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Sandberg presents wind turbine webinar

By David Gonnerman '90
March 6, 2008

Pete Sandberg, assistant vice president for facilities at St. Olaf, recently facilitated a two-part Academic Impressions webinar titled "Deploying a Wind Turbine for Your Campus." The event, sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, was presented in February in conjunction with speakers from Carleton College and the University of Minnesota-Morris.

The two 90-minute sessions highlighted the differences and similarities between the three campus projects, detailed operational issues and outlined the processes used to develop and implement the projects. The webinar was attended by more than 30 educational institutions, including the University of New Mexico, the University of Maryland, Temple University, the University of Iowa, Texas A&M, Dickinson College and the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Contact David Gonnerman at 507-786-3315 or