rundcf3<-function(x1,x2,plt=F,zz=2,zzz=2,clim=1,title = "", BP=1,tran1=1.5,tran2=1.5,spa=1/2,bin=30,mlag=150,nrun=2000,corr=0,p=0.95) { ### Based in part on script written by Williams and Post and based on Kirchner ### Does a geospatial equiv. to correlation ##_________________________________________________________________________________ ## ## x1 and x2 are original data frames for input ## zz=2 and zzz=2 specify use of second column of data in the x1 and x2 dataframes as Y Data ## spa = 1/2 specifies span for Loess smoother if data are transformed ## bin = 0 tells program to used maximum median differences as choice of bin size ## BP=0 is flag (used in DCF script) indicating time as years AD vs. BP=1 for years as before present ## tran=1 standard tran and detrend, tran=0 no tran or detrend,tran=2 is no tran but gls for detrend,tran=-1 is detrend by differencing ## mlag is the maximum lag desired and mlag/bin determines (+and-) the number of bins that lag calculated for ## nrun = 1 if no bootstapped CI desired. Else 1000 is recommended number of bootstraps. Program bootstraps the y values and notthe original sample intervals ## corr=0 is default for Pearson Correlation. corr=1 for Spearman ## p=0.95 is the default significance level for the bootstrapped CI ## ##_________________________________________________________________________________ ## ## Choice of transforms (with loess smooth) is based on smallest RSS after fitting the smooth to z(lambda) (see Venables & Ripley, p. 170) ##_________________________________________________________________________________ # # tya and tyb will start as in original matrix and then be replaced with residuals (if transformed) # tyta and tytb and these will be reshuffled if bootstrapping is chosen # xname1 and xname2 collect names of variables in x1 and x2 for use in plots # Program assumes that time1,val1,time2,val2 in order # ##_________________________________________________________________________________ tempx1_as.matrix(x1) tempx2_as.matrix(x2) xname1_name.cols(x1) xname2_name.cols(x2) # txa and txb are the time vectors # tya and tyb are the data vectors txa_as.vector(tempx1[,2][![,zz])]) txb_as.vector(tempx2[,2][![,zzz])]) tya_as.vector(tempx1[,zz][![,zz])]) tyb_as.vector(tempx2[,zzz][![,zzz])]) # DCF and Program originally written assuming years BP (1950 is 0 BP and 1870 is 80BP) # so if dates are AD need to adjust to get lags correct in DCF #Does two loops to smooth/detrend the tya and tyb data runs_2 a_0 for (k in 1:runs) { if(k==1){tran_tran1} if(k==2) {tran_tran2} a_a+1 if (a==1) { y <- tya year<-txa } if (a==2) { y <-tyb year<-txb } if (tran ==1) { # Geometric mean yold <- y const <- min(y) if(min(y)<=0) {y <- y-const+1} ydot <- exp(mean(log(y))) ## No transform z <- y - 1 fit <- loess(z ~ year, span = spa) detrend.y <- fit$resid detrend.rss <- sum(fit$resid^2) ## Square root transform lambda <- 0.5 z <- (y^lambda - 1)/(lambda * ydot^(lambda - 1)) fit.sqrt <- loess(z ~ year, span = spa) detrend.sqrt.rss <- sum(fit.sqrt$resid^2) fit.sqrt <- loess(z * ydot^(lambda - 1) ~ year, span = spa) detrend.sqrt.y <- fit.sqrt$resid ## Fourth root transform lambda <- 0.25 z <- (y^lambda - 1)/(lambda * ydot^(lambda - 1)) fit.4thrt <- loess(z ~ year, span = spa) detrend.4thrt.rss <- sum(fit.4thrt$resid^2) fit.4thrt <- loess(z * ydot^(lambda - 1) ~ year, span = spa) detrend.4thrt.y <- fit.4thrt$resid ## Log transform z <- log(y) * ydot fit.log <- loess(z ~ year, span = spa) detrend.log.rss <- sum(fit.log$resid^2) fit.log <- loess(z/ydot ~ year, span = spa) detrend.log.y <- fit.log$resid <- min(detrend.rss, detrend.sqrt.rss, detrend.4thrt.rss, detrend.log.rss) if( == detrend.rss) { zt <- detrend.y transform <- "None" fit <- fit trend <- fit$fitted.values + 1 } else if( == detrend.sqrt.rss) { zt <- detrend.sqrt.y transform <- "Square root" fit <- fit.sqrt trend <- (fit$fitted.values/2 + 1)^2 } else if( == detrend.4thrt.rss) { zt <- detrend.4thrt.y transform <- "Fourth root" fit <- fit.4thrt trend <- ((fit$fitted.values)/4 + 1)^4 } else if( == detrend.log.rss) { zt <- detrend.log.y transform <- "Natural log" fit <- fit.log trend <- exp(fit$fitted.values) } ## Bracket below closes tran loop to skip transforms } ## No transformation or detrending if(tran==0) { zt<-y transform<-"No Transformations or Detrending" trend_0 } ## Detrend by differencing. Note that I divide difference by time step (this may be bogus). if(tran==-1) { nyear_(length(year)-1) zx_diff(year) zt_diff(y) # zt_zt/zx zt_zt[1:nyear] year_year[1:(nyear)] year_year[1:(nyear)]+(zx[1:(nyear)]/2) transform_"Detrend by Differencing" trend_zt } ## Detrend by linear fit and no transformations if(tran==2) { yy_as.vector(y) yeary_as.vector(year) fit_gls(yy~yeary,na.action=na.omit) zt_residuals(fit) transform<-"Linear Regression" trend<-(fitted.values(fit)) } ## Detrend by locfit.raw and no transformations if(tran==1.5) { fit_locfit.raw(year,y,alpha=.2,deg=c(0,3)) zt_residuals(fit) transform<-"Locfit" trend<-(fitted.values(fit)) } if (a==1) {tyta_zt} if (a==1) {transform1_transform} if (a==1) { if(tran1==-1){txaa_year} trend1_trend # if (min(yold)<=0) {trend1_trend1+const-1} } if (a==2) {tytb_zt} if (a==2) {transform2_transform} if (a==2) { if(tran2==-1){txbb_year} trend2_trend # if (min(yold)<=0) {trend2_trend2+const-1} } } ### Plot the data if(plt==T) { graphsheet(pages="every graph") par(mfrow = c(4, 2)) if(BP==0) lab = "Years AD" if(BP==1) lab = "Years BP" plot(txa, tya, xlab = lab, ylab = xname1[zz]) title(xname1[zz]) if(tran1>0) {lines(txa, trend1)} if(tran1==-1){txa<-txaa} plot(txa, tyta, type = "l", xlab = lab, ylab = "transformed density") plot(txb, tyb, xlab = lab, ylab = xname2[zzz]) title(xname2[zzz]) if(tran2>0) {lines(txb, trend2)} if(tran2==-1){txb<-txbb} plot(txb, tytb, type = "l", xlab = lab, ylab = "transformed density") } ### Replaces original time points with points intermediate to observations that were differenced if(tran1==-1){txa<-txaa} if(tran2==-1){txb<-txbb} ### Call the DCF Program to do actual analysis on transformed data,txa,tyta,txb,tytb,bin,mlag,nrun,p,corr)) binsize_dcf1[2,1]-dcf1[1,1] dcf_sort.col(dcf1,c("bin","rbin","lower","upper","numinbin"),"bin") if(plt) { plot(dcf$bin,dcf$rbin,type="l",ylim=c((min(min(dcf$lower),min(dcf$rbin))),(max(max(dcf$upper),max(dcf$rbin)))),lty=1,xlab="lag(years)",ylab="corr") title("Lag plot") lines(dcf$bin,dcf$lower,lty=2) lines(dcf$bin,dcf$upper,lty=2) plot(0:1, 0:1, axes = F, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "") text(0.5, 0.8, paste("Title: ", title)) text(0.5, 0.6, paste("Transform1: ", transform1,", Transform2: ", transform2)) text(0.5, 0.4, paste("Bin Size: ", binsize,", Bootstrap Replicates: ",nrun,", P Value: ",p)) } ### Calculate the DCF using the detrended series list(dcf = dcf) }