
Parallel and Distributed Computing

CS 300A (PDC), Fall 2018

Note: The following materials are available on the St. Olaf campus only, and are not to be distributed elsewhere without instructor's written permission.

Piazza site     Moodle site (HW, lab grades)

Presentation feedback form

Team project report form -- one per team, submit by Monday
(Individual projects too)

Individual project report form -- every individual, submit by Monday

Project idea form - submit at least 2 ideas by Friday 1/23 at 9am

Project daily log form, due within 24 hours of the work

Request a stogit repository for a project

Class notes
Notes for current class day

Submit an assignment or tech question



Course syllabus (Room 203)

Grading, etc.

Instructor office hours:

Make an appointment
(Typically 10-15 hours available per week)

Project idea form, submit by 11/28 or earlier
Ideas so far