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Zorn delivers Mellby Lecture

By Linnae Stole '10
April 9, 2010

Professor of Mathematics Paul Zorn presented the spring Mellby Lecture, “Analyze This,” April 6. Zorn's lecture explored the link between math and the liberal arts, in particular how mathematical analysis can be a useful tool for thinking about topics in the liberal arts. “There are ways, for instance, to bring mathematical thinking to painting and music while enhancing not spoiling the fun,” explains Zorn. “In a nutshell, mathematics is not just an aid to the liberal arts; it is a liberal art.”

Zorn, who joined the St. Olaf faculty in 1981, first became interested in math as a liberal art during his undergraduate days at Washington University in St. Louis, where he majored in math and English. He continually tries to help students become comfortable with writing and speaking in the mathematical idiom. “Doing so is essential both for learning mathematics and for communicating what's learned to others,” he explains.

Watch Zorn's lecture at St. Olaf Multimedia.

Contact David Gonnerman at 507-786-3315 or