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Biofuel researcher John McBride '01 to lecture

By Anna Stevens '10
April 22, 2008

Finding sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels is an issue that touches everything from global climate change to global security to the global economy. Research scientist John McBride '01 will talk about one possible sustainable alternative -- biofuels -- during a lecture at St. Olaf College April 29.

The lecture, titled "Advanced Cellulosic Biofuels: Possibilities for Energy Production in a Sustainable World," will begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Science Center 280. While he's on campus, McBride will also speak to a science class.

McBride's lecture to the class will focus more on the technical aspects of biofuels. He will present the work he has done on his Ph.D. thesis, which focuses on genetically engineering yeast to make them more efficient catalysts for turning plant matter into ethanol.

In his public lecture, McBride will speak about the "big picture" issues surrounding the utilization of cellulosic biomass as an energy source. The lecture will focus on some of the common questions related to biomass use, as well as McBride's own thoughts on whether biomass can play a large role in a sustainable future.

"I remember being at St. Olaf and being challenged not only to develop technical skills, but also to think about how I related to the world and what I could do for the world. I think I found my solution, and I hope to relate that story back to the community I once was a part of," McBride says.

McBride is one of this year's David and Lissa Leege speakers.

Contact Kari VanDerVeen at 507-786-3970 or