
Team project report

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

Please answer the following questions about your project team. Submit just one of these forms per team.

Note: Each team member should also fill out an individual report. One-person projects should fill out both forms.

  1. Team:

  2. Have the goals of your project changed since your initial proposal? If so, how?

  3. Does your project relate to one or more academic disciplines? If so, indicate which discipline(s) and how it relates.

  4. Describe how your project made appropriate use of course concepts and programming techniques.

  5. Describe ways that your project went beyond course concepts and techniques, if any, such as software packages, new Python features, etc.

  6. List or describe any (optional) documentation for your program. Include internal documentation, any external documents, etc.

  7. Other comments (optional)