April 15, 2022

Good Friday (Year C)

In spite of Good Friday’s reputation as a day not for singing, some of the most wonderful music of the ages has been written for it. A special Sing For Joy program has been prepared to offer the kind of music that honors the day meaningfully. Make it part of your Holy Week observance.


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Scriptures for this Program

  • (1R) Isaiah 52:13-53:12
  • (PS) Psalm 22
  • (2R) Hebrews 10:16-25
    or Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
  • (G) John 18:1-19:42

Were you There? (WERE YOU THERE)African American Spiritual / Robert Scholz, arranger (G)
VocalEssence Ensemble Singers: Minneapolis, MN / Brian Link, tenor / Philip Brunelle
(CD) What a Mighty God: Spirituals and Gospels for Chorus / CLARION / CLR904CD
© 2004 Clarion, Loft Recordings, LLC, P.O. Box 414, Orcas, WA, 98280, USA

Lamb of God (O LAMM GOTTES, UNSCHULDIG)Nikolaus Decius / Nikolaus Decius, lyricist / F. Melius Christiansen, arranger / Joel W. Lundeen, translator (G)
The St. Olaf Choir: Northfield, MN / Anton Armstrong
(CD) Great Hymns of Faith: Volume II / ST. OLAF RECORDS / E-2651
© 2004 St. Olaf Records, St. Olaf College 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA

O CruxKnut Nystedt / Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, lyricist (G)
Oslo Chamber Choir: Oslo, Norway / HÃ¥kon Daniel Nystedt
(CD) Sing For Joy Archives / ST. OLAF COLLEGE / Not For Resale
© St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA

Jesus So LowlyHarold Friedell / Edith Williams, lyricist (G)
The Choir of Palmer Memorial Church: Houston, TX / Brady Knapp
(CD) O Love Divine: Music for Lent and Easter / PALMER MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH /
© 2004 Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, 6221 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77030, USA

Solus ad victimamKenneth Leighton / Peter Abelard, lyricist / Helen Waddell, translator (G)
St. Olaf Cantorei: Northfield, MN / John Ferguson
(CD) Hidden In Humbleness / GIA PUBLICATIONS / GIA CD-594
© 2003 GIA Publications, 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60638, USA