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Jim Farrell to give lecture "Love Story: My Romance with America"

by Sandra Gilderhus
December 8, 2004

Jim Farrell, the director of American studies and professor and chair of the history department will give a "last lecture" titled "Love Story: My Romance with America" at 7:30 p.m. in Holland Hall, room 501. The lecture prompted by a question posed to him by one of his current American studies students "What DO you love about America?" Farrell, the student noted, often says he loves America, but the classes are often in a critical mode. This lecture is a partial answer.

The idea of the "last lecture series" is for professors to sum up all the knowledge and wisdom of their teaching careers and offer it all in an hour or so, an event usually observed during the annual Celebration Weekend. This lecture is free and open to the public.

Contact Sandra Gilderhus at 507-646-3032 or