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McMillan's research on extroverts garners attention

By Amy Lohmann '14
October 4, 2011

Associate Professor of Psychology Donna McMillan's research on extroverts was recently featured in a article titled "Are Extroverts Ruining Psychologists' Surveys?"

McMillan presented her research on extroversion at the American Psychological Association's annual meeting in Washington, D.C. McMillan and Jamie Klein '10 examined whether extroverts' enthusiasm carries over into how they answer survey questions. The findings are important, the article notes, because "extroverts' penchant for hyperbole might be getting in the way of scientists' efforts to paint an objective view of the world."

"APA's conference is an interesting one because it spans a wide range of psychology," says McMillan. "It's especially exciting when I have a student co-author with me, as was the case this year with Jamie Klein."

Contact Kari VanDerVeen at 507-786-3970 or