King?s Dining Room at St. Olaf, allowed time for Johnson to visit with guests and listen to past and present colleagues reminisce.

?I was very surprised by the whole thing, and that?s an understatement. It was a grand day,? he said.

Contact David Gonnerman at 507-786-3315 or