Summer Symposium in Real Analysis XXXIX
"The Cows and Colleges Symposium"

Alexander Olevskii
Professor of Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University.

Born: February 12, 1939, Moscow.

Ph.D. Moscow State University, 1963 .
Doctor of Sciences, Moscow State University, 1966.

Selected Addresses :
Invited Speaker ,ICM Berkeley ,1986;
Invited Speaker , International Conference "Kolmogorov and
                            Contemporary Mathematics," Moscow, 2003;
Plenary speaker, Real Analysis Symposia : Santa Barbara, 1998; Oxford, 2007;
Invited Speaker, European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, 2012;
Abel Symposium Lecture, Oslo, 2012;
Plenary Speaker, Function Spaces and Harmonic Analysis, Lumini, 2014.

Selected Visiting Positions:
IHES , Bur-Sur-Ivette ,1995.
Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton , 1996;
University NSW, Sydney, 1997
Max-Planck-Institut fur Matematik, 1998.
University Paris-Sud, 2000.
University of Naples, 2008.
University of Minnesota, 2010.
Kent State University, 2014.

Additional Information:
Moscow Mathematical Society Prize ,1966;
Barecha Fellowship of Israel Science Foundation, 1991;
Fellow of AMS , 2012.

Selected Publications

  1. Fourier Series with Respect to General Orthogonal Systems. Ergebnisse der Mathematik and Ihrer Grenzgebiete , Band 86, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1975.
  2. Homomorphisms of the circle and Fourier Series , Proceedings of ICM-86, Berkeley, vol.2 (1987) , 976-989.
  3. with G.Kozma, Analytic representation of functions and a new quasi-analyticity threshold, Ann. of Math. 164 (2006), 1033-1064.
  4. with A.Ulanovskii , Universal sampling and interpolation of band-limited signals, Geom.Funct. Analysis, 18 (2008), 1029-1052.
  5. with N.Lev , Wiener's "closer of translates" problem and Pyatetskii- Shapiro uniqueness phenomenon. Ann. of Math.174 (2011), 519-541.
  6. Sampling, Interpolation, Translates, Proc.of 6th ECM Krakow (2014), 489-502.