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St. Olaf Magazine wins three statewide honors, including one for overall excellence

By David Gonnerman
November 12, 2004

St. Olaf Magazine won three honors at the eighth annual Minnesota Publishing Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Minnesota Magazine & Publications Association (MMPA). The event was held Nov. 11 in Minneapolis.

The magazine, published by St. Olaf College, earned a bronze award for overall excellence in the "General Interest, Under 50,000 Circulation" category. It also earned two writing awards:

* a gold award for best feature article for "A Chosen Place," by Time Magazine stringer and freelance writer Marc Hequet, about St. Olaf alumni who live in Israel and the Gaza Strip (January 2004);

* and a silver award for a May 2004 cover story by Amy Gage, St. Olaf Director of Marketing-Communications, about the college's Mathematics Practicum, a month-long collaboration between senior mathematics students and Minnesota corporations and nonprofit organizations.

St. Olaf Magazine Editor Carole Leigh Engblom and Art Director Don Bratland '87, who is a partner in Holmes Design in Northfield, were on hand to receive the awards. "We were thrilled to be honored alongside established publications such as Minnesota Monthly and the Utne Reader," Engblom said, "and we are proud to be part of telling the stories and accomplishments of St. Olaf College.

Magazines from the Carlson School of Management, the University of Minnesota and the University of St. Thomas also were honored by the MMPA. St. Olaf College publishes St. Olaf Magazine three times a year: January, May and September.

Contact David Gonnerman at 507-646-3315 or