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Marino lands two stories in Wall Street Journal

By David Gonnerman '90
February 28, 2011

Gordon Marino, professor of philosophy and curator of St. Olaf's Hong Kierkegaard Library, recently landed back-to-back bylines in the Wall Street Journal, including "Finding Calm in Mike Tyson's Pigeon Coop" and a review of Andrew Dubus III's memoir, Townie.

"Standing by the upscale pigeon coops nestled in a garage chock-a-block with new exercise equipment, I confessed that I could not glean the beauty in these beady-eyed critters," writes Marino in the Tyson story. "Recently described as the 'Bird Man of Boxing,' Mr. Tyson pointed to a pigeon in a single pen and asked, 'See anything special?' After a quick inspection, I half-joked, 'Great posture.'

"'Bingo!' he clapped. 'He's a champ.'"

Contact David Gonnerman at 507-786-3315 or