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International Studies Core/GE Look-Up Tool
You may search for courses using any or all of the fields below.
Africa and the African Diaspora
American Conversations
Ancient Studies
Art and Art History
Asian Conversations
Asian Studies
Asian Studies/Enviroinmental Studies
Asian Studies/Political Science
Asian Studies/Religion
Biology/Environmental Studies
Biomolecular Science
Business & Management Studies
Chinese (Department of Asian Studies)
Computer Science
Enduring Questions
Engineering Studies
Environmental Studies/Political Science
Environmental Conversation
Environmental Studies
Family Studies
Film and Media Studies
First-Year Seminar
Gender and Sexuaiity Studies
German Studies
Individual Major
International Relations
Japanese (Dept of Asian Studies)
Latin American Studies
Linguistic Studies
Management Studies
Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Mathematical Biology
Medieval Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
Music Ensembles
Music Performance Studies
Musical Theater
Nordic Studies
Political Science
Public Affairs Conversation
Public Health Studies
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
Race and Ethnic Studies
Race Matters
Race, Ethnic, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
Romance Languages
Russian Language and Area Studies
Russian Language and Area Studies
Social Studies Education
Social Work
Social Work and Family Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Statistics and Data Science
Statistics and Data Science
Women's and Gender Studies
Program Name:
IFSA- Universidad Nacional
American University in Cairo
Andean Field Studies
Assoc. Colleges of Midwest - Online
Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland
ACM Arts, Entrepren, Social Justice
ACM China: Persp on Contemp China
ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement
ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum
ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture
ACM-Ecology and Human Origins
ACM-India Studies Program
ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context
ACM-Newberry Library Program
ACM-Urban Studies Program
ACM-Waseda University
ACM: Soc Entrepren/Develop, India
Barcelona SAE
Bogazici University
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
College Year in Athens
Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater
Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer
Ctr For Global Education - Namibia
Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work
Curtin University
CIEE Language and Culture
CIEE-Ghana Program
CIEE-South Africa
CIEE-St. Petersburg
CIEE-University of Seville
CMRS Oxford Humanities Program
DIS Copenhagen
DIS Stockholm
East China Normal University
Environmental Studies
Global Cities Internship Program
Gustavus Adolphus College
Harris Manchester College, Oxford
HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland
HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am
HECUA--Divided States
HECUA--Interim in Ecuador
HECUA--Metro Urban Studies Term
HECUA: Bangladesh - Interim
HECUA: Inequality in America
HECUA: Sustainability in Italy
HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo
Institute Int'l Educ of Students
Irkutsk Natl Research Tech Univ
IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion
IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures
IES - Milan
IES - Paris
IES London
London School of Economics
Middlebury in Mainz, Germany
Middlebury in Yaounde, Cameroon
Nagoya University
National University Ireland, Galway
New York University London
New Zealand - Univ of Otago
Oregon Extension Program
Oslo International Summer School
Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ
Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens
RMIT - Vietnam
Salzburg College
St. Olaf College (Interim Programs)
Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India
SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights
SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and
Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ of Kiev
Term in China
Term in Taiwan
Term in Taiwan: Fujen Catholic Univ
Term in Taiwan: National Chengchi U
Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni
Term in Taiwan: Tunghai University
The American University of Paris
The Global Semester
Univ of Dublin/Trinity College
University of Aberdeen
University of Dundee
University of East Anglia
University of Flensburg
University of Konstanz
University of Lancaster
University of Novgorod
University of Oslo
University of Southeastern Norway
University of Technology, Sydney
University College Dublin
Washington Semester - American Univ
Webster University in Vienna
Women's/Gender Studies in Europe
Yonsei University
Course Title (by Num):
[IFSA- Universidad Nacional] BIO 412: Human Anatomy and Physiology
[IFSA- Universidad Nacional] SOAN 301: Diversity, Minorities and Gender in
[IFSA- Universidad Nacional] SPAN 400: Advanced Spanish
[American University in Cairo] ART 2206: Art and Arch of the City of Cairo
[American University in Cairo] ECON 2051: Economic Hist of the Modern Middle
[American University in Cairo] ENGL 3014: Literature & Philosophy
[American University in Cairo] ENGL 3070: Creative Writing
[American University in Cairo] HIST 4030: Ind Study in Egyptology
[American University in Cairo] HIST 4215: The Marriage Crisis and the MEST
[American University in Cairo] ID 2004: Chemistry, Art and Archaeology
[American University in Cairo] PHIL 230: Introduction to Ethics
[American University in Cairo] PHIL 5140: Bioethics in Research
[American University in Cairo] PSYCH 3420: Psychopathology
[American University in Cairo] REL 210: Religions of the World
[American University in Cairo] REL 2603: Religions of the World
[American University in Cairo] REL 335: Introduction to the Study of Islam
[Andean Field Studies] HIST 237: The Wingless Hummingbird: Ecuador
[Assoc. Colleges of Midwest - Online] MATH: Calculus: A Modeling Approach
[Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland] ID 387: Internship Integration Seminar
[Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland] PSCI 316: Building a Sustainable Democracy
[Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland] PSCI 317: Understanding Politics of Northern
[ACM Arts, Entrepren, Social Justice] ID: Human Rights/Social Justice/Race
[ACM Arts, Entrepren, Social Justice] ID: Human Rights and Social Justice
[ACM China: Persp on Contemp China] ECON: China's Macroeconomic Impact
[ACM China: Persp on Contemp China] HIST: Modern Chinese History
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] FILM: Cinema of Cent Am/Caribbean 21st C
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] ID: Introduction to Costa Rica
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] IGS: Introduction to Costa Rica
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] IGS: Span in Context: Intro Costa Rica
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] BIO: Research Sem/Paper: Biology
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] BIO: Field Research: Biology
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] ENVST: Field Research: Enviro Studies
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] ENVST: Research Design: Enviro Studies
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] ENVST: Research Sem/Paper: Enviro Studies
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] ID: Field Research: Interdisciplinary
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] ID: Research Seminar & Paper: Interdisc
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ART: Sight-Size Tradition: Drawing
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ART: Patrons/Artists in Renaiss Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ART: Drawing and Portraiture
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ART: Art/Disaster/Restorat Mod Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ART: Art/Disaster/Restorat Mod Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ART: Florentine Renaiss Art
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] FA: Music in Florentine Art 1350-1700
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] FILM: Italian Cinema
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] HUM: Renaiss Men/Women/Dialog
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] HUM: Dante and Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ID: Time,Space,Cult Memory in Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] ID: Time,Space,Cult Memory in Florence
[ACM-Ecology and Human Origins] ID: Human Evolution
[ACM-Ecology and Human Origins] IGS: Res Methods/IS Project
[ACM-Ecology and Human Origins] IGS: Research Methods/Field Practicum
[ACM-India Studies Program] IGS: Contemporary India
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Art/Culture in Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Saints/Medie/Renais Flor
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Drawing and Portraiture
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: London as Visual Text
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Sight-Size Trad: Draw & Portrait
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Patrons and Artists
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Arts of Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: London as Visual Text
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Renaissance Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Strange Art of 16C Italy
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: Art/Culture in Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ART: London Performances
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ENGL: Lit/Theatrical London
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ENGL: Rhetorical Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ENGL: Writing in London
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] FA: Mus/Vis Arts Flor 14-18 C
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] FILM: Italian Cinema
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HIST: The Medici as Patrons & Artists
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HIST: Medici as Patrons of the Arts
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HIST: The Medici as Patrons & Artists
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HIST: Medici/Patrons of Arts
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HIST: Italian City-States
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HUM: Renaiss Men/Women/Dialog
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] HUM: Florentia and Firenze
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ID: Writer/Traveler/Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] ID: Collecting the World in London
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] IGS: Celebrating the City
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] LIT: Sheets for the Table
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] MUSIC: Italian Opera
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] PSCI: Politics/Art in Ren Flor
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] THEAT: Theater/London-Page/Stage
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] THEAT: Theatre and Theatricality
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] THEAT: Page, Stage, and Place: Diver/Exper
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] THEAT: London: Art of Adaptation
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] THEAT: Contemp English Theatre
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] THEAT: London: Theat/Lit Reps
[ACM-Newberry Library Program] ID: Novel Action: Lit/Soc Move/Pub Good
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] BIO: Research Sem/Paper: Biology
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] BIO: Field Research: Biology
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] BIO: Field Present and Paper
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ECON: Field Present and Paper
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ECON: Field Research: Economics
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ENVST: Field Research: Enviro Studies
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ENVST: Research Sem/Paper: Enviro Studies
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ENVST: Field Research: Enviro Studies
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ID: Field Research: Interdisciplinary
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ID: Field Research: Interdisciplinary
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] ID: Research Seminar & Paper: Interdisc
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] SPAN: Spanish for Researchers
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] SSF: Field Research: Social Science
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] SSF: Field Research: Social Science
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] SSF: Research Sem/Paper: Social Science
[ACM-Urban Studies Program] IGS: Core: Chicago
[ACM-Waseda University] PSCI 0300: Ancient Political Thought
[ACM-Waseda University] WRIT 0300: Creative Writing II
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] FA: Chicago Arts & Creative Process
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] ID: Chicago Arts/Creativ Proc
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] ID: Chicago Neighborhoods
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] IGS: Core Course
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] MGMT: Entrepreneurship & Innovation
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] SSF: Human Rights/Soc Justice/Race
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] SSF: Human Rights/Soc Change
[ACM: AMIDEAST] ART 350: Traditional Islamic Arts
[ACM: AMIDEAST] PSCI 315: Contemp Iss: Jordan/Arab
[ACM: AMIDEAST] PSCI 330: Int'l Politics Mid East/No Africa
[ACM: AMIDEAST] REL 370: Traditional Islamic Thought
[ACM: AMIDEAST] WMGST 330: Women/Society/Arab World
[ACM: Soc Entrepren/Develop, India] HIST: Contemporary India
[Barcelona SAE] ART 377: Photo in The Contemp World
[Barcelona SAE] BUS 482: Start-Ups/Emerging Eco
[Barcelona SAE] ENGL 212: Creative Writing: Storytelling Thro
[Barcelona SAE] ENVST 299: Marine and Aquatic Ecosystems in Me
[Barcelona SAE] FMS 276: Spanish Society Through Film and TV
[Barcelona SAE] ID 390: Global Internship Experience
[Barcelona SAE] RACE: Black Barcelona: The Exp of Race
[Barcelona SAE] RACE 376: Diversity in Hispanic Media & Pop C
[Barcelona SAE] REL: Three Faiths--One Land: The Coexist
[Bogazici University] HIST 233: History of the Balkans I
[Bogazici University] LIT 391: Sp Top: Contemp Turkish Fiction
[Bogazici University] PSCI 308: Politics in Developing Countries
[Budapest Semesters in Mathematics] ID 220: Hungarian Art and Culture
[College Year in Athens] ART 323: Photography and Archaeology
[College Year in Athens] ART 331: Aegean & Anc Greek Art & Arch
[College Year in Athens] ART 331: Aegean & Anc Greek Art & Arch
[College Year in Athens] ART 362: Ancient Greek Sculpture
[College Year in Athens] ART 364: Byzantine Art and Architecture
[College Year in Athens] ART 366: Ancient Greek Architecture: Archaic
[College Year in Athens] ART 371: Urban Architecture: Contemp Stories
[College Year in Athens] ART 386: The Art and Craft of Curating: Maki
[College Year in Athens] ART 416: Archaeologiccal Drawing
[College Year in Athens] ENVST 350: Natural Environment of Greece
[College Year in Athens] HIST 347: Medieval Greece
[College Year in Athens] HIST 349: Alternative Histories: Jewish Greek
[College Year in Athens] HIST 352: Americans & the Greek Revolution
[College Year in Athens] HIST 356: Ancient Macedon to Death of Alexand
[College Year in Athens] HIST 359: Biography of an Empire: the Surpris
[College Year in Athens] HIST 367: Aegean Prehistory: The Rise & Fall
[College Year in Athens] HIST 368: To the Strongest: The Ancient Near
[College Year in Athens] HIST 369: Aegean Islands: 1912-Present
[College Year in Athens] ID 369: Global Cities and Areas of Strategi
[College Year in Athens] MGMT 345: Sustainable Futures: Cultural Herit
[College Year in Athens] PSCI 348: Immigrants, Citizenship and Nationa
[College Year in Athens] PSCI 362: Borders, Boundaries and Human Mobil
[College Year in Athens] REL 332: Ancient Greek Myth/Rel
[College Year in Athens] REL 350: Religions of the Middle East
[College Year in Athens] REL 365: The Orthodox Church
[College Year in Athens] SOAN 333: The Culture of Modern Greece
[College Year in Athens] SOAN 357: Solidarity/Mvmts/Justice: Svc Learn
[College Year in Athens] SOAN 360: Sociology of Dissent
[College Year in Athens] THEAT 320: Performing in Athens: Exploring
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] IGS 310: Movement/Voice
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] THEAT 202: Playwriting
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] THEAT 300: Acting
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] THEAT 354: Directing Theory and History
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] THEAT 452: Director's Projects
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] HIST 355: Cultural Conflict/Chng in Latin Am
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] HIST 355: In the Aftermath of War: Hist, Memo
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] HIST 355: In the Aftermath of War: Hist, Memo
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] PSCI 310: Citizen Participation/Global Econ
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] REL 336: Latin Amer Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] REL 336: Latin Ameri Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] REL 336: Latin American Liberation Theol
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] REL 366: Latin Amer Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] REL 366: Latin Amer Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] SPAN 316: Conv/Cultural Cont/CAmer
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] SPAN 316: Conversations in Cultural Context
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] SPAN 336: Guatemalan Civilization and Culture
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] SPAN 411: Adv Conversation/Comp
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] WMNST 355: Cult Conflict/Change Latin America
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] ENVST 399: Internship in Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] ESAC 002: Lifetime Activity: Yoga
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] ESAC 102: Recreational Wellness: Yoga
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] ESAC 118: Recreational Wellness: Yoga
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] GSS 399: Internship in Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] HIST 327: Racism & Resistance in So Africa/US
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] HIST 399: Internship: Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] IGS 312: Develop Proc-S.Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] PSCI 353: Political/Social Change in Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] PSCI 354: Pol of Development in So Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] PSCI 399: Internship: Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] REL 346: Religion & Soc Chg Southern Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] REL 346: Church/Social Change in So Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] REL 376: Religion and Social Change in S Afr
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] ART: Pre-Columb/Colonial/Contemp Mex Art
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] ART 231: Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Contem
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] DANCE: Latin Dance
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] DANCE 119: Recreational Wellness: Latin Dance
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] FMS 251: Mexican Cinema: Past and Present
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] FMS 451: Mexican Cinema: Past and Present
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SPAN: Mexican Civilizations and Cultures
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SWRK 261: Social Welfare: The U.S. Mexican Co
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SWRK 271: Comp Social Policy: Social Policy
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SWRK 294: Social Welfare: The U.S. Mexican Co
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SWRK 295: Comp Social Policy
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SWRK 316: Social Work Practice 2: With Fam
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] SWRK 317: Fieldwork in Social Work
[Curtin University] ART 2027: Photography Contexts and Practice
[Curtin University] ART 271: Design Photography
[Curtin University] ENGL 1000: Creative Writing
[Curtin University] ENGL 2001: Writing Poetry
[Curtin University] ENGL 2002: Writing Short Fiction
[Curtin University] ENGL 3002: Travel Writing
[Curtin University] HIST 2002: Australian Studies
[Curtin University] ID 1000: Intro to Indigenous Australians
[Curtin University] IGS 1000: Intro to Indigenous Australians
[Curtin University] IGS 1000: Intro to Indigenous Australians
[Curtin University] NURS 1000: Intro to Public Health
[Curtin University] REL 2004: Asian Religion and Philosophy
[CIEE Language and Culture] HIST 3002: Topics: West African Hist
[CIEE Language and Culture] IGS 3001: Contemp Senegalese Soc and Culture
[CIEE Language and Culture] IGS 3003: Contemp Senegalese Society/Culture
[CIEE-Ghana Program] DANCE 209: Traditional Dance I
[CIEE-Ghana Program] DANCE 226: Traditional Dance II
[CIEE-Ghana Program] ENGL 373: Lit of African Diaspora
[CIEE-Ghana Program] ENGL 434: Caribbean Literature
[CIEE-Ghana Program] HIST 3001: History of Ghana
[CIEE-Ghana Program] IGS 3003: Internship
[CIEE-Ghana Program] PSCI 3001: Politics in Ghana Since Independenc
[CIEE-Ghana Program] SOAN 3003: Atlantic Crossings
[CIEE-Morocco Program] IGS 3001: Contemporary Moroccan Soc & Culture
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: History of Art/Architect
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: Renaissance to 18 C Arch/Art
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: History of Modern Art
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: History of Contemporary Art
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: History of Cinema
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: Hist of Contemporary Art
[CIEE-Rennes] ART: Hist - Art & Architecture
[CIEE-Rennes] EDUC 3401: Teach Eng/Foreign Lang I
[CIEE-Rennes] EDUC 3401: Teach Engl/Foreign Lang I
[CIEE-Rennes] EDUC 3402: Teach English as Foreign Lang II
[CIEE-Rennes] FILM: Film Analysis: Reading Films
[CIEE-Rennes] FREN: French Lit 1: Represent Foreigner
[CIEE-Rennes] FREN: French Society I: Contemp-Cur Event
[CIEE-Rennes] FREN: French Language
[CIEE-Rennes] FREN: French Language
[CIEE-Rennes] HIST: Hist France:Anc Reg->1870
[CIEE-Rennes] HIST: 20th Century French History
[CIEE-Rennes] HIST: French History: 1870-1914
[CIEE-South Africa] DANCE 1800: African Dance 1
[CIEE-South Africa] DANCE 1800: African Dance 1
[CIEE-South Africa] FMS 2000: Writing and Editing in the Media
[CIEE-South Africa] HIST 3101: Rhodes to Mandela/Apartheid to AIDS
[CIEE-South Africa] ID 2000: Cultures of Empire, Resistance and
[CIEE-South Africa] ID 3826: Academic Internship/Global Wrkpl
[CIEE-South Africa] ID 4203: Public Culture in Africa
[CIEE-South Africa] PSCI 20025: Political Theory
[CIEE-South Africa] WMGST 2100: Gender/Sexuality/Politics: Debates
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] HIST 3001: Russia Hist: Perestroikas
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] HIST 3001: Russ Hist: Rise & Progr Trag & Rev
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] PSCI 3001: Comp Cultural Studies: US/Russia
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] RUSSN 3001: Analytical Rdgs: 19 C Russian Lit
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] RUSSN 3001: Analytical Rdgs/19 C Russ
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] RUSSN 3006: Russian Social & Political Life
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] RUSSN 3006: Russian Soc/Politiic Life
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] RUSSN 3006: Russian Social & Political Life
[CIEE-University of Seville] ART: Painting in Literary Seville
[CIEE-University of Seville] ART 3001: Urban Photography Workshop
[CIEE-University of Seville] ART 3001: History of Arts in Andalusia
[CIEE-University of Seville] ART 3001: History of Arts in Andalusia
[CIEE-University of Seville] ENVST 3002: Sustain/Effecien/Renew Ener Systems
[CIEE-University of Seville] FILM 3101: Contemp Spanish Film
[CIEE-University of Seville] HIST 3001: Three Cultures in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] HIST 3001: Three Cultures in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] HIST 3001: Three Cultures in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] HIST 3002: Image of U.S. in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] HIST 3101: Eur/Lat Am Relations
[CIEE-University of Seville] HIST 3502: Cultural History of Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] ID: Hist Projection of 3 Cultures
[CIEE-University of Seville] ID 3001: Discov Span Culture Through Design
[CIEE-University of Seville] ID 3001: Flamenco in Andalusia
[CIEE-University of Seville] ID 3007: Social Justice, Action & Media
[CIEE-University of Seville] ID 3802: Internship Seminar
[CIEE-University of Seville] LIT 3102: Novel and Cinema
[CIEE-University of Seville] LIT 3102: Novel & Cinema
[CIEE-University of Seville] LIT 3105: Latin Amer/Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] LIT 3105: Latin Amer/Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] LIT 3105: Latin Amer/Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] LIT 3105: Latin Amer & Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] MGMT 3008: Business Ethics and Corp Respons
[CIEE-University of Seville] MGMT 3101: International Marketing
[CIEE-University of Seville] MGMT 3103: Buiness Internship
[CIEE-University of Seville] MUSIC 4001: Spanish Music of the 20th Century
[CIEE-University of Seville] MUSIC 4002: History of Opera Seville
[CIEE-University of Seville] PSCI 3001: Politics/Society Contemp Arab World
[CIEE-University of Seville] PSCI 3102: US/European Relations
[CIEE-University of Seville] REL 3001: Tolerance and Fanaticism
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 0032: Urban Anthropology
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3001: Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3001: Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3001: Islamic Culture and Art
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3001: Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3001: Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3001: Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3002: Culture and Cuisine in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3003: Anthropology Sports/Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3007: Gender, Identities, and the Quest
[CIEE-University of Seville] SOAN 3501: Social History of Contemp Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN: Latin Am/Span Lit
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN 3101: Contemp Spanish Literature
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN 3301: Intercultural Communication/Leaders
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN 4001: Academic Writing/Critical Thinking
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN 4007: Spanish for the Health Professions
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN 4102: Advanced Composition & Stylistics
[CIEE-University of Seville] SPAN 4103: Span Bus & Econ
[CIEE-Valparaiso] ART 153: History of Universal Art
[CIEE-Valparaiso] BIO 103: Stem Cells, Transgenics, and Cancer
[CIEE-Valparaiso] DANCE 084: Traditional Chilean Dances
[CIEE-Valparaiso] ESAC 1023: Self Care and Healthy Life
[CIEE-Valparaiso] ESAC 309: Mountain Sports
[CIEE-Valparaiso] ESAC 394: Soccer
[CIEE-Valparaiso] HIST 3003: Chile: Contemp Hist/Cult Geogr
[CIEE-Valparaiso] HIST 349: Hispanic America
[CIEE-Valparaiso] HIST 5131: Modern Chilean History
[CIEE-Valparaiso] HIST 5541: Chilean Art and Society
[CIEE-Valparaiso] HIST 557: Urban/Regional History Valparaiso
[CIEE-Valparaiso] HIST 5951: Eur Imm to Valp 1850-1950
[CIEE-Valparaiso] LIT 3001: Cont Hisp/Am Short Storie
[CIEE-Valparaiso] PSYCH 201: Developmental Psychology
[CIEE-Valparaiso] SPAN 085: Chilean Traditional Mapuche Game
[CIEE-Valparaiso] SPAN 0853: Chilean Trad Mapuche Game
[CIEE-Valparaiso] SPAN 350: Advanced Spanish Writing
[CMRS - Oxford] ENGL: Shakespeare I
[CMRS - Oxford] ENGL 2335: Shakespeare II
[CMRS - Oxford] HIST: Renaissance to Enlighten
[CMRS - Oxford] HIST: Making of Europe
[CMRS - Oxford] HIST: Making Europe 1000-1400
[CMRS - Oxford] HIST 23300: Chivalry
[CMRS - Oxford] REL: Reformation Europe
[CMRS Oxford Humanities Program] GSS 2499: Independent Research Paper
[CMRS Oxford Humanities Program] HIST 2499: Independent Research Paper
[CMRS Oxford Humanities Program] PSCI 23110: Political Philosophy II
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: 20/21st C Danish Architecture
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Watercolor Painting
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Garden Art in European Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: European Art of the 20th Century
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Curating in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: 20th/21st Cent Danish Architecture
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Garden Art in European Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Scandinavian Interior Architecture
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Garden Art in European Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: European Art of the 19th Cent: From
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Ancient Art and Archaeology
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: Women, Art, and Identity
[DIS Copenhagen] ART: European Art of the 20th Century
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Biology of Marine Mammals
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Biol/Marine Animals + Lab
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Research Asst: Neurodegenerative
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Epidemiology: Danish Case Studies
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Biologic Conservation/Biodiversity
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Biologic Conservation/Biodiversity
[DIS Copenhagen] BIO: Human Health and Disease
[DIS Copenhagen] CSCI: Artificial Intelligence
[DIS Copenhagen] ECON: Behavioral Economics: Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] ECON: Health Economics/Policy in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] ENGL: Creative Nonfiction Workshop
[DIS Copenhagen] ENGL: Creative Travel Writing
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Understanding Climate Change
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Glaciers & Human Impact: Iceland
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Geographic Information Systems
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Sustainable Develop in Nor Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Ocean Ecosys/Changing Climate
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Integrated Climate Change Planning
[DIS Copenhagen] ENVST: Renewable Energy Systems
[DIS Copenhagen] FILM: History of European Film
[DIS Copenhagen] GSS: History of Sexuality in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: Enemy Within:Spies/Espion/Cold War
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: Rewriting Hist of WW2, 1945-50
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: Battlefield Europe: Military Hist
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: Impact Epidemic Disease Euro Hist
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: History of Copenhagen
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: 20th C European History
[DIS Copenhagen] HIST: European Food History
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Age of AI: Ethics & Public Policy
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Epigenetics and the Environment
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Health Delivery/Prioritization
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Royalty in the Land of Equality
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Disaster Management Leadership
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Equality in Scandinavia: Dev and Ch
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Meaning of Style
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Religion and Politics in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Healthcare Strat/At Risk Pop
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Kierkegaard's Authorship
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Religion and Politics in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Politics and Ethics of Food
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Conspiracy Theor/Hist Controversies
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: Meaning of Style
[DIS Copenhagen] ID: How Plants Changed World History
[DIS Copenhagen] IGS: Muslims in the West
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: Scandinavian Crime Fiction
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: Hans C. Andersen/Danish Golden Age
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: Nordic Noir
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: European Storytelling
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: Sense of Place in European Lit
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: European Storytelling: From Homer
[DIS Copenhagen] LIT: Nordic Noir
[DIS Copenhagen] MEDIA: Strategic Communication
[DIS Copenhagen] MEDIA: Guilty Pleasures of Pop Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] MGMT: Business Strategies Green Industry
[DIS Copenhagen] MGMT: Int'l Advertising/European Context
[DIS Copenhagen] MGMT: Sustainable Business Strategy
[DIS Copenhagen] MGMT: Bus Strategies Sustainable Economy
[DIS Copenhagen] NEURO: Neuroethics
[DIS Copenhagen] NEURO: Research Asst: Neurometabolism
[DIS Copenhagen] NEURO: Research Asst: Neuroimaging Brain
[DIS Copenhagen] NEURO: Cognitive Neuroscience of Conscious
[DIS Copenhagen] NEURO: Research Asst: Neuroimaging the Eff
[DIS Copenhagen] NORW: Nordic Mythology
[DIS Copenhagen] PHIL: Ethics of Dialogue: Phil Hum Relat
[DIS Copenhagen] PHIL: Environmental Philosophy
[DIS Copenhagen] PHIL: Medical Ethics
[DIS Copenhagen] PHIL: Medical Ethics
[DIS Copenhagen] PHIL: Ethical and Sci Legacy of Nazi Med
[DIS Copenhagen] PHIL: Ethical Brain: Philosophy/Neurosci
[DIS Copenhagen] PSCI: Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] PSYCH: Positive Psychology
[DIS Copenhagen] PSYCH: Pregnancy/Birth/Infancy
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Gender & Sexuality in Scandinavia
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Medical Anthropology
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Gender & Sexuality in Scandinavia
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Sociology of the Family
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Migrant/Minoritiy/Belonging Denmark
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Anthropology of Food
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Families Without Borders: Adopt/Des
[DIS Copenhagen] SOAN: Cultural History of Travel
[DIS Copenhagen] SSF: Strategies for Urban Livability
[DIS Copenhagen] WMGST: Prostitution & Sex Trade
[DIS Copenhagen] WRIT: Travel Writing
[DIS Stockholm] ART: Nordic Contemporary Art
[DIS Stockholm] BIO: Biomedical Engineering in Scandinav
[DIS Stockholm] ECON: Comparative Econ: Global Risk
[DIS Stockholm] ENGL: Storytelling Workshop: How Narrativ
[DIS Stockholm] ENGR: Energy Cloud: Engineering Localized
[DIS Stockholm] ENGR: Co-creation Lab
[DIS Stockholm] ENGR: Engineering Biomaterials
[DIS Stockholm] ENVST: Engineering Sustainable Env in Scan
[DIS Stockholm] HIST: Hist of Sweden in Europe and World
[DIS Stockholm] HIST: Scandinavia in the Middle Ages
[DIS Stockholm] HIST: The Vikings
[DIS Stockholm] HIST: World of the Vikings
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Medical Ethics
[DIS Stockholm] ID: European Security Dilemmas
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Research Assistant Opportunity
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Medical Ethics
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Research Assistant: Children, Cloth
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Human Trafficking & the Sex Trade
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Research Assistant: Biochem-Biophys
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Smart and Sustainable Cities
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Precision Medicine: Tailored Treatm
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Design Thinking
[DIS Stockholm] ID: Research Asst: Trafficking Persons
[DIS Stockholm] LIT: Scandinavian Crime Fiction
[DIS Stockholm] PSYCH: Positive Psychology
[DIS Stockholm] PSYCH: Psychology of Political Behavior
[DIS Stockholm] PSYCH: Developing Brain: From Infancy to A
[DIS Stockholm] STAT: Biostatistics
[DIS Stockholm] WMGST: Gender and Sexuality in Scandinavia
[East China Normal University] CHIN: Elem Integrated Course II
[Environmental Studies] BIO 226: Terrestrial Ecology
[Environmental Studies] BIO 226G: Terrestrial Ecology
[Environmental Studies] ID 251: OLE Exp in Practice/Semester Abroad
[Environmental Studies] PSCI 221: Environmental Policy
[Environmental Studies] SOAN 222: Cultural Anthropology
[Environmental Studies] SOAN 222: Cultural Anthropology
[Environmental Studies] SOAN 222G: Cultural Anthropology
[Global Cities Internship Program] ENGL 3317: Writing the Global City: Sydney
[Global Cities Internship Program] ENVST 3390: Environmental Debates: People, Plac
[Global Cities Internship Program] HIST 3014: Aboriginal Hist Colonization
[Global Cities Internship Program] HIST 3314: Australian History: Aboriginal Hist
[Global Cities Internship Program] ID 3013: The Global City: Sydney
[Global Cities Internship Program] LIT 3016: Australian, Asian, Pacific Lit
[Global Cities Internship Program] LIT 3312: Australian, Asian and Pacific Lit
[Global Cities Internship Program] LIT 3312: Australian, Asian and Pacific Lit
[Global Cities Internship Program] SOAN 3026: People, Place and Culture
[Global Cities Internship Program] SOAN 3345: Sydney: Analysing and Exploring
[Global Cities Internship Program] SOAN 3354: Indigenous Peoples and Modernity
[Gustavus Adolphus College] ID: UMAIE: England/France
[Gustavus Adolphus College] ID: UMAIE: Korea & Japan
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] ECON: Command/Transition Econom
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] ECON: Environmental Economics
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] ENGL: Shakespeare
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] ENGL: Victorian Literature
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] ENGL: Victorian Britain
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] HIST: American History
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] HIST: Women's History
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] LATIN: Latin (231 equivalent)
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] PHIL: Philosophy of Mind
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] PSCI: Intro to Political Theory
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] PSCI: Political Theory
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] PSCI: Introduction to Politics Part A
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] REL: Question of Miracle
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] REL: Early Church History
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] REL: Philosophy of Religion
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] ART: Berlin: Post-1945 Architecture
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] GERM: The Young Goethe in Context
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] GERM: German Historical Linguis
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] ID: GDR Stasi, Secrecy, & Cinematic Fic
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] NSM: Science & Medicine of Sexuality
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] IGS: Writing for Social Change
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] IGS: Creat Wrtg: Pol/Soc/Hist
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] IGS: Creative Writing Wrkshop
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] IGS: Reading for Social Change
[HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland] ID: Understanding N Ireland Conflict
[HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland] INTD: Building a Sustainable Democracy
[HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland] SSF: Understng Northern Ireland Conflict
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] ID: Ind Stdy: Renewable Ener in Ecuador
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] ID: Ind Stdy:Human Trafficking in Ecuad
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] ID: Ind Stdy:Machismo/Marianismo in IPV
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] ID: Ind Stdy: "Estamos Juntas"
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] ID: Ind Stdy: Intervention Dilemma
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] IGS: Independent Research Project
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] IGS: Independent Study
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] IGS: Commun Participation & Soc Change
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] REL: Ind Stdy: Theology of Liberation
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] SPAN: Ind Stdy: Phonologic Influ Quichua
[HECUA--Divided States] ID: Challenge European Integr
[HECUA--Divided States] IGS: Internsh/Integration Sem
[HECUA--Divided States] IGS: Independent Study
[HECUA--Interim in Ecuador] ID 250: Social/Political Transform/Ecuador
[HECUA--Interim in Ecuador] ID 250: Social/Political Transform/Ecuador
[HECUA--Interim in Ecuador] ID 263: Development/Comm Ecuador
[HECUA--Metro Urban Studies Term] IGS: Field Seminar
[HECUA--Metro Urban Studies Term] IGS: Reading Seminar
[HECUA: Bangladesh - Interim] IGS 263: Dev/Comm In Bangladesh
[HECUA: Inequality in America] SSF: Inequality in Amer: Poli Econ Appro
[HECUA: Inequality in America] SSF: Pol Socio of Building Pow/Chng/Eqty
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] ECON: Econ Sustain Food Prod Contemp Euro
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] ENVST: Agriculture/Sustainability Tuscany
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] ENVST: Agriculture/Sustainability Tuscany
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] ID: Italian Lang & Sustain Italy Intern
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] ID: Independent Study Project
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] IGS: Scand Art, Film, and Lit
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] IGS: Scand Art, Film, and Lit
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] NORW: Norwegian Language Lev 3
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] NORW: Norwegian Language
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] SOAN: Scand Art, Film, and Lit
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] SOAN: Scand Welfare States/Globalization
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] SSF: Scandinavian Welfare States
[Inner Mongolia Univ of Sci & Tech] CHEM: University Chemistry
[Institute Int'l Educ of Students] ART 325: History of Photography
[Interim in Vienna] GERM 234: German in Vienna
[Irkutsk Natl Research Tech Univ] LIT: Literature of Siberia
[Irkutsk Natl Research Tech Univ] RUSSN: History & Culture of Siberia
[Irkutsk State Technical University] RUSSN: Lit and Culture/Siberia
[Irkutsk State Technical University] RUSSN: Linguistic Culture Studie
[Irkutsk State Technical University] RUSSN: Practi/Tech Linguistics
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] ID 1108: Intl Law, Publ Ethics & Corruption
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] ID 364: The Making of Patagonia
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] ID 395: Community-Based Learning Seminar
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] ID 395: Internship & Community-Based Learn
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] SOAN 1010: Cultural History
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] SPAN 344: 20th Century Argentine Poetry
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] SPAN 360: Argentine Lit and the Formation of
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] SPAN 401: Spanish Language in Context
[IES - Argentina] HIST 330: Hist/Rio De La Plata
[IES - Buenos Aires] DANCE 1000: Technica de Tango
[IES - Buenos Aires] DANCE 3000: Technica de Tango
[IES - Buenos Aires] FILM 9993: Contemp Argentine Cinema
[IES - Buenos Aires] HIST 321: Modern Argentine History
[IES - Buenos Aires] HIST 330: History Rio de la Plata
[IES - Buenos Aires] HIST 331: Urban Hist/Buenos Aires
[IES - Buenos Aires] HIST 4000: History of America II
[IES - Buenos Aires] LIT 344: 20th C Argentine Poetry
[IES - Buenos Aires] SOAN 364: Making of Patagonia
[IES - Buenos Aires] SPAN 251: Intermed Spanish II: Read
[IES - Buenos Aires] SPAN 401: Adv Creative Writing Clin
[IES - Buenos Aires] SPAN 402: Adv Academ Writing Clinic
[IES - Buenos Aires] SPAN 441: Creative Writing Clinic
[IES - Buenos Aires] THEAT 301: Theater/Perform Workshop
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] ID 395: Community-Based Learning Seminar
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] LIT 344: 20th Century Argentine Poetry
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] LIT 360: Argentine Lit and the Formation of
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] PSYCH 360: Cross Cultural Psychology
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] SOAN 364: Making of Patagonia: An Interdiscip
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] SPAN 301: Spanish Language in Context 1
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] SPAN 401: Spanish Language in Context
[IES - Milan] ART: Strategies for Digital Engagement:
[IES - Milan] ART 300: Photography: a Critical Introd
[IES - Milan] ART 325: Ital Artists/1945-Present
[IES - Milan] ART 340: Cracking the Code: da Vinci/Ren Art
[IES - Milan] ECON 340: Political Economy of European Integ
[IES - Milan] ENGL 340: Tourists, Soldiers, Expats, Spies
[IES - Milan] ENVST 360: Designing the Sustainable City
[IES - Milan] FILM 330: Golden Age of Italian Cinema
[IES - Milan] FILM 340: Cinema of Milan: Post WW II - Today
[IES - Milan] FMS 215: Visual Storytelling from Youtube to
[IES - Milan] FMS 325: TV, Communication & Media in Milan
[IES - Milan] GSS 325: Gender in Italian Cinema: from Fasc
[IES - Milan] HIST 311: Great Age/Italian Cities
[IES - Milan] HIST 321: Polit/Culture/Nation Bldg
[IES - Milan] HIST 330: Fascism/Anti-Sem/Resist Italy
[IES - Milan] HUM 351: Italian Lang in Context: Ind Abroad
[IES - Milan] ID 300: Visual Merchandising
[IES - Milan] ID 330: Social Innovation:Social/Enviro Sus
[IES - Milan] ID 343: Business Ethics
[IES - Milan] ID 353: Storytelling: The Art of Effective
[IES - Milan] ID 395: Service Learning Social Action Sem
[IES - Milan] ID 395: Community-based Learning
[IES - Milan] LIT 311: Literature and the City
[IES - Milan] LIT 311: Literature and the City
[IES - Milan] LIT 328: Investigating the Mafia in Lit, Cin
[IES - Milan] LIT 730: A Mafia Story: Its Rep in Lit, Cin
[IES - Milan] MGMT 326: Marketing Management
[IES - Milan] MUSIC 300: Sculpting Sounds: Between Music Mak
[IES - Milan] MUSIC 350: History of Italian Opera
[IES - Milan] MUSIC 375: Music Performance Workshp
[IES - Milan] PSCI 355: Politics and Philosophy of Power
[IES - Milan] PSYCH 340: Italian and American App to Mental
[IES - Milan] PSYCH 360: Transcultural Psychology
[IES - Milan] SOAN 342: Ital Society/Milan ->1945
[IES - Paris] ART 315: Japan/Africa/Islam Influen Fren Art
[IES - Paris] ART 320: French Artistic Milieu in 19th/20th
[IES - Paris] ART 325: History of Photography
[IES - Paris] FILM 343: Paris Cinema-City
[IES - Paris] FREN 250: Introduction to French Literature
[IES - Paris] FREN 323: Creative Writing
[IES - Paris] FREN 340: Paris in 19th/20th Cent French Lit
[IES - Paris] FREN 401: French Language in Context
[IES - Paris] FREN 451: French Lang in Context: Competent I
[IES - Paris] HIST 260: History of France
[IES - Paris] HIST 353: Histories and Legends of Paris
[IES - Paris] HIST 353: History and Legends of Paris
[IES - Paris] HIST 430: Maghreb and the Arab World
[IES - Paris] HIST 484: France and Francophone Africa
[IES - Paris] HIST 484: France and Francophone Africa
[IES - Paris] HIST 484: France and Francophone Africa
[IES - Paris] ID 275: Paris Museums
[IES - Paris] ID 395: Internship Seminar
[IES - Paris] LIT 342: Rebellious France
[IES - Paris] PSCI 311: Democracy in France
[IES - Paris] PSCI 382: French Foreign & European Policy
[IES - Paris] PSCI 386: Terrorism & Security: Europe/Amer
[IES - Paris] SOAN 320: Immigration and Diversity in Paris
[IES - Paris] SOAN 368: Contemporary France
[IES - Vienna] ART 221: Austrian Art and Architecture
[IES - Vienna] HIST 370: Gustav Mahler
[IES - Vienna] ID 304: Vienna: Past and Present
[IES - Vienna] ID 350: Arts & Nations:Ntnl Idiom/E-Cent Eu
[IES - Vienna] PSCI 352: Europe Beyond the Nation State
[IES London] ART 341: The Architecture of London: 1600-
[IES London] ART 390: Western Art and the Convergence of
[IES London] ENGL 351: Shakespeare the Dramatist
[IES London] ENGL 6043: Creative Writing Prose Fiction
[IES London] GSS 366: From Aphra Behn to the Blitz: 300
[IES London] ID 310: Intl/Euro Health & Human Rights
[IES London] ID 395: Comparative Social Policy Practicum
[IES London] ID 395: Internship Seminar
[IES London] ID 6015: A Life-Course Appr to Sexual and Re
[IES London] SOAN 352: British Youth Culture 1950 to Prese
[IES London] SOAN 360: Designing the Sustainable City
[London School of Economics] BUS 104: Operations Management
[London School of Economics] ECON 220: Comparative Econ Devel
[London School of Economics] ECON 240: Bus and Econ Perf since 1945: Brit
[London School of Economics] ECON 311: History of Economics
[London School of Economics] GEOG 206: Urban Geog and Globalisation
[London School of Economics] GEOG 207: Economy, Society and Place
[London School of Economics] HIST 114: War/Society/Renaiss/Napol
[London School of Economics] PHIL 222: Philosophy and Public Policy
[London School of Economics] PSCI 200: Int'l Political Theory
[London School of Economics] PSCI 251: Gov, Politics and Public Policy EU
[London School of Economics] PSCI 264: Politics and Institutions in Europe
[London School of Economics] PSYCH 100: Foundations of Behavioural Science
[London School of Economics] SOAN 211: Sociology of Health and Medicine
[Mediterranean Semester] BIO 252: Water and the Middle East
[Mediterranean Semester] ID 250: Human Geog/E Mediterr & N Africa
[Mediterranean Semester] ID 255: Hist/Rel/Pol/Palest-Israel Conflict
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] GERM: Intensive Writing, Semester 1
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] HIST: Euro Resistance Against Hitler
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] PHIL 2JOGU: Moral Relativism
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] PHIL 2JOGU: Philosophy & Literature
[Middlebury in Yaounde, Cameroon] AFAD: Africa in Miniature: History, Cultu
[Middlebury in Yaounde, Cameroon] FREN: The French Worls: Novel and Cinema
[Nagoya University] ID: Education Internship Program
[National University Ireland, Galway] ENGL 2102: Renaissance Drama
[National University Ireland, Galway] ENGL 2151: Science & Speculative Fiction
[National University Ireland, Galway] ENGL 448: Stories Told and Re-Told
[National University Ireland, Galway] HIST 2102: The Modern United States, 1865-2008
[National University Ireland, Galway] HIST 2114: Making Ireland English: 1580-1665
[National University Ireland, Galway] HIST 2124: Life and Death in Victorian Britain
[National University Ireland, Galway] LIT 388: Studies in Modern Irish Literature
[National University Ireland, Galway] PHIL 2100: East Asian Philosophy and Culture
[National University Ireland, Galway] PHIL 240: Bioethics
[National University Ireland, Galway] REL 3100: Impact of Christianity on Ireland
[New York University London] ID 9101: Social Foundations I
[New York University London] ID 9102: Social Foundations II
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] BIO 202: Animal Ethics
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] BIO 301: Bioethics
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] CHIN 241: Chinese Civilization
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] DANCE 108: Waiata: Te Timatanga
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 120: Creative Writing:Captivate/Persuade
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 131: Controversial Classics
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 150: Popular Lit: Art of Crime
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 220: Creative Wrting:Reading for Writers
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 227: Essay and Feature Writing
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 228: Writing for Professions
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 243: Tartan Noir: Scottish Crime Fic
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENGL 327: Creative Non-Fiction
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENVST 111: Environment and Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ENVST 211: Environmental History New Zealand
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ESTH 204: History of Sport
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] FA 108: Waiata: Te Timatanga
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] FA 108: Waiata: Te Timatanga
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] FMS 102: Media, Power, Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] FMS 220: Writing for the Media
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] GEOG 101: Physical Geography
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] GEOG 214: Economic Geography
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 105: Anzac and Its Legacy
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 107: New Zealand in World from 18th Cent
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 107: NZ in the World,1350-2000
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 108: Medieval to Modern Europe
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 212: Democratic Promise: The USA to 1900
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 213: USA since 1900
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 215: Heretics/Witches/Inquisit
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 224: NZ and First World War
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 225: Totalitarian Regime: Europe 1922-45
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 308: New Zealand Society and Religion
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] HIST 310: Issues in United State History
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] ID 201: Bioethics and the Life Sciences
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] IGS 112: Dynamic Earth: NZ Perspective
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] NSM 111: Earth and Ocean Science
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] NSM 204: Energy Resources
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] PHIL 103: Ethical Issues
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] PHIL 331: Early Modern Philosophy A: Descarte
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] PHIL 333: Philosophy of Mind and Language
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] PHIL 335: Why Be Moral?
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] PSYCH 211: Brain and Cognition
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] PSYCH 211: Brain and Cognition
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] REL 110: Intro to the Scientific Study of Re
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] REL 131: God & Ethics in the Modern World
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] REL 238: Religion and Human Behavior
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] REL 314: Theology of Soren Kierkegaard
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] RUSSN 217: Russia: Reform/Revolution
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] SOAN 101: Sociology of New Zealand Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] SOAN 102: Maori Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] SOAN 205: Contemporary Pacific Cultures
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] SOAN 210: Translating Culture
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] THEAT 153: Voice and Movement
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] WMGST 201: Introduction to Feminist Theory
[Norway Interim] MUSIC 239: Music & Culture of Norway
[Oregon Extension Program] ART 396: Top: Art and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] ART 396: Top: Art and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] BIO 397: Forest Mgmt for a Sustainable World
[Oregon Extension Program] ENGL 396: Lit Perspectives/Society
[Oregon Extension Program] ENGL 397: Lit Persp/Human Experienc
[Oregon Extension Program] ENGL 397: Nature Writing for Sustain World
[Oregon Extension Program] ENGL 397: Nature Writing for a Sustainable Wo
[Oregon Extension Program] ENGL 399: Composition and Rhetoric
[Oregon Extension Program] ENVST 395: Environ Studies of Natural World
[Oregon Extension Program] ENVST 396: Top in Rel of Science and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] ENVST 396: Top in Rel of Science and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] ENVST 397: Toolcraft for a Sustainable World
[Oregon Extension Program] ESAC 399: Wilderness Recreation
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 395: Sel Iss: Cont World Hist
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 395: Hist Persp on the Natural World
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 396: Social Thought in Historical Persp
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 396: Hist Perspectives on Social Thought
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 398: Hist Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 398: Hist Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 398: Hist Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] HIST 398A: Historic Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] LIT 398: Literary Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] PHIL 397: Phil Persp:Hum Experience
[Oregon Extension Program] PHIL 398: Phil Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 396: Selected Social Issues in Biblical
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 396: Top: Religion and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 397: Biblical Persp/Human Exp
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 398: Religious Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 398: Relig Perspectives on Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 398: Top: Study of Religion
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 398: Biblical Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] REL 398: Biblical Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] SOAN 395: Social Thought on the Natural World
[Oregon Extension Program] SOAN 396: Top: Study of Society
[Oslo International Summer School] ART 1142: Norwegian Architecture & Design
[Oslo International Summer School] ART 1142: Norwegian Architecture & Design
[Oslo International Summer School] ART 1143: Art in Norw: Viking Age to Present
[Oslo International Summer School] ART 1143: Art in Norway: Viking Age to Pres
[Oslo International Summer School] FILM 2415: Scandinavian Film Genres
[Oslo International Summer School] FMS 2415: Trends in Scandinavian Film and TV
[Oslo International Summer School] HIST 1530: Norwegian History
[Oslo International Summer School] HIST 1530: Norwegian History I
[Oslo International Summer School] ID 1810: Peace Scholars Seminar
[Oslo International Summer School] IGS 0500: Norwegian Life and Society
[Oslo International Summer School] IGS 1810: Peace Scholars Seminar
[Oslo International Summer School] LIT 1320: Norwegian Literature
[Oslo International Summer School] LIT 1320: Norwegian Literature
[Oslo International Summer School] LIT 1320G: From Ibsen to Fosse: Intro Norw Lit
[Oslo International Summer School] NORW 0120: Intensive Intermediate Norwegian II
[Oslo International Summer School] NORW 0130: Intensive Intermed Norwegian III
[Oslo International Summer School] PSCI 1850: Scandinavian Government & Politics
[Oslo International Summer School] PSCI 1850: Scandinavian Government & Politics
[Oslo International Summer School] PSCI 1855: International Politics
[Oslo International Summer School] SOAN 1753: Contemporary Norw Society
[Oslo International Summer School] SOAN 1753G: Contemporary Norw Society
[Oslo International Summer School] SOAN 2060: Gender Equity/Nord Countr
[Oslo International Summer School] SSF 1753: Norwegian Welfare State
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] ECON: Macroecon/Int'l & Russian Processes
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] ESAC: Physical Education
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] HIST: History of Russia
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] IGS: Practice in Original Speech
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] LIT: History of Lit/Engl Speak Countries
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] MATH: Mathematics and Informatics
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] NSM: Concepts of Modern Natural Sciences
[Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens] ID 273: Political Theology in Jerusalem
[Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens] REL 261: Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Sa
[Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens] SOAN 250: East or West: A Cultural Soc of Gre
[RMIT - Vietnam] ECON 1192: Macroeconomics I
[RMIT - Vietnam] ECON 1193: Business Statistics 1
[Salzburg College] MUSIC: The Mozart Project
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ART 248: Los Angeles January Term
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ART 255: Italian Art in Context
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ART 261: O'Keeffe and Arts of New Mexico
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] AS/ES 277: Environmental Sustainability Japan
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ASCON 215: Asian Conversations III (abroad)
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ASIAN 217: Encountering China
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ASIAN 218: Encountering Japan: Tokyo
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ASIAN 255: Engaging Asia: San Francisco
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] BIO 131: Field Paleontology in Florida
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] BIO 253: Water in Morocco
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] BIO 284: Community Health in Peru
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] BIO 287: Island Biology in the Bahamas
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] BIO 289: Marine Ecology Research in Jamaica
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] BUS 260: Innovation in New Zealand
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] CLASS 251: Classical Studies Greece
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] CLASS 253: Classical Studies in Italy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] CSCI 391: Ghana International Capstone
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] DANCE 249: Dance NOW/NY January Experience
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] EDUC 170: Urban Schools and Communities
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] EDUC 270: Exploring Teaching
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] EDUC 378: Multicultural Education in Hawaii
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] EDUC 379: Urban Education Practicum & Seminar
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ENGL 231: Fiction in Florence (study abroad)
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ENGL 270: Soccer in England
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ENVST 242: Contemplative Desert Ecologies
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ENVST 268: Sustainable Land Use in Costa Rica
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] FAMST 260: Storytelling, Healing and Family
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] FREN 235: Fr Lang/Moroccan Culture
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] FREN 237: Immigration & Identity in Québec
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] FREN 275: ID French Studies - Paris
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] GERM 245: Linguistic Landscapes in N Germany
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] GERM 253: Hamburg, Gateway to the World
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] HIST 225: The Journey North (study abroad)
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] HIST 256: Slavery in W Africa:Ghana
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] HIST 274: Love/Sex in Modern Irish History
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ID 140: Health and Social Inequality
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ID 242: The Arts and Democracy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ID 257: Arts & Lit Australia/NZ
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ID 258: Theater in London
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] MATH 257: Algebra, Analysis, and Access
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] MUSIC 234: Perspectives on Flamenco
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] MUSIC 265: Musical Theater in Japan
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] MUSIC 266: Contextual Opera Study Abroad
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] NORW 296: Oslo Internship Reflection Seminar
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] NURS 260: Comparative Images of Wellness
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] OFFC 162: Ecuador: January Term HECUA
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PHIL 266: Kierkegaard in Copenhagen
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PSCI 204: New Hampshire Primary
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PSCI 234: World Courts in Europe
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PSCI 240: Politics and Power in Italy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PSCI 297: Washington D.C. Politics Practicum
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PSYCH 227: Envtal Psych/Rocky Mtns
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] PSYCH 232: Gender Equality in Norway
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] QUEST 282: What is Europe? Vienna and Seville
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] RACE 220: Korean Arts and Critical Indigenous
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] REL 243: Living Faith - Holden Village
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] REL 262: Reformations in Germany & Spain
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] REL 271: The Bible in Context
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] REL 272: Sacred Places: Greece & Turkey
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] REL 275: Religion & Empire in Greece/Turkey
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] RUSSN 256: Theater in Russia
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] SOAN 243: Social Issues in South Africa
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] SPAN 233: Intermed Span II-Ecuador
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] SPAN 240: Puerto Rican Politics & Environment
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] SPAN 270: Spain's Cultural/Linguistic Legacy
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] BIO 271G: IS in India
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] BIO 272G: IS in India
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] IGS: Orientation to India
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] IGS: Orientation to India
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] ID 1003: Beginning Swahili
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] ID 3000: Independent Study Project
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] ID 3000: Internship and Seminar
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] SOAN 3500: Research Methods and Ethics
[SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and] ID 3000: Internship and Seminar
[SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and] SOAN 3005: Migration and Borders in a Globaliz
[SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and] SOAN 3500: Research Methods/Ethics
[Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ of Kiev] ESAC: Badminton
[Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ of Kiev] MATH: Calculus I
[Telemark College -Telemark] ENVST 2606: Ecophilosophy
[Telemark College -Telemark] NORW 2601: Intermediate Norwegian
[Telemark College -Telemark] NORW 2613: Norw Litteratu after 1900
[Telemark College -Telemark] NORW 2620: Writing Workshop: Norwegi
[Telemark College -Telemark] SOAN 2615: Telemark II: Soc/Cultural
[Telemark College -Telemark] SSF 1244: Individual, Envir, Soc B
[Telemark College -Telemark] SSF 2604: Individual, Envir, Soc A
[Term in the Middle East] ENGL 252: Mid East Travel Writing
[Term in the Middle East] HIST 250: Egypt In Ancien/Mod World
[Term in the Middle East] ID 255: Palestine-Israel Conflict
[Term in the Middle East] PHIL 259: Rights/Rel/Pluralism
[Term in the Middle East] PSCI 254: Pol Institute/Middle East
[Term in the Middle East] PSCI 254: Pol Institute/Middle East
[Term in the Middle East] SOAN 257: Soc Chg/Mid E/N Afric
[Term in Asia] BIO 215: Emerging Diseases in Asia
[Term in Asia] ENGL 202: Asian Influences on AmLit
[Term in Asia] ENVST 250E: Env Issues Japan/China
[Term in Asia] HIST 265: Modern Viet Nam History
[Term in Asia] ID 254: Arts/East Asian Buddhism
[Term in Asia] ID 260: Public Health in Vietnam
[Term in Asia] REL 270: The Ethics of Travel
[Term in Asia] SOAN 255: Thai Language and Society
[Term in China] ASIAN: Contemp Chinese Society
[Term in China] CHIN: Newspaper Reading
[Term in China] CHIN: Conversational Chinese
[Term in China] CHIN: Reading Comprehension
[Term in China] CHIN: Taiji Martial Art
[Term in China] CHIN: Chinese Culture
[Term in China] CHIN: Videoaudio
[Term in China] CHIN: Intermediate Oral Course I
[Term in China] CHIN: Intro to the Hist of Modern China
[Term in China] CHIN: Elementary Oral Course II
[Term in China] CHIN: Elementary Integrated Course II
[Term in China] CHIN: Chinese Culture & Society
[Term in China] CHIN: Globalization and Urbanization: Chi
[Term in China] CHIN: Advanced Reading
[Term in China] CHIN: Chinese Civilization: Introduction
[Term in China] ECON: China and World Economy
[Term in China] ID: Intro to Intercultural Comm
[Term in China] MGMT: Managing Global Supply Chains
[Term in China] PHIL: Intro to Chinese Philosophy
[Term in Taiwan] CHIN: Chinese Literature for Overseas Stu
[Term in Taiwan] CHIN: Chinese Culture through Foreign Lan
[Term in Taiwan] ENGL: Amer Lit I: Colonial Period-1865
[Term in Taiwan] FMS: Social Media and Digital Narrative
[Term in Taiwan] FMS: Cinema and Social Culture in Taiwan
[Term in Taiwan] HIST: History of Western Civilization II
[Term in Taiwan] ID 1067: What Really Bugs You
[Term in Taiwan] MUSIC 5105: Central Jananese Music and Dance
[Term in Taiwan] PSYCH 5274: Brain and Language
[Term in Taiwan: Fujen Catholic Univ] CHIN: Chinese Lit for Overseas Students
[Term in Taiwan: Fujen Catholic Univ] HIST: History of Western Civilization II
[Term in Taiwan: National Chengchi U] FMS: Social Media and Digital Narr
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] BIO 3003: Ecology
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] BIO 5045: Population Genetics
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] BUS: Management & Business Ethics
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] ENGR 7088: Environmental System Modeling
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] ID 1006: Occup Ethics/Workplace Spirituality
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] ID 1067: What Really Bugs You
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] KINES 1003: Health Related Physical Fitness
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] MUSIC 5105: Central Javanese Music and Dance
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] PSYCH 5274: Brain and Language
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] SOAN 5109: Politics and Nationalism in E/SE
[Term in Taiwan: Tunghai University] FMS: Cinema and Social Culture in Taiwan
[The American University of Paris] ART 2016: Painting II
[The American University of Paris] ENVST 1020: Environmental Science
[The Global Semester] ART 241: Arts of China
[The Global Semester] ART 242: Art of Resistance and Dissent: Czec
[The Global Semester] CHEM 150: Molecular Gastronomy
[The Global Semester] ECON 249: Econ Reform and Develop in Vietnam
[The Global Semester] ECON 256: European Economies in Transition
[The Global Semester] EDUC 255: Education in Global Contexts: Tanz
[The Global Semester] ENGL 252: Global Literature
[The Global Semester] ENGL 256: Writing Travel
[The Global Semester] ENVST 204: Sustainable Development: Costa Rica
[The Global Semester] ENVST 240: Environmental Sustain in Ecuador
[The Global Semester] GSS 230: Ethnicity, Gender, Change Vietnam
[The Global Semester] HIST 250: Themes in Greek and Turkish History
[The Global Semester] HIST 257: Egypt: Ancient History
[The Global Semester] HIST 257: Anc Graeco-Roman/Islamic-Egypt Hist
[The Global Semester] HIST 257: Egypt: Themes/Anc/Graeco
[The Global Semester] ID 246: Arts in Argentina
[The Global Semester] ID 251: Ole Experience in Practice
[The Global Semester] ID 252: Public Health in Tanzania
[The Global Semester] ID 255: Palestine-Israel Conflict
[The Global Semester] ID 257: Media and Global Village
[The Global Semester] ID 257: Media, Democracy and Global Village
[The Global Semester] ID 272: Refugees, Forced Migration Jordan
[The Global Semester] IGS 255: Korean Society
[The Global Semester] MUSIC 238: Traditional & Popular Mus
[The Global Semester] PSCI 247: Democracy Populism Authoritarianism
[The Global Semester] PSCI 248: China's Political Economy
[The Global Semester] PSCI 250: Political and Social Change in Sout
[The Global Semester] PSCI 254: Global Citizenship and Identity
[The Global Semester] REL 270: Christology in Global Dialogues
[The Global Semester] THEAT 255: Arabic Theater
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ART 22011: Cultural Intersections in the Hist
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ENGL 1022: Irish Writing, 1890-1945
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ENGL 11003: Irish Writing
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ENGL 11009: Imagining the Middle Ages
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ENGL 2035: 20th C Women's Fiction
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ENGL 44055: Reading Ireland A
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ENGL 44056: Reading Ireland B
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] HIST 10040: Vikings in the Celtic World
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] HIST 10310: Ireland's English Centuries
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] HIST 12030: The Hundred Years War c. 1337-1453
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] ID 11141: Irish Language and Literature I
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] LATIN 22449: Catullus and Cicero
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] PHIL 11021: Central Problems in Philosophy A
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] PHIL 2317: Ethics: Phil/Theological
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 1104: Foundations for Theological Ethics
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 118A: Inculturation/Christianity/Eur/Ire
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 12312: Introducing Theology: Texts/Methods
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 12501: Ethics Matters: Global Questions
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 12512: Becoming Moral
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 12512: Becoming Moral
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 12522: Love and Justice: Intersections in
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 22321: Medieval Theology
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 23302: Cosmology, Religion and Science
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 33301: Power & Pol: Lib, Cont, Post-col Th
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] REL 404G: Justice & Mercy as Attribues of God
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] SOAN 1103: Theological Anthropology
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] STAT 23501: Probability and Theoretical Stats I
[University of Aberdeen] ART 1004: Introduction to Art History
[University of Aberdeen] ART 1505: Art on Location
[University of Aberdeen] ART 2806: Art on Location
[University of Aberdeen] ART 30IG: The Narrative Within the Frame
[University of Aberdeen] BIO 2509: Conservation Biology
[University of Aberdeen] BIO 3507: Society and the Environment
[University of Aberdeen] CHIN 2001: Mandarin for Beginners 3
[University of Aberdeen] CLASS 1033: Barbarians, Romans, Gods & Warriors
[University of Aberdeen] ENGL 1009: Acts of Reading
[University of Aberdeen] ENGL 1513: Controversial Classics
[University of Aberdeen] ENGL 2011: Encounters with Shakespeare
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1020: Vikings!
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1022: Europe in the Twentieth Century
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1025: Vikings!
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1031: Romans, Celts, Druids
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1031: Romans, Celts, Druids
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1522: Intro to Scottish History
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1523: Renaissances and Reformations
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1526: Vikings!
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1527: American Civilisations
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 1527: American Civilisations
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2003: History/Phil of Science I
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2021: Power and Piety
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2027: The Other: Hist of Minorities/Marg
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2035: Vikings Celtic & Germanic Scotland
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2520: Global Empire in 19th C
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2523: Introduction to Scottish History
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2524: Kingship, Clearances, and Conflict
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2526: Vikings: an Introduction
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 2563: Love, Loss and Revival: Gaelic Irel
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 30BF: Jacobites: War/Exile/Politics
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 301H: Conflict/Legacies: France
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 303W: Stewart Scotland 1406-1603
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 304S: Scotland: Sociological History
[University of Aberdeen] HIST 353W: Stewart Scotland
[University of Aberdeen] ID 1001: Humans and Other Animals
[University of Aberdeen] ID 1003: Archaeology in Action: An Intro
[University of Aberdeen] ID 1009: The Digital Society
[University of Aberdeen] ID 1503: Intro to Prehistoric Archaeology
[University of Aberdeen] ID 1523: Alternative Methods of Dispute Reso
[University of Aberdeen] ID 2006: Test Tubes and Trowels: Intro to Ar
[University of Aberdeen] ID 2501: Scottish Folklore and Oral Trad
[University of Aberdeen] ID 2501: Scottish Folklore & Oral Traditions
[University of Aberdeen] ID 2505: Archaeology of the North
[University of Aberdeen] ID 3501: Scottish Folklore & Oral Traditions
[University of Aberdeen] LIT 1003: Encounter Global Change
[University of Aberdeen] LIT 2514: Intro to Scottish Gaelic Lit
[University of Aberdeen] LIT 2514: Intro to Scottish Gaelic Lit
[University of Aberdeen] MEDVL 1037: Songs, Myths, Hero-Tales of Old Nor
[University of Aberdeen] MGMT 3056: Bus Ethics/Corporate Soc Responsib
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 1027: Controversial Questions
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 1522: How Should One Live
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 201D: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 2041: Feminist Philosophy
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 2542: Philosophy and Society
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 2565: Explore Tradition of Western Ethics
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 33PM: Philosophy of Medicine
[University of Aberdeen] PHIL 355: Race, Religion, and Secularism
[University of Aberdeen] PHYS 1015: The Physical Universe
[University of Aberdeen] PSCI 1010: Comparative Politics
[University of Aberdeen] PSCI 2507: Internatl Polical Economy
[University of Aberdeen] PSCI 3582: Global Politiccs of Secession
[University of Aberdeen] REL 102: Why Believe? Thinking about God
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1038: Rise of Christianity
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1044: Founders of Christianity
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1045: What Does Mean to be Human
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1505: Intro to Rel of World 2
[University of Aberdeen] REL 151G: The Pilgrim City
[University of Aberdeen] REL 151W: God, Sexualities and Identity
[University of Aberdeen] REL 152A: Ancient Emp: Relig/Power/Politics
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1540: Religion at Ground Zero
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1547: Intro to Christian Theology
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1573: Exploring the New Testament
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1596: Mysticism
[University of Aberdeen] REL 1599: Theology from Jesus to Calvin
[University of Aberdeen] REL 2038: Understanding Islam
[University of Aberdeen] REL 2047: Hist/Rel Ancient Israel
[University of Aberdeen] REL 2067: Theology From Jesus to Calvin
[University of Aberdeen] REL 252E: Jesus in History and Culture
[University of Aberdeen] REL 2549: The Pilgrim City
[University of Aberdeen] REL 352B: Major Themes Christian Theology
[University of Aberdeen] REL 3534: Religion, Power, and Belief
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1005: Introduction to Sociology I
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1007: Intro to Sociology I: Self, Identit
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1501: Intro to Anthropology II
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1502: Intro to Anthropology
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1503: Caves to Kingdoms: An Intro to Preh
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1503: Caves to Kingdoms: Intro to Prehist
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1506: Intro to Sociology
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1507: Intro to Sociology II
[University of Aberdeen] SOAN 1532: Celtic Scotland
[University of Aberdeen] STAT 1506: Understanding Data
[University of Dundee] PHIL 21004: Thinking About Life: Existentialism
[University of East Anglia] ART: Western Arch Post 1700
[University of East Anglia] ART 1P88: Intro to Visual Culture in China
[University of East Anglia] ART 5015A: Ancient Egyptian Art
[University of East Anglia] ART 5105A: Indigenous Arts and Indig Peoples
[University of East Anglia] ECON 2B09C: Economics of Film and TV
[University of East Anglia] ENGL: Women and Writing
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2W07: Creative Writing: Poetry
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2L55C: Beats and Limits of Writing
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2L55C: Beats and Limits of Writing
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2L76: Contemporary American Novel
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2W05: Creative Writing: Drama
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2W08: Creativing Writing: Intro
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2W11: Creative Writing: Intro
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 2Z03: New Writings in English
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 5004B: Creative Writing: Introduction
[University of East Anglia] ENGL 5005: Creative Writing: Introduction
[University of East Anglia] FILM: Key Issues in Film Studies
[University of East Anglia] HIST: Landscape II
[University of East Anglia] HIST: Intro to Medieval History
[University of East Anglia] HIST: The American Century
[University of East Anglia] HIST 2EO8C: Modern Italy: 1860-1945
[University of East Anglia] HIST 2F08: History of Norwich
[University of East Anglia] HIST 2H38: The United States and the World
[University of East Anglia] HIST 2S38: The American 1960's
[University of East Anglia] ID: Lives of Objects
[University of Flensburg] LIT: Post-Apocalyptic Novels
[University of Konstanz] GERM: Academic Writing
[University of Konstanz] GERM: The Year 1774
[University of Konstanz] GERM: German Writing Skills
[University of Konstanz] GERM: German for Students/PSCI
[University of Konstanz] GERM: Writing Skills
[University of Konstanz] GERM: German Writing and Composition
[University of Konstanz] GERM: Demography/Soc Structures Germany
[University of Konstanz] HIST: German Republic 1949 to Present
[University of Konstanz] HIST: History and Dev of the European Uni
[University of Konstanz] HIST: Trade/Science/Conquest: E India Co
[University of Konstanz] HIST: Life Germany Since WWII
[University of Konstanz] ID: The New Silk Road: Past and Present
[University of Konstanz] LIT: Jewish/American Literatur
[University of Konstanz] LIT: American Diasporas
[University of Konstanz] LIT: Lady Writers of New Wmn
[University of Konstanz] LIT: Dreams in Literature
[University of Konstanz] LIT: Ecocritical Persp in Lit & Film
[University of Konstanz] LIT: Reflections of 9-11
[University of Konstanz] LIT: Fairy Tale Adaptations: Lit & Film
[University of Konstanz] PSCI: Nature's Nation: American Environ
[University of Konstanz] PSCI: Freedom!
[University of Lancaster] AMST 321: African Am Pop Culture
[University of Lancaster] ART 208: What Is The Contemporary?
[University of Lancaster] ASIAN 252: Buddhism & Modernity in Asian Soc
[University of Lancaster] ECON 308: Financial Statement Analy
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 100: Literature in Crisis: From Chaucer
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 100: English Literature
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 103: Introduction to Creative Writing
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 203: Intermed Creative Writing
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 203: Victorian Literature
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 204: Short Fiction
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 204: American Lit from 1900
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 204: American Lit to 1900
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 205: Poetry: Genre and Practice
[University of Lancaster] ENGL 302: Women Writ/America/Brit
[University of Lancaster] FMS 150: Intro to Film Studies
[University of Lancaster] HIST 201: Bede to Becket:Cult/Saint
[University of Lancaster] HIST 202: Norman England, 1066-1154
[University of Lancaster] HIST 204: Origins/Rise of Islam (600-1250 AD)
[University of Lancaster] HIST 211: Understanding Culture
[University of Lancaster] HIST 259: First World War
[University of Lancaster] HIST 265: Pop Culture Post-War Amer 1945-1968
[University of Lancaster] HIST 271: History of the US, 1865-1989
[University of Lancaster] HIST 281: Britain in 20th Century
[University of Lancaster] HIST 286: Germany in 20th Century
[University of Lancaster] MEST 234: Peace Studies in the Middle East
[University of Lancaster] PHYS 120: Universe as Art (121,122)
[University of Lancaster] PSCI 210: Politics of Development
[University of Lancaster] PSCI 220: Modern Political Thought
[University of Lancaster] PSCI 326: Int'l Political Economy of Globaliz
[University of Lancaster] PSYCH 101: Understanding Psychology
[University of Lancaster] PSYCH 202: Brain and Behaviour
[University of Lancaster] PSYCH 377: Psychology of Art
[University of Lancaster] REL 203: Theravada Buddhism
[University of Lancaster] REL 250: Christianity in the Modern World
[University of Lancaster] REL 352: New Religions and Alt Spiritual
[University of Lancaster] REL 355: Reading Islam
[University of Lancaster] SOAN 101: Sociological Imagination
[University of Lancaster] SOAN 208: Gender, Sexuality, Societ
[University of Lancaster] WRIT 203: Intermed Creative Writing
[University of Novgorod] HIST: Cultural History of Russia
[University of Novgorod] LIT: Russian Literature
[University of Novgorod] RUSSN: Discussion
[University of Novgorod] RUSSN: Lexicology
[University of Novgorod] RUSSN: Analytical Writing/Discussion
[University of Oslo] ART 1143: Art in Norway: Vikings
[University of Oslo] ART 2306: Art and Visual Culture of Later Mid
[University of Oslo] ENGL 1320: Norwegian Literature
[University of Oslo] GEOG 2302: Environment and Society
[University of Oslo] HIST 1530: Norwegian History
[University of Oslo] HIST 2128: Perspectives on Viking Age Hist
[University of Oslo] HIST 2128: Persp on Viking Age History
[University of Oslo] IGS 0500: Norwegian Life and Society
[University of Oslo] NORW 0120: Intensive Interm Norw II
[University of Oslo] NORW 0130: Intensive Interm Norw III
[University of Oslo] NORW 0130: Norwegian for Int'l Students Lv 3
[University of Oslo] NORW 2415: Contemp Scandinavian Film
[University of Oslo] PHIL 2390: Environmental Philosophy
[University of Oslo] PSCI 1850: Scandinavian Gov't/Polit
[University of Oslo] SOAN 1753: Contemporary Norw Society
[University of Oslo] SOAN 1753G: Contemporary Norw Society
[University of Oslo] SOAN 2060: Gender Equality/Nordic
[University of Oslo] SOAN 2620: The Anthropology of Contemp Islam
[University of Sheffield] ASIAN 129: Gender in East Asia
[University of Sheffield] GEOG 108: Earth's Changing Surface
[University of Sheffield] HIST 114: Pagans/Christians/Heretics Medi Eur
[University of Sheffield] HIST 117: Making of the Twentieth
[University of Sheffield] HIST 117: Making of the Twentieth Century
[University of Sheffield] HIST 118: Hist of the United States
[University of Sheffield] HIST 2029: Inventing the Tudors
[University of Sheffield] HIST 288: Media/Pop Culture in 20th C Britain
[University of Sheffield] LIT 112: Critical Contexts: Interpreting Lit
[University of Sheffield] LIT 234: Renaissance Literature
[University of Sheffield] MUSIC 112: Music of the World
[University of Sheffield] NSM 101: Physical Systems at the G
[University of Southeastern Norway] EDUC 1248: Norwegian Persp on Outdoor Educ
[University of Southeastern Norway] ID: Norway and Telemark: Regional Ident
[University of Southeastern Norway] ID 2623: Norway and Telemark: Soc/Cultural
[University of Southeastern Norway] NORW: Nordic Model: Socioecon Pol Sys in
[University of Southeastern Norway] PHIL: Ecophilosophy
[University of Technology, Sydney] ART 3311: Art Down Under: From the Dreamtime
[University of Technology, Sydney] ECON 3374: International Economics
[University of Technology, Sydney] ENGL 3317: Writing the Global City-Sydney
[University of Technology, Sydney] ENGL 52690: Narrative in Theory and Practice
[University of Technology, Sydney] ENGL 52691: Writing and Editing Foundations
[University of Technology, Sydney] FMS 2211: Australian Cinema: Representation
[University of Technology, Sydney] HIST 3314: Australian History: Aboriginal Hist
[University of Technology, Sydney] HIST 3345: Sydney: Analysing and Exploring the
[University of Technology, Sydney] ID 1101: Intro to Oceanography
[University of Technology, Sydney] ID 3348: Global Internship Workshop
[University of Technology, Sydney] ID 355: Env Debates: People/Place/Culture
[University of Technology, Sydney] MGMT 3372: International Marketing
[University of Technology, Sydney] MGMT 3382: Sports Marketing
[University of Technology, Sydney] PSYCH 3361: Abnormal Psychology
[University of Technology, Sydney] SOAN 3102: Aboriginal Sydney Now
[University of Technology, Sydney] SOAN 3102: Diversity and Culture
[University of Technology, Sydney] SOAN 3356: Sport in Australian Society
[University of Technology, Sydney] SOAN 3360: Locating Social Inequality
[University of Tromso] PSCI 1006: Arctic Norway - Pol/Gover
[University of Tromso] SOAN 1006: Arctic Norway - Culture
[University College Dublin] ART 20170: Discovering Ireland: Landscape
[University College Dublin] ENGL 10010: Introduction to Folklore
[University College Dublin] ENGL 10010: Creative Writing I
[University College Dublin] ENGL 20010: Creative Writing
[University College Dublin] ENGL 20050: Early Irish Hero Tales
[University College Dublin] ENGL 20440: Reading Story of Ireland
[University College Dublin] ENGL 20450: Renaissance Literature
[University College Dublin] ENGL 20510: Creative Writing
[University College Dublin] ENGL 30010: Exploring Creative Writing
[University College Dublin] ENVST 10020: Trees and Forests in Ireland
[University College Dublin] GEOG 20130: World Urbanisation
[University College Dublin] HIST 10040: Vikings in the Celtic World
[University College Dublin] HIST 10050: Intro Archaeology of Ireland
[University College Dublin] HIST 10070: Making of Modern Europe: 1500-2000
[University College Dublin] HIST 10310: Ireland's English Centuries
[University College Dublin] HIST 10320: The Making of Modern Ireland
[University College Dublin] HIST 20970: Early Medieval Ireland
[University College Dublin] HIST 21100: History of Ireland: Culture and Soc
[University College Dublin] HIST 21100: Celtic Dawn to Celtic Tiger
[University College Dublin] HIST 30150: Ireland Uncovered
[University College Dublin] ID 30150: Ireland Uncovered
[University College Dublin] ID 30160: Exploring Ireland
[University College Dublin] MGMT 20110: Family Business
[University College Dublin] PHIL 20500: Phenomenology & Existentialism
[University College Dublin] REL 20280: Near Eastern Myth and Religion
[University College, Galway] ENGL 2101: Creative Writing
[University College, Galway] ENGL 287: Renaissance Drama
[University College, Galway] ENGL 387: Spec St: 20th Century Literature
[University College, Galway] ENGL 388: Studies in Mod Irish Lit
[University College, Galway] ENGL 442: Victorian Literature
[University College, Galway] HIST 2100: Ireland in Global Context
[University College, Galway] HIST 223: Aspects/Mod Irish History
[University College, Galway] HIST 251: Ireland in 19th Century
[University College, Galway] HIST 252: Problems in Hist Ireland
[University College, Galway] WMGST 821: Thinking Differently
[Washington Semester - American Univ] ENGL 451: Journalism II
[Washington Semester - American Univ] ENGL 490: Journalism Research Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] ID 480: Wash Sem Research Project: Am Pol
[Washington Semester - American Univ] ID 491: Wash Sem Internship: Foreign Policy
[Washington Semester - American Univ] ID 491: Wash Sem Internship
[Washington Semester - American Univ] IGS 453: Int'l Law & Orgs Res Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 350: Political Islam and Middle East
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 410: American Govt/Politics I
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 412: Am Govt/Pol Res Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 415: U.S. Political Institutions
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 434-1: Int'l Politics/Foreign Policy I
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 434-6: Int'l Politics/For Policy Res Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 450: Managing Pandemic Globalized Soc
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 493: Intl Pol/For Pol Res Pro
[Washington Semester - American Univ] PSCI 497: Intl Pol/For Pol Intern
[Washington Semester - American Univ] WRIT 381: Write Well and Get Published
[Webster University in Vienna] FMS 3300: Media Law, Ethics, and Policy
[Webster University in Vienna] ID 2750: Student Leadership Development
[Webster University in Vienna] SOAN 1050: Global Social Problems
[Webster University in Vienna] SOAN 2500: Current Problems in Human Rights
[Women's/Gender Studies in Europe] WMGST 243: Situated Feminisms
[Women's/Gender Studies in Europe] WMGST 244: Feminist Methodologies
[Women's/Gender Studies in Europe] WMGST 391: Indep Field Res: Immigration/Gender
[Yonsei University] ART 2083: Korean Art History
[Yonsei University] ART 3597: Arts of Asia
[Yonsei University] ASIAN 3103: Introduction to Korean Studies
[Yonsei University] DANCE 1209: Hip-Hop Dance
[Yonsei University] ENGL 2001: English Writing (1)
[Yonsei University] ENGL 2003: English Writing (2)
[Yonsei University] ENGL 3310: Introduction to Literary Stylistics
[Yonsei University] ENGL 3913: Advanced English Writing
[Yonsei University] ENGL 3920: Dream Writing
[Yonsei University] FMS 3372: Understanding of Digital Media
[Yonsei University] HIST 288: Readings in Modern European History
[Yonsei University] HIST 3107: Pre-Modern Korean History
[Yonsei University] HIST 392: Topics in European History
[Yonsei University] ID 1175: International and Comparative Law
[Yonsei University] ID 3329: Brain, Cognition and Daily Life
[Yonsei University] ID 3530: Literature and Gaming
[Yonsei University] IGS 3300: Contemp Korean Cinema/Society
[Yonsei University] KINES 1119: Taekwondo
[Yonsei University] KINES 1121: Yoga
[Yonsei University] KINES 2769: Yoga
[Yonsei University] PHIL 10100: Existentialism and Humanism: An Int
[Yonsei University] PHIL 3116: Intro to Korean Philosophy
[Yonsei University] PHIL 3149: Philosophy in East Asian Literature
[Yonsei University] PHIL 3719: European Modernism
[Yonsei University] PSCI 3110: Theories of Democracy
[Yonsei University] PSCI 3315: Law and Justice
[Yonsei University] REL 137: Paul's Life and Political Theology
[Yonsei University] REL 1857: Preservation of Justice, Peace and
[Yonsei University] REL 3117: Christianity in Korea
[Yonsei University] REL 3228: Philosophical Reading of Theology
[Yonsei University] REL 3307: History of Non-Western Christianity
[Yonsei University] REL 3509: Violence, Reconciliation, Peace
[Yonsei University] REL 3703: Gender, War and Peace Studies
[Yonsei University] REL 3708: Religion, Politics, and Society
[Yonsei University] REL 4924: Judaism, the Roman Empire, the Trut
[Yonsei University] SOAN 1002: Understanding Sociology
Course Title (Alpha):
[IFSA- Universidad Nacional] Advanced Spanish
[IFSA- Universidad Nacional] Diversity, Minorities and Gender in
[IFSA- Universidad Nacional] Human Anatomy and Physiology
[ACM Arts, Entrepren, Social Justice] Human Rights and Social Justice
[ACM Arts, Entrepren, Social Justice] Human Rights/Social Justice/Race
[ACM China: Persp on Contemp China] China's Macroeconomic Impact
[ACM China: Persp on Contemp China] Modern Chinese History
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] Cinema of Cent Am/Caribbean 21st C
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] Introduction to Costa Rica
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] Introduction to Costa Rica
[ACM Costa Rica Community Engagement] Span in Context: Intro Costa Rica
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Field Research: Biology
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Field Research: Enviro Studies
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Field Research: Interdisciplinary
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Research Design: Enviro Studies
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Research Sem/Paper: Biology
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Research Sem/Paper: Enviro Studies
[ACM Field Res in Env, Soc Sci, Hum] Research Seminar & Paper: Interdisc
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Art/Disaster/Restorat Mod Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Art/Disaster/Restorat Mod Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Dante and Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Drawing and Portraiture
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Florentine Renaiss Art
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Italian Cinema
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Music in Florentine Art 1350-1700
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Patrons/Artists in Renaiss Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Renaiss Men/Women/Dialog
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Sight-Size Tradition: Drawing
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Time,Space,Cult Memory in Florence
[ACM- Florence Arts/Humanit/Culture] Time,Space,Cult Memory in Florence
[ACM-Ecology and Human Origins] Human Evolution
[ACM-Ecology and Human Origins] Res Methods/IS Project
[ACM-Ecology and Human Origins] Research Methods/Field Practicum
[ACM-India Studies Program] Contemporary India
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Art/Culture in Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Art/Culture in Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Arts of Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Celebrating the City
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Collecting the World in London
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Contemp English Theatre
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Drawing and Portraiture
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Florentia and Firenze
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Italian Cinema
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Italian City-States
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Italian Opera
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Lit/Theatrical London
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] London Performances
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] London as Visual Text
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] London as Visual Text
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] London: Art of Adaptation
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] London: Theat/Lit Reps
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Medici as Patrons of the Arts
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Medici/Patrons of Arts
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Mus/Vis Arts Flor 14-18 C
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Page, Stage, and Place: Diver/Exper
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Patrons and Artists
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Politics/Art in Ren Flor
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Renaiss Men/Women/Dialog
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Renaissance Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Rhetorical Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Saints/Medie/Renais Flor
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Sheets for the Table
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Sight-Size Trad: Draw & Portrait
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Strange Art of 16C Italy
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] The Medici as Patrons & Artists
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] The Medici as Patrons & Artists
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Theater/London-Page/Stage
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Theatre and Theatricality
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Writer/Traveler/Florence
[ACM-London/Florence Arts in Context] Writing in London
[ACM-Newberry Library Program] Novel Action: Lit/Soc Move/Pub Good
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Present and Paper
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Present and Paper
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Biology
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Economics
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Enviro Studies
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Enviro Studies
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Interdisciplinary
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Interdisciplinary
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Social Science
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Field Research: Social Science
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Research Sem/Paper: Biology
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Research Sem/Paper: Enviro Studies
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Research Sem/Paper: Social Science
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Research Seminar & Paper: Interdisc
[ACM-Trop Fld Research Program] Spanish for Researchers
[ACM-Urban Studies Program] Core: Chicago
[ACM-Waseda University] Ancient Political Thought
[ACM-Waseda University] Creative Writing II
[ACM: AMIDEAST] Contemp Iss: Jordan/Arab
[ACM: AMIDEAST] Int'l Politics Mid East/No Africa
[ACM: AMIDEAST] Traditional Islamic Arts
[ACM: AMIDEAST] Traditional Islamic Thought
[ACM: AMIDEAST] Women/Society/Arab World
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Chicago Arts & Creative Process
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Chicago Arts/Creativ Proc
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Chicago Neighborhoods
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Core Course
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Entrepreneurship & Innovation
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Human Rights/Soc Change
[ACM: Arts, Entrepreneur, & Urban St] Human Rights/Soc Justice/Race
[ACM: Soc Entrepren/Develop, India] Contemporary India
[American University in Cairo] Art and Arch of the City of Cairo
[American University in Cairo] Bioethics in Research
[American University in Cairo] Chemistry, Art and Archaeology
[American University in Cairo] Creative Writing
[American University in Cairo] Economic Hist of the Modern Middle
[American University in Cairo] Ind Study in Egyptology
[American University in Cairo] Introduction to Ethics
[American University in Cairo] Introduction to the Study of Islam
[American University in Cairo] Literature & Philosophy
[American University in Cairo] Psychopathology
[American University in Cairo] Religions of the World
[American University in Cairo] Religions of the World
[American University in Cairo] The Marriage Crisis and the MEST
[Andean Field Studies] The Wingless Hummingbird: Ecuador
[Assoc. Colleges of Midwest - Online] Calculus: A Modeling Approach
[Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland] Building a Sustainable Democracy
[Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland] Internship Integration Seminar
[Augsburg CGEE Northern Ireland] Understanding Politics of Northern
[Barcelona SAE] Black Barcelona: The Exp of Race
[Barcelona SAE] Creative Writing: Storytelling Thro
[Barcelona SAE] Diversity in Hispanic Media & Pop C
[Barcelona SAE] Global Internship Experience
[Barcelona SAE] Marine and Aquatic Ecosystems in Me
[Barcelona SAE] Photo in The Contemp World
[Barcelona SAE] Spanish Society Through Film and TV
[Barcelona SAE] Start-Ups/Emerging Eco
[Barcelona SAE] Three Faiths--One Land: The Coexist
[Bogazici University] History of the Balkans I
[Bogazici University] Politics in Developing Countries
[Bogazici University] Sp Top: Contemp Turkish Fiction
[Budapest Semesters in Mathematics] Hungarian Art and Culture
[CIEE Language and Culture] Contemp Senegalese Soc and Culture
[CIEE Language and Culture] Contemp Senegalese Society/Culture
[CIEE Language and Culture] Topics: West African Hist
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Atlantic Crossings
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Caribbean Literature
[CIEE-Ghana Program] History of Ghana
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Internship
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Lit of African Diaspora
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Politics in Ghana Since Independenc
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Traditional Dance I
[CIEE-Ghana Program] Traditional Dance II
[CIEE-Morocco Program] Contemporary Moroccan Soc & Culture
[CIEE-Rennes] 20th Century French History
[CIEE-Rennes] Film Analysis: Reading Films
[CIEE-Rennes] French History: 1870-1914
[CIEE-Rennes] French Language
[CIEE-Rennes] French Language
[CIEE-Rennes] French Lit 1: Represent Foreigner
[CIEE-Rennes] French Society I: Contemp-Cur Event
[CIEE-Rennes] Hist - Art & Architecture
[CIEE-Rennes] Hist France:Anc Reg->1870
[CIEE-Rennes] Hist of Contemporary Art
[CIEE-Rennes] History of Art/Architect
[CIEE-Rennes] History of Cinema
[CIEE-Rennes] History of Contemporary Art
[CIEE-Rennes] History of Modern Art
[CIEE-Rennes] Renaissance to 18 C Arch/Art
[CIEE-Rennes] Teach Eng/Foreign Lang I
[CIEE-Rennes] Teach Engl/Foreign Lang I
[CIEE-Rennes] Teach English as Foreign Lang II
[CIEE-South Africa] Academic Internship/Global Wrkpl
[CIEE-South Africa] African Dance 1
[CIEE-South Africa] African Dance 1
[CIEE-South Africa] Cultures of Empire, Resistance and
[CIEE-South Africa] Gender/Sexuality/Politics: Debates
[CIEE-South Africa] Political Theory
[CIEE-South Africa] Public Culture in Africa
[CIEE-South Africa] Rhodes to Mandela/Apartheid to AIDS
[CIEE-South Africa] Writing and Editing in the Media
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Analytical Rdgs/19 C Russ
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Analytical Rdgs: 19 C Russian Lit
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Comp Cultural Studies: US/Russia
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Russ Hist: Rise & Progr Trag & Rev
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Russia Hist: Perestroikas
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Russian Soc/Politiic Life
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Russian Social & Political Life
[CIEE-St. Petersburg] Russian Social & Political Life
[CIEE-University of Seville] Academic Writing/Critical Thinking
[CIEE-University of Seville] Advanced Composition & Stylistics
[CIEE-University of Seville] Anthropology Sports/Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Buiness Internship
[CIEE-University of Seville] Business Ethics and Corp Respons
[CIEE-University of Seville] Contemp Spanish Film
[CIEE-University of Seville] Contemp Spanish Literature
[CIEE-University of Seville] Cultural History of Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Culture and Cuisine in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Discov Span Culture Through Design
[CIEE-University of Seville] Eur/Lat Am Relations
[CIEE-University of Seville] Flamenco in Andalusia
[CIEE-University of Seville] Gender, Identities, and the Quest
[CIEE-University of Seville] Hist Projection of 3 Cultures
[CIEE-University of Seville] History of Arts in Andalusia
[CIEE-University of Seville] History of Arts in Andalusia
[CIEE-University of Seville] History of Opera Seville
[CIEE-University of Seville] Image of U.S. in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Intercultural Communication/Leaders
[CIEE-University of Seville] International Marketing
[CIEE-University of Seville] Internship Seminar
[CIEE-University of Seville] Islamic Culture and Art
[CIEE-University of Seville] Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Islamic Culture/Art in Muslim Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Latin Am/Span Lit
[CIEE-University of Seville] Latin Amer & Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] Latin Amer/Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] Latin Amer/Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] Latin Amer/Span Lit of Margins
[CIEE-University of Seville] Novel & Cinema
[CIEE-University of Seville] Novel and Cinema
[CIEE-University of Seville] Painting in Literary Seville
[CIEE-University of Seville] Politics/Society Contemp Arab World
[CIEE-University of Seville] Social History of Contemp Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Social Justice, Action & Media
[CIEE-University of Seville] Span Bus & Econ
[CIEE-University of Seville] Spanish Music of the 20th Century
[CIEE-University of Seville] Spanish for the Health Professions
[CIEE-University of Seville] Sustain/Effecien/Renew Ener Systems
[CIEE-University of Seville] Three Cultures in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Three Cultures in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Three Cultures in Spain
[CIEE-University of Seville] Tolerance and Fanaticism
[CIEE-University of Seville] US/European Relations
[CIEE-University of Seville] Urban Anthropology
[CIEE-University of Seville] Urban Photography Workshop
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Advanced Spanish Writing
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Chile: Contemp Hist/Cult Geogr
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Chilean Art and Society
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Chilean Trad Mapuche Game
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Chilean Traditional Mapuche Game
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Cont Hisp/Am Short Storie
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Developmental Psychology
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Eur Imm to Valp 1850-1950
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Hispanic America
[CIEE-Valparaiso] History of Universal Art
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Modern Chilean History
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Mountain Sports
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Self Care and Healthy Life
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Soccer
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Stem Cells, Transgenics, and Cancer
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Traditional Chilean Dances
[CIEE-Valparaiso] Urban/Regional History Valparaiso
[CMRS - Oxford] Chivalry
[CMRS - Oxford] Making Europe 1000-1400
[CMRS - Oxford] Making of Europe
[CMRS - Oxford] Reformation Europe
[CMRS - Oxford] Renaissance to Enlighten
[CMRS - Oxford] Shakespeare I
[CMRS - Oxford] Shakespeare II
[CMRS Oxford Humanities Program] Independent Research Paper
[CMRS Oxford Humanities Program] Independent Research Paper
[CMRS Oxford Humanities Program] Political Philosophy II
[College Year in Athens] Aegean & Anc Greek Art & Arch
[College Year in Athens] Aegean & Anc Greek Art & Arch
[College Year in Athens] Aegean Islands: 1912-Present
[College Year in Athens] Aegean Prehistory: The Rise & Fall
[College Year in Athens] Alternative Histories: Jewish Greek
[College Year in Athens] Americans & the Greek Revolution
[College Year in Athens] Ancient Greek Architecture: Archaic
[College Year in Athens] Ancient Greek Myth/Rel
[College Year in Athens] Ancient Greek Sculpture
[College Year in Athens] Ancient Macedon to Death of Alexand
[College Year in Athens] Archaeologiccal Drawing
[College Year in Athens] Biography of an Empire: the Surpris
[College Year in Athens] Borders, Boundaries and Human Mobil
[College Year in Athens] Byzantine Art and Architecture
[College Year in Athens] Global Cities and Areas of Strategi
[College Year in Athens] Immigrants, Citizenship and Nationa
[College Year in Athens] Medieval Greece
[College Year in Athens] Natural Environment of Greece
[College Year in Athens] Performing in Athens: Exploring
[College Year in Athens] Photography and Archaeology
[College Year in Athens] Religions of the Middle East
[College Year in Athens] Sociology of Dissent
[College Year in Athens] Solidarity/Mvmts/Justice: Svc Learn
[College Year in Athens] Sustainable Futures: Cultural Herit
[College Year in Athens] The Art and Craft of Curating: Maki
[College Year in Athens] The Culture of Modern Greece
[College Year in Athens] The Orthodox Church
[College Year in Athens] To the Strongest: The Ancient Near
[College Year in Athens] Urban Architecture: Contemp Stories
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] Acting
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] Directing Theory and History
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] Director's Projects
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] Movement/Voice
[Connecticut College - Nat'l Theater] Playwriting
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Church/Social Change in So Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Develop Proc-S.Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Internship in Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Internship in Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Internship: Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Internship: Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Lifetime Activity: Yoga
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Pol of Development in So Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Political/Social Change in Namibia
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Racism & Resistance in So Africa/US
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Recreational Wellness: Yoga
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Recreational Wellness: Yoga
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Religion & Soc Chg Southern Africa
[Ctr For Global Education - Namibia] Religion and Social Change in S Afr
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Comp Social Policy
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Comp Social Policy: Social Policy
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Fieldwork in Social Work
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Latin Dance
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Mexican Cinema: Past and Present
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Mexican Cinema: Past and Present
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Mexican Civilizations and Cultures
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Pre-Columb/Colonial/Contemp Mex Art
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Contem
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Recreational Wellness: Latin Dance
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Social Welfare: The U.S. Mexican Co
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Social Welfare: The U.S. Mexican Co
[Ctr For Global Education-Soc Work] Social Work Practice 2: With Fam
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Adv Conversation/Comp
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Citizen Participation/Global Econ
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Conv/Cultural Cont/CAmer
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Conversations in Cultural Context
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Cult Conflict/Change Latin America
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Cultural Conflict/Chng in Latin Am
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Guatemalan Civilization and Culture
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] In the Aftermath of War: Hist, Memo
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] In the Aftermath of War: Hist, Memo
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Latin Amer Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Latin Amer Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Latin Amer Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Latin Ameri Liberation Theologies
[Ctr for Global Education, Cent Amer] Latin American Liberation Theol
[Curtin University] Asian Religion and Philosophy
[Curtin University] Australian Studies
[Curtin University] Creative Writing
[Curtin University] Design Photography
[Curtin University] Intro to Indigenous Australians
[Curtin University] Intro to Indigenous Australians
[Curtin University] Intro to Indigenous Australians
[Curtin University] Intro to Public Health
[Curtin University] Photography Contexts and Practice
[Curtin University] Travel Writing
[Curtin University] Writing Poetry
[Curtin University] Writing Short Fiction
[DIS Copenhagen] 20/21st C Danish Architecture
[DIS Copenhagen] 20th C European History
[DIS Copenhagen] 20th/21st Cent Danish Architecture
[DIS Copenhagen] Age of AI: Ethics & Public Policy
[DIS Copenhagen] Ancient Art and Archaeology
[DIS Copenhagen] Anthropology of Food
[DIS Copenhagen] Artificial Intelligence
[DIS Copenhagen] Battlefield Europe: Military Hist
[DIS Copenhagen] Behavioral Economics: Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Biol/Marine Animals + Lab
[DIS Copenhagen] Biologic Conservation/Biodiversity
[DIS Copenhagen] Biologic Conservation/Biodiversity
[DIS Copenhagen] Biology of Marine Mammals
[DIS Copenhagen] Bus Strategies Sustainable Economy
[DIS Copenhagen] Business Strategies Green Industry
[DIS Copenhagen] Cognitive Neuroscience of Conscious
[DIS Copenhagen] Conspiracy Theor/Hist Controversies
[DIS Copenhagen] Creative Nonfiction Workshop
[DIS Copenhagen] Creative Travel Writing
[DIS Copenhagen] Cultural History of Travel
[DIS Copenhagen] Curating in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Disaster Management Leadership
[DIS Copenhagen] Enemy Within:Spies/Espion/Cold War
[DIS Copenhagen] Environmental Philosophy
[DIS Copenhagen] Epidemiology: Danish Case Studies
[DIS Copenhagen] Epigenetics and the Environment
[DIS Copenhagen] Equality in Scandinavia: Dev and Ch
[DIS Copenhagen] Ethical Brain: Philosophy/Neurosci
[DIS Copenhagen] Ethical and Sci Legacy of Nazi Med
[DIS Copenhagen] Ethics of Dialogue: Phil Hum Relat
[DIS Copenhagen] European Art of the 19th Cent: From
[DIS Copenhagen] European Art of the 20th Century
[DIS Copenhagen] European Art of the 20th Century
[DIS Copenhagen] European Food History
[DIS Copenhagen] European Storytelling
[DIS Copenhagen] European Storytelling: From Homer
[DIS Copenhagen] Families Without Borders: Adopt/Des
[DIS Copenhagen] Garden Art in European Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] Garden Art in European Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] Garden Art in European Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] Gender & Sexuality in Scandinavia
[DIS Copenhagen] Gender & Sexuality in Scandinavia
[DIS Copenhagen] Geographic Information Systems
[DIS Copenhagen] Glaciers & Human Impact: Iceland
[DIS Copenhagen] Guilty Pleasures of Pop Culture
[DIS Copenhagen] Hans C. Andersen/Danish Golden Age
[DIS Copenhagen] Health Delivery/Prioritization
[DIS Copenhagen] Health Economics/Policy in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Healthcare Strat/At Risk Pop
[DIS Copenhagen] History of Copenhagen
[DIS Copenhagen] History of European Film
[DIS Copenhagen] History of Sexuality in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] How Plants Changed World History
[DIS Copenhagen] Human Health and Disease
[DIS Copenhagen] Impact Epidemic Disease Euro Hist
[DIS Copenhagen] Int'l Advertising/European Context
[DIS Copenhagen] Integrated Climate Change Planning
[DIS Copenhagen] Kierkegaard's Authorship
[DIS Copenhagen] Meaning of Style
[DIS Copenhagen] Meaning of Style
[DIS Copenhagen] Medical Anthropology
[DIS Copenhagen] Medical Ethics
[DIS Copenhagen] Medical Ethics
[DIS Copenhagen] Migrant/Minoritiy/Belonging Denmark
[DIS Copenhagen] Muslims in the West
[DIS Copenhagen] Neuroethics
[DIS Copenhagen] Nordic Mythology
[DIS Copenhagen] Nordic Noir
[DIS Copenhagen] Nordic Noir
[DIS Copenhagen] Ocean Ecosys/Changing Climate
[DIS Copenhagen] Politics and Ethics of Food
[DIS Copenhagen] Positive Psychology
[DIS Copenhagen] Pregnancy/Birth/Infancy
[DIS Copenhagen] Prostitution & Sex Trade
[DIS Copenhagen] Religion and Politics in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Religion and Politics in Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Renewable Energy Systems
[DIS Copenhagen] Research Asst: Neurodegenerative
[DIS Copenhagen] Research Asst: Neuroimaging Brain
[DIS Copenhagen] Research Asst: Neuroimaging the Eff
[DIS Copenhagen] Research Asst: Neurometabolism
[DIS Copenhagen] Rewriting Hist of WW2, 1945-50
[DIS Copenhagen] Royalty in the Land of Equality
[DIS Copenhagen] Scandinavian Crime Fiction
[DIS Copenhagen] Scandinavian Interior Architecture
[DIS Copenhagen] Sense of Place in European Lit
[DIS Copenhagen] Sociology of the Family
[DIS Copenhagen] Strategic Communication
[DIS Copenhagen] Strategies for Urban Livability
[DIS Copenhagen] Sustainable Business Strategy
[DIS Copenhagen] Sustainable Develop in Nor Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Europe
[DIS Copenhagen] Travel Writing
[DIS Copenhagen] Understanding Climate Change
[DIS Copenhagen] Watercolor Painting
[DIS Copenhagen] Women, Art, and Identity
[DIS Stockholm] Biomedical Engineering in Scandinav
[DIS Stockholm] Biostatistics
[DIS Stockholm] Co-creation Lab
[DIS Stockholm] Comparative Econ: Global Risk
[DIS Stockholm] Design Thinking
[DIS Stockholm] Developing Brain: From Infancy to A
[DIS Stockholm] Energy Cloud: Engineering Localized
[DIS Stockholm] Engineering Biomaterials
[DIS Stockholm] Engineering Sustainable Env in Scan
[DIS Stockholm] European Security Dilemmas
[DIS Stockholm] Gender and Sexuality in Scandinavia
[DIS Stockholm] Hist of Sweden in Europe and World
[DIS Stockholm] Human Trafficking & the Sex Trade
[DIS Stockholm] Medical Ethics
[DIS Stockholm] Medical Ethics
[DIS Stockholm] Nordic Contemporary Art
[DIS Stockholm] Positive Psychology
[DIS Stockholm] Precision Medicine: Tailored Treatm
[DIS Stockholm] Psychology of Political Behavior
[DIS Stockholm] Research Assistant Opportunity
[DIS Stockholm] Research Assistant: Biochem-Biophys
[DIS Stockholm] Research Assistant: Children, Cloth
[DIS Stockholm] Research Asst: Trafficking Persons
[DIS Stockholm] Scandinavia in the Middle Ages
[DIS Stockholm] Scandinavian Crime Fiction
[DIS Stockholm] Smart and Sustainable Cities
[DIS Stockholm] Storytelling Workshop: How Narrativ
[DIS Stockholm] The Vikings
[DIS Stockholm] World of the Vikings
[East China Normal University] Elem Integrated Course II
[Environmental Studies] Cultural Anthropology
[Environmental Studies] Cultural Anthropology
[Environmental Studies] Cultural Anthropology
[Environmental Studies] Environmental Policy
[Environmental Studies] OLE Exp in Practice/Semester Abroad
[Environmental Studies] Terrestrial Ecology
[Environmental Studies] Terrestrial Ecology
[Global Cities Internship Program] Aboriginal Hist Colonization
[Global Cities Internship Program] Australian History: Aboriginal Hist
[Global Cities Internship Program] Australian, Asian and Pacific Lit
[Global Cities Internship Program] Australian, Asian and Pacific Lit
[Global Cities Internship Program] Australian, Asian, Pacific Lit
[Global Cities Internship Program] Environmental Debates: People, Plac
[Global Cities Internship Program] Indigenous Peoples and Modernity
[Global Cities Internship Program] People, Place and Culture
[Global Cities Internship Program] Sydney: Analysing and Exploring
[Global Cities Internship Program] The Global City: Sydney
[Global Cities Internship Program] Writing the Global City: Sydney
[Gustavus Adolphus College] UMAIE: England/France
[Gustavus Adolphus College] UMAIE: Korea & Japan
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] Creat Wrtg: Pol/Soc/Hist
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] Creative Writing Wrkshop
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] Reading for Social Change
[HECUA - Writing for Social Chg] Writing for Social Change
[HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland] Building a Sustainable Democracy
[HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland] Understanding N Ireland Conflict
[HECUA Confl/Peace/Trans No Ireland] Understng Northern Ireland Conflict
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Commun Participation & Soc Change
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy: "Estamos Juntas"
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy: Intervention Dilemma
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy: Phonologic Influ Quichua
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy: Renewable Ener in Ecuador
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy: Theology of Liberation
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy:Human Trafficking in Ecuad
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Ind Stdy:Machismo/Marianismo in IPV
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Independent Research Project
[HECUA--Com.Internships In Latin Am] Independent Study
[HECUA--Divided States] Challenge European Integr
[HECUA--Divided States] Independent Study
[HECUA--Divided States] Internsh/Integration Sem
[HECUA--Interim in Ecuador] Development/Comm Ecuador
[HECUA--Interim in Ecuador] Social/Political Transform/Ecuador
[HECUA--Interim in Ecuador] Social/Political Transform/Ecuador
[HECUA--Metro Urban Studies Term] Field Seminar
[HECUA--Metro Urban Studies Term] Reading Seminar
[HECUA: Bangladesh - Interim] Dev/Comm In Bangladesh
[HECUA: Inequality in America] Inequality in Amer: Poli Econ Appro
[HECUA: Inequality in America] Pol Socio of Building Pow/Chng/Eqty
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] Agriculture/Sustainability Tuscany
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] Agriculture/Sustainability Tuscany
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] Econ Sustain Food Prod Contemp Euro
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] Independent Study Project
[HECUA: Sustainability in Italy] Italian Lang & Sustain Italy Intern
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Norwegian Language
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Norwegian Language Lev 3
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Scand Art, Film, and Lit
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Scand Art, Film, and Lit
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Scand Art, Film, and Lit
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Scand Welfare States/Globalization
[HECUA: The New Norway, Oslo] Scandinavian Welfare States
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] American History
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Command/Transition Econom
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Early Church History
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Environmental Economics
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Intro to Political Theory
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Introduction to Politics Part A
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Latin (231 equivalent)
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Philosophy of Mind
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Philosophy of Religion
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Political Theory
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Question of Miracle
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Shakespeare
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Victorian Britain
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Victorian Literature
[Harris Manchester College, Oxford] Women's History
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] Berlin: Post-1945 Architecture
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] GDR Stasi, Secrecy, & Cinematic Fic
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] German Historical Linguis
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] Science & Medicine of Sexuality
[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] The Young Goethe in Context
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] 20th Century Argentine Poetry
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] Argentine Lit and the Formation of
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] Community-Based Learning Seminar
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] Cultural History
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] Internship & Community-Based Learn
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] Intl Law, Publ Ethics & Corruption
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] Spanish Language in Context
[IES - Advanced Spanish Immersion] The Making of Patagonia
[IES - Argentina] Hist/Rio De La Plata
[IES - Buenos Aires] 20th C Argentine Poetry
[IES - Buenos Aires] Adv Academ Writing Clinic
[IES - Buenos Aires] Adv Creative Writing Clin
[IES - Buenos Aires] Contemp Argentine Cinema
[IES - Buenos Aires] Creative Writing Clinic
[IES - Buenos Aires] History Rio de la Plata
[IES - Buenos Aires] History of America II
[IES - Buenos Aires] Intermed Spanish II: Read
[IES - Buenos Aires] Making of Patagonia
[IES - Buenos Aires] Modern Argentine History
[IES - Buenos Aires] Technica de Tango
[IES - Buenos Aires] Technica de Tango
[IES - Buenos Aires] Theater/Perform Workshop
[IES - Buenos Aires] Urban Hist/Buenos Aires
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] 20th Century Argentine Poetry
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] Argentine Lit and the Formation of
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] Community-Based Learning Seminar
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] Cross Cultural Psychology
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] Making of Patagonia: An Interdiscip
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] Spanish Language in Context
[IES - Latin Amer Societies/Cultures] Spanish Language in Context 1
[IES - Milan] A Mafia Story: Its Rep in Lit, Cin
[IES - Milan] Business Ethics
[IES - Milan] Cinema of Milan: Post WW II - Today
[IES - Milan] Community-based Learning
[IES - Milan] Cracking the Code: da Vinci/Ren Art
[IES - Milan] Designing the Sustainable City
[IES - Milan] Fascism/Anti-Sem/Resist Italy
[IES - Milan] Gender in Italian Cinema: from Fasc
[IES - Milan] Golden Age of Italian Cinema
[IES - Milan] Great Age/Italian Cities
[IES - Milan] History of Italian Opera
[IES - Milan] Investigating the Mafia in Lit, Cin
[IES - Milan] Ital Artists/1945-Present
[IES - Milan] Ital Society/Milan ->1945
[IES - Milan] Italian Lang in Context: Ind Abroad
[IES - Milan] Italian and American App to Mental
[IES - Milan] Literature and the City
[IES - Milan] Literature and the City
[IES - Milan] Marketing Management
[IES - Milan] Music Performance Workshp
[IES - Milan] Photography: a Critical Introd
[IES - Milan] Polit/Culture/Nation Bldg
[IES - Milan] Political Economy of European Integ
[IES - Milan] Politics and Philosophy of Power
[IES - Milan] Sculpting Sounds: Between Music Mak
[IES - Milan] Service Learning Social Action Sem
[IES - Milan] Social Innovation:Social/Enviro Sus
[IES - Milan] Storytelling: The Art of Effective
[IES - Milan] Strategies for Digital Engagement:
[IES - Milan] TV, Communication & Media in Milan
[IES - Milan] Tourists, Soldiers, Expats, Spies
[IES - Milan] Transcultural Psychology
[IES - Milan] Visual Merchandising
[IES - Milan] Visual Storytelling from Youtube to
[IES - Paris] Contemporary France
[IES - Paris] Creative Writing
[IES - Paris] Democracy in France
[IES - Paris] France and Francophone Africa
[IES - Paris] France and Francophone Africa
[IES - Paris] France and Francophone Africa
[IES - Paris] French Artistic Milieu in 19th/20th
[IES - Paris] French Foreign & European Policy
[IES - Paris] French Lang in Context: Competent I
[IES - Paris] French Language in Context
[IES - Paris] Histories and Legends of Paris
[IES - Paris] History and Legends of Paris
[IES - Paris] History of France
[IES - Paris] History of Photography
[IES - Paris] Immigration and Diversity in Paris
[IES - Paris] Internship Seminar
[IES - Paris] Introduction to French Literature
[IES - Paris] Japan/Africa/Islam Influen Fren Art
[IES - Paris] Maghreb and the Arab World
[IES - Paris] Paris Cinema-City
[IES - Paris] Paris Museums
[IES - Paris] Paris in 19th/20th Cent French Lit
[IES - Paris] Rebellious France
[IES - Paris] Terrorism & Security: Europe/Amer
[IES - Vienna] Arts & Nations:Ntnl Idiom/E-Cent Eu
[IES - Vienna] Austrian Art and Architecture
[IES - Vienna] Europe Beyond the Nation State
[IES - Vienna] Gustav Mahler
[IES - Vienna] Vienna: Past and Present
[IES London] A Life-Course Appr to Sexual and Re
[IES London] British Youth Culture 1950 to Prese
[IES London] Comparative Social Policy Practicum
[IES London] Creative Writing Prose Fiction
[IES London] Designing the Sustainable City
[IES London] From Aphra Behn to the Blitz: 300
[IES London] Internship Seminar
[IES London] Intl/Euro Health & Human Rights
[IES London] Shakespeare the Dramatist
[IES London] The Architecture of London: 1600-
[IES London] Western Art and the Convergence of
[Inner Mongolia Univ of Sci & Tech] University Chemistry
[Institute Int'l Educ of Students] History of Photography
[Interim in Vienna] German in Vienna
[Irkutsk Natl Research Tech Univ] History & Culture of Siberia
[Irkutsk Natl Research Tech Univ] Literature of Siberia
[Irkutsk State Technical University] Linguistic Culture Studie
[Irkutsk State Technical University] Lit and Culture/Siberia
[Irkutsk State Technical University] Practi/Tech Linguistics
[London School of Economics] Bus and Econ Perf since 1945: Brit
[London School of Economics] Comparative Econ Devel
[London School of Economics] Economy, Society and Place
[London School of Economics] Foundations of Behavioural Science
[London School of Economics] Gov, Politics and Public Policy EU
[London School of Economics] History of Economics
[London School of Economics] Int'l Political Theory
[London School of Economics] Operations Management
[London School of Economics] Philosophy and Public Policy
[London School of Economics] Politics and Institutions in Europe
[London School of Economics] Sociology of Health and Medicine
[London School of Economics] Urban Geog and Globalisation
[London School of Economics] War/Society/Renaiss/Napol
[Mediterranean Semester] Hist/Rel/Pol/Palest-Israel Conflict
[Mediterranean Semester] Human Geog/E Mediterr & N Africa
[Mediterranean Semester] Water and the Middle East
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] Euro Resistance Against Hitler
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] Intensive Writing, Semester 1
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] Moral Relativism
[Middlebury in Mainz, Germany] Philosophy & Literature
[Middlebury in Yaounde, Cameroon] Africa in Miniature: History, Cultu
[Middlebury in Yaounde, Cameroon] The French Worls: Novel and Cinema
[Nagoya University] Education Internship Program
[National University Ireland, Galway] Bioethics
[National University Ireland, Galway] East Asian Philosophy and Culture
[National University Ireland, Galway] Impact of Christianity on Ireland
[National University Ireland, Galway] Life and Death in Victorian Britain
[National University Ireland, Galway] Making Ireland English: 1580-1665
[National University Ireland, Galway] Renaissance Drama
[National University Ireland, Galway] Science & Speculative Fiction
[National University Ireland, Galway] Stories Told and Re-Told
[National University Ireland, Galway] Studies in Modern Irish Literature
[National University Ireland, Galway] The Modern United States, 1865-2008
[New York University London] Social Foundations I
[New York University London] Social Foundations II
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Animal Ethics
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Anzac and Its Legacy
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Bioethics
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Bioethics and the Life Sciences
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Brain and Cognition
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Brain and Cognition
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Chinese Civilization
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Contemporary Pacific Cultures
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Controversial Classics
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Creative Non-Fiction
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Creative Writing:Captivate/Persuade
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Creative Wrting:Reading for Writers
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Democratic Promise: The USA to 1900
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Dynamic Earth: NZ Perspective
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Early Modern Philosophy A: Descarte
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Earth and Ocean Science
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Economic Geography
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Energy Resources
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Environment and Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Environmental History New Zealand
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Essay and Feature Writing
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Ethical Issues
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] God & Ethics in the Modern World
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Heretics/Witches/Inquisit
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] History of Sport
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Intro to the Scientific Study of Re
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Introduction to Feminist Theory
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Issues in United State History
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Maori Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Media, Power, Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Medieval to Modern Europe
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] NZ and First World War
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] NZ in the World,1350-2000
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] New Zealand Society and Religion
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] New Zealand in World from 18th Cent
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Philosophy of Mind and Language
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Physical Geography
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Popular Lit: Art of Crime
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Religion and Human Behavior
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Russia: Reform/Revolution
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Sociology of New Zealand Society
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Tartan Noir: Scottish Crime Fic
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Theology of Soren Kierkegaard
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Totalitarian Regime: Europe 1922-45
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Translating Culture
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] USA since 1900
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Voice and Movement
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Waiata: Te Timatanga
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Waiata: Te Timatanga
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Waiata: Te Timatanga
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Why Be Moral?
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Writing for Professions
[New Zealand - Univ of Otago] Writing for the Media
[Norway Interim] Music & Culture of Norway
[Oregon Extension Program] Biblical Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Biblical Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Biblical Persp/Human Exp
[Oregon Extension Program] Composition and Rhetoric
[Oregon Extension Program] Environ Studies of Natural World
[Oregon Extension Program] Forest Mgmt for a Sustainable World
[Oregon Extension Program] Hist Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Hist Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Hist Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Hist Persp on the Natural World
[Oregon Extension Program] Hist Perspectives on Social Thought
[Oregon Extension Program] Historic Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Lit Persp/Human Experienc
[Oregon Extension Program] Lit Perspectives/Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Literary Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Nature Writing for Sustain World
[Oregon Extension Program] Nature Writing for a Sustainable Wo
[Oregon Extension Program] Phil Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Phil Persp:Hum Experience
[Oregon Extension Program] Relig Perspectives on Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Religious Persp on the Human Person
[Oregon Extension Program] Sel Iss: Cont World Hist
[Oregon Extension Program] Selected Social Issues in Biblical
[Oregon Extension Program] Social Thought in Historical Persp
[Oregon Extension Program] Social Thought on the Natural World
[Oregon Extension Program] Toolcraft for a Sustainable World
[Oregon Extension Program] Top in Rel of Science and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Top in Rel of Science and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Top: Art and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Top: Art and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Top: Religion and Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Top: Study of Religion
[Oregon Extension Program] Top: Study of Society
[Oregon Extension Program] Wilderness Recreation
[Oslo International Summer School] Art in Norw: Viking Age to Present
[Oslo International Summer School] Art in Norway: Viking Age to Pres
[Oslo International Summer School] Contemporary Norw Society
[Oslo International Summer School] Contemporary Norw Society
[Oslo International Summer School] From Ibsen to Fosse: Intro Norw Lit
[Oslo International Summer School] Gender Equity/Nord Countr
[Oslo International Summer School] Intensive Intermed Norwegian III
[Oslo International Summer School] Intensive Intermediate Norwegian II
[Oslo International Summer School] International Politics
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian Architecture & Design
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian Architecture & Design
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian History
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian History I
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian Life and Society
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian Literature
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian Literature
[Oslo International Summer School] Norwegian Welfare State
[Oslo International Summer School] Peace Scholars Seminar
[Oslo International Summer School] Peace Scholars Seminar
[Oslo International Summer School] Scandinavian Film Genres
[Oslo International Summer School] Scandinavian Government & Politics
[Oslo International Summer School] Scandinavian Government & Politics
[Oslo International Summer School] Trends in Scandinavian Film and TV
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] Concepts of Modern Natural Sciences
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] History of Lit/Engl Speak Countries
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] History of Russia
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] Macroecon/Int'l & Russian Processes
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] Mathematics and Informatics
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] Physical Education
[Pyatrigorsk State Linguistics Univ] Practice in Original Speech
[RMIT - Vietnam] Business Statistics 1
[RMIT - Vietnam] Macroeconomics I
[Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens] East or West: A Cultural Soc of Gre
[Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens] Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Sa
[Relig, Pol and Soc in Jerus/Athens] Political Theology in Jerusalem
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] Beginning Swahili
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] Independent Study Project
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] Internship and Seminar
[SIT Kenya Glbl Health/ Human Rights] Research Methods and Ethics
[SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and] Internship and Seminar
[SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and] Migration and Borders in a Globaliz
[SIT Mexico: Migration, Borders, and] Research Methods/Ethics
[Salzburg College] The Mozart Project
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Algebra, Analysis, and Access
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Arts & Lit Australia/NZ
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Asian Conversations III (abroad)
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Classical Studies Greece
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Classical Studies in Italy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Community Health in Peru
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Comparative Images of Wellness
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Contemplative Desert Ecologies
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Contextual Opera Study Abroad
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Dance NOW/NY January Experience
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Ecuador: January Term HECUA
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Encountering China
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Encountering Japan: Tokyo
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Engaging Asia: San Francisco
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Environmental Sustainability Japan
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Envtal Psych/Rocky Mtns
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Exploring Teaching
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Fiction in Florence (study abroad)
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Field Paleontology in Florida
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Fr Lang/Moroccan Culture
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Gender Equality in Norway
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Ghana International Capstone
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Hamburg, Gateway to the World
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Health and Social Inequality
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] ID French Studies - Paris
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Immigration & Identity in Québec
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Innovation in New Zealand
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Intermed Span II-Ecuador
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Island Biology in the Bahamas
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Italian Art in Context
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Kierkegaard in Copenhagen
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Korean Arts and Critical Indigenous
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Linguistic Landscapes in N Germany
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Living Faith - Holden Village
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Los Angeles January Term
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Love/Sex in Modern Irish History
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Marine Ecology Research in Jamaica
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Multicultural Education in Hawaii
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Musical Theater in Japan
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] New Hampshire Primary
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] O'Keeffe and Arts of New Mexico
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Oslo Internship Reflection Seminar
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Perspectives on Flamenco
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Politics and Power in Italy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Puerto Rican Politics & Environment
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Reformations in Germany & Spain
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Religion & Empire in Greece/Turkey
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Sacred Places: Greece & Turkey
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Slavery in W Africa:Ghana
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Soccer in England
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Social Issues in South Africa
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Spain's Cultural/Linguistic Legacy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Storytelling, Healing and Family
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Sustainable Land Use in Costa Rica
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] The Arts and Democracy
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] The Bible in Context
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] The Journey North (study abroad)
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Theater in London
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Theater in Russia
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Urban Education Practicum & Seminar
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Urban Schools and Communities
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Washington D.C. Politics Practicum
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] Water in Morocco
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] What is Europe? Vienna and Seville
[St. Olaf College Interim Program] World Courts in Europe
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] IS in India
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] IS in India
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] Orientation to India
[Study Service Abroad-Bio S. India] Orientation to India
[Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ of Kiev] Badminton
[Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ of Kiev] Calculus I
[Telemark College -Telemark] Ecophilosophy
[Telemark College -Telemark] Individual, Envir, Soc A
[Telemark College -Telemark] Individual, Envir, Soc B
[Telemark College -Telemark] Intermediate Norwegian
[Telemark College -Telemark] Norw Litteratu after 1900
[Telemark College -Telemark] Telemark II: Soc/Cultural
[Telemark College -Telemark] Writing Workshop: Norwegi
[Term in Asia] Arts/East Asian Buddhism
[Term in Asia] Asian Influences on AmLit
[Term in Asia] Emerging Diseases in Asia
[Term in Asia] Env Issues Japan/China
[Term in Asia] Modern Viet Nam History
[Term in Asia] Public Health in Vietnam
[Term in Asia] Thai Language and Society
[Term in Asia] The Ethics of Travel
[Term in China] Advanced Reading
[Term in China] China and World Economy
[Term in China] Chinese Civilization: Introduction
[Term in China] Chinese Culture
[Term in China] Chinese Culture & Society
[Term in China] Contemp Chinese Society
[Term in China] Conversational Chinese
[Term in China] Elementary Integrated Course II
[Term in China] Elementary Oral Course II
[Term in China] Globalization and Urbanization: Chi
[Term in China] Intermediate Oral Course I
[Term in China] Intro to Chinese Philosophy
[Term in China] Intro to Intercultural Comm
[Term in China] Intro to the Hist of Modern China
[Term in China] Managing Global Supply Chains
[Term in China] Newspaper Reading
[Term in China] Reading Comprehension
[Term in China] Taiji Martial Art
[Term in China] Videoaudio
[Term in Taiwan] Amer Lit I: Colonial Period-1865
[Term in Taiwan] Brain and Language
[Term in Taiwan] Central Jananese Music and Dance
[Term in Taiwan] Chinese Culture through Foreign Lan
[Term in Taiwan] Chinese Literature for Overseas Stu
[Term in Taiwan] Cinema and Social Culture in Taiwan
[Term in Taiwan] History of Western Civilization II
[Term in Taiwan] Social Media and Digital Narrative
[Term in Taiwan] What Really Bugs You
[Term in Taiwan: Fujen Catholic Univ] Chinese Lit for Overseas Students
[Term in Taiwan: Fujen Catholic Univ] History of Western Civilization II
[Term in Taiwan: National Chengchi U] Social Media and Digital Narr
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Brain and Language
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Central Javanese Music and Dance
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Ecology
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Environmental System Modeling
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Health Related Physical Fitness
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Management & Business Ethics
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Occup Ethics/Workplace Spirituality
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Politics and Nationalism in E/SE
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] Population Genetics
[Term in Taiwan: National Taiwan Uni] What Really Bugs You
[Term in Taiwan: Tunghai University] Cinema and Social Culture in Taiwan
[Term in the Middle East] Egypt In Ancien/Mod World
[Term in the Middle East] Mid East Travel Writing
[Term in the Middle East] Palestine-Israel Conflict
[Term in the Middle East] Pol Institute/Middle East
[Term in the Middle East] Pol Institute/Middle East
[Term in the Middle East] Rights/Rel/Pluralism
[Term in the Middle East] Soc Chg/Mid E/N Afric
[The American University of Paris] Environmental Science
[The American University of Paris] Painting II
[The Global Semester] Anc Graeco-Roman/Islamic-Egypt Hist
[The Global Semester] Arabic Theater
[The Global Semester] Art of Resistance and Dissent: Czec
[The Global Semester] Arts in Argentina
[The Global Semester] Arts of China
[The Global Semester] China's Political Economy
[The Global Semester] Christology in Global Dialogues
[The Global Semester] Democracy Populism Authoritarianism
[The Global Semester] Econ Reform and Develop in Vietnam
[The Global Semester] Education in Global Contexts: Tanz
[The Global Semester] Egypt: Ancient History
[The Global Semester] Egypt: Themes/Anc/Graeco
[The Global Semester] Environmental Sustain in Ecuador
[The Global Semester] Ethnicity, Gender, Change Vietnam
[The Global Semester] European Economies in Transition
[The Global Semester] Global Citizenship and Identity
[The Global Semester] Global Literature
[The Global Semester] Korean Society
[The Global Semester] Media and Global Village
[The Global Semester] Media, Democracy and Global Village
[The Global Semester] Molecular Gastronomy
[The Global Semester] Ole Experience in Practice
[The Global Semester] Palestine-Israel Conflict
[The Global Semester] Political and Social Change in Sout
[The Global Semester] Public Health in Tanzania
[The Global Semester] Refugees, Forced Migration Jordan
[The Global Semester] Sustainable Development: Costa Rica
[The Global Semester] Themes in Greek and Turkish History
[The Global Semester] Traditional & Popular Mus
[The Global Semester] Writing Travel
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] 20th C Women's Fiction
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Becoming Moral
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Becoming Moral
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Catullus and Cicero
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Central Problems in Philosophy A
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Cosmology, Religion and Science
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Cultural Intersections in the Hist
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Ethics Matters: Global Questions
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Ethics: Phil/Theological
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Foundations for Theological Ethics
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Imagining the Middle Ages
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Inculturation/Christianity/Eur/Ire
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Introducing Theology: Texts/Methods
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Ireland's English Centuries
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Irish Language and Literature I
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Irish Writing
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Irish Writing, 1890-1945
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Justice & Mercy as Attribues of God
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Love and Justice: Intersections in
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Medieval Theology
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Power & Pol: Lib, Cont, Post-col Th
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Probability and Theoretical Stats I
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Reading Ireland A
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Reading Ireland B
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] The Hundred Years War c. 1337-1453
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Theological Anthropology
[Univ of Dublin/Trinity College] Vikings in the Celtic World
[University College Dublin] Celtic Dawn to Celtic Tiger
[University College Dublin] Creative Writing
[University College Dublin] Creative Writing
[University College Dublin] Creative Writing I
[University College Dublin] Discovering Ireland: Landscape
[University College Dublin] Early Irish Hero Tales
[University College Dublin] Early Medieval Ireland
[University College Dublin] Exploring Creative Writing
[University College Dublin] Exploring Ireland
[University College Dublin] Family Business
[University College Dublin] History of Ireland: Culture and Soc
[University College Dublin] Intro Archaeology of Ireland
[University College Dublin] Introduction to Folklore
[University College Dublin] Ireland Uncovered
[University College Dublin] Ireland Uncovered
[University College Dublin] Ireland's English Centuries
[University College Dublin] Making of Modern Europe: 1500-2000
[University College Dublin] Near Eastern Myth and Religion
[University College Dublin] Phenomenology & Existentialism
[University College Dublin] Reading Story of Ireland
[University College Dublin] Renaissance Literature
[University College Dublin] The Making of Modern Ireland
[University College Dublin] Trees and Forests in Ireland
[University College Dublin] Vikings in the Celtic World
[University College Dublin] World Urbanisation
[University College, Galway] Aspects/Mod Irish History
[University College, Galway] Creative Writing
[University College, Galway] Ireland in 19th Century
[University College, Galway] Ireland in Global Context
[University College, Galway] Problems in Hist Ireland
[University College, Galway] Renaissance Drama
[University College, Galway] Spec St: 20th Century Literature
[University College, Galway] Studies in Mod Irish Lit
[University College, Galway] Thinking Differently
[University College, Galway] Victorian Literature
[University of Aberdeen] Acts of Reading
[University of Aberdeen] Alternative Methods of Dispute Reso
[University of Aberdeen] American Civilisations
[University of Aberdeen] American Civilisations
[University of Aberdeen] Ancient Emp: Relig/Power/Politics
[University of Aberdeen] Archaeology in Action: An Intro
[University of Aberdeen] Archaeology of the North
[University of Aberdeen] Art on Location
[University of Aberdeen] Art on Location
[University of Aberdeen] Barbarians, Romans, Gods & Warriors
[University of Aberdeen] Bus Ethics/Corporate Soc Responsib
[University of Aberdeen] Caves to Kingdoms: An Intro to Preh
[University of Aberdeen] Caves to Kingdoms: Intro to Prehist
[University of Aberdeen] Celtic Scotland
[University of Aberdeen] Comparative Politics
[University of Aberdeen] Conflict/Legacies: France
[University of Aberdeen] Conservation Biology
[University of Aberdeen] Controversial Classics
[University of Aberdeen] Controversial Questions
[University of Aberdeen] Encounter Global Change
[University of Aberdeen] Encounters with Shakespeare
[University of Aberdeen] Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
[University of Aberdeen] Europe in the Twentieth Century
[University of Aberdeen] Explore Tradition of Western Ethics
[University of Aberdeen] Exploring the New Testament
[University of Aberdeen] Feminist Philosophy
[University of Aberdeen] Founders of Christianity
[University of Aberdeen] Global Empire in 19th C
[University of Aberdeen] Global Politiccs of Secession
[University of Aberdeen] God, Sexualities and Identity
[University of Aberdeen] Hist/Rel Ancient Israel
[University of Aberdeen] History/Phil of Science I
[University of Aberdeen] How Should One Live
[University of Aberdeen] Humans and Other Animals
[University of Aberdeen] Internatl Polical Economy
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Anthropology
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Anthropology II
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Christian Theology
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Prehistoric Archaeology
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Rel of World 2
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Scottish Gaelic Lit
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Scottish Gaelic Lit
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Scottish History
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Sociology
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Sociology I: Self, Identit
[University of Aberdeen] Intro to Sociology II
[University of Aberdeen] Introduction to Art History
[University of Aberdeen] Introduction to Scottish History
[University of Aberdeen] Introduction to Sociology I
[University of Aberdeen] Jacobites: War/Exile/Politics
[University of Aberdeen] Jesus in History and Culture
[University of Aberdeen] Kingship, Clearances, and Conflict
[University of Aberdeen] Love, Loss and Revival: Gaelic Irel
[University of Aberdeen] Major Themes Christian Theology
[University of Aberdeen] Mandarin for Beginners 3
[University of Aberdeen] Mysticism
[University of Aberdeen] Philosophy and Society
[University of Aberdeen] Philosophy of Medicine
[University of Aberdeen] Power and Piety
[University of Aberdeen] Race, Religion, and Secularism
[University of Aberdeen] Religion at Ground Zero
[University of Aberdeen] Religion, Power, and Belief
[University of Aberdeen] Renaissances and Reformations
[University of Aberdeen] Rise of Christianity
[University of Aberdeen] Romans, Celts, Druids
[University of Aberdeen] Romans, Celts, Druids
[University of Aberdeen] Scotland: Sociological History
[University of Aberdeen] Scottish Folklore & Oral Traditions
[University of Aberdeen] Scottish Folklore & Oral Traditions
[University of Aberdeen] Scottish Folklore and Oral Trad
[University of Aberdeen] Society and the Environment
[University of Aberdeen] Songs, Myths, Hero-Tales of Old Nor
[University of Aberdeen] Stewart Scotland
[University of Aberdeen] Stewart Scotland 1406-1603
[University of Aberdeen] Test Tubes and Trowels: Intro to Ar
[University of Aberdeen] The Digital Society
[University of Aberdeen] The Narrative Within the Frame
[University of Aberdeen] The Other: Hist of Minorities/Marg
[University of Aberdeen] The Physical Universe
[University of Aberdeen] The Pilgrim City
[University of Aberdeen] The Pilgrim City
[University of Aberdeen] Theology From Jesus to Calvin
[University of Aberdeen] Theology from Jesus to Calvin
[University of Aberdeen] Understanding Data
[University of Aberdeen] Understanding Islam
[University of Aberdeen] Vikings Celtic & Germanic Scotland
[University of Aberdeen] Vikings!
[University of Aberdeen] Vikings!
[University of Aberdeen] Vikings!
[University of Aberdeen] Vikings: an Introduction
[University of Aberdeen] What Does Mean to be Human
[University of Aberdeen] Why Believe? Thinking about God
[University of Dundee] Thinking About Life: Existentialism
[University of East Anglia] Ancient Egyptian Art
[University of East Anglia] Beats and Limits of Writing
[University of East Anglia] Beats and Limits of Writing
[University of East Anglia] Contemporary American Novel
[University of East Anglia] Creative Writing: Drama
[University of East Anglia] Creative Writing: Intro
[University of East Anglia] Creative Writing: Introduction
[University of East Anglia] Creative Writing: Introduction
[University of East Anglia] Creative Writing: Poetry
[University of East Anglia] Creativing Writing: Intro
[University of East Anglia] Economics of Film and TV
[University of East Anglia] History of Norwich
[University of East Anglia] Indigenous Arts and Indig Peoples
[University of East Anglia] Intro to Medieval History
[University of East Anglia] Intro to Visual Culture in China
[University of East Anglia] Key Issues in Film Studies
[University of East Anglia] Landscape II
[University of East Anglia] Lives of Objects
[University of East Anglia] Modern Italy: 1860-1945
[University of East Anglia] New Writings in English
[University of East Anglia] The American 1960's
[University of East Anglia] The American Century
[University of East Anglia] The United States and the World
[University of East Anglia] Western Arch Post 1700
[University of East Anglia] Women and Writing
[University of Flensburg] Post-Apocalyptic Novels
[University of Konstanz] Academic Writing
[University of Konstanz] American Diasporas
[University of Konstanz] Demography/Soc Structures Germany
[University of Konstanz] Dreams in Literature
[University of Konstanz] Ecocritical Persp in Lit & Film
[University of Konstanz] Fairy Tale Adaptations: Lit & Film
[University of Konstanz] Freedom!
[University of Konstanz] German Republic 1949 to Present
[University of Konstanz] German Writing Skills
[University of Konstanz] German Writing and Composition
[University of Konstanz] German for Students/PSCI
[University of Konstanz] History and Dev of the European Uni
[University of Konstanz] Jewish/American Literatur
[University of Konstanz] Lady Writers of New Wmn
[University of Konstanz] Life Germany Since WWII
[University of Konstanz] Nature's Nation: American Environ
[University of Konstanz] Reflections of 9-11
[University of Konstanz] The New Silk Road: Past and Present
[University of Konstanz] The Year 1774
[University of Konstanz] Trade/Science/Conquest: E India Co
[University of Konstanz] Writing Skills
[University of Lancaster] African Am Pop Culture
[University of Lancaster] American Lit from 1900
[University of Lancaster] American Lit to 1900
[University of Lancaster] Bede to Becket:Cult/Saint
[University of Lancaster] Brain and Behaviour
[University of Lancaster] Britain in 20th Century
[University of Lancaster] Buddhism & Modernity in Asian Soc
[University of Lancaster] Christianity in the Modern World
[University of Lancaster] English Literature
[University of Lancaster] Financial Statement Analy
[University of Lancaster] First World War
[University of Lancaster] Gender, Sexuality, Societ
[University of Lancaster] Germany in 20th Century
[University of Lancaster] History of the US, 1865-1989
[University of Lancaster] Int'l Political Economy of Globaliz
[University of Lancaster] Intermed Creative Writing
[University of Lancaster] Intermed Creative Writing
[University of Lancaster] Intro to Film Studies
[University of Lancaster] Introduction to Creative Writing
[University of Lancaster] Literature in Crisis: From Chaucer
[University of Lancaster] Modern Political Thought
[University of Lancaster] New Religions and Alt Spiritual
[University of Lancaster] Norman England, 1066-1154
[University of Lancaster] Origins/Rise of Islam (600-1250 AD)
[University of Lancaster] Peace Studies in the Middle East
[University of Lancaster] Poetry: Genre and Practice
[University of Lancaster] Politics of Development
[University of Lancaster] Pop Culture Post-War Amer 1945-1968
[University of Lancaster] Psychology of Art
[University of Lancaster] Reading Islam
[University of Lancaster] Short Fiction
[University of Lancaster] Sociological Imagination
[University of Lancaster] Theravada Buddhism
[University of Lancaster] Understanding Culture
[University of Lancaster] Understanding Psychology
[University of Lancaster] Universe as Art (121,122)
[University of Lancaster] Victorian Literature
[University of Lancaster] What Is The Contemporary?
[University of Lancaster] Women Writ/America/Brit
[University of Novgorod] Analytical Writing/Discussion
[University of Novgorod] Cultural History of Russia
[University of Novgorod] Discussion
[University of Novgorod] Lexicology
[University of Novgorod] Russian Literature
[University of Oslo] Art and Visual Culture of Later Mid
[University of Oslo] Art in Norway: Vikings
[University of Oslo] Contemp Scandinavian Film
[University of Oslo] Contemporary Norw Society
[University of Oslo] Contemporary Norw Society
[University of Oslo] Environment and Society
[University of Oslo] Environmental Philosophy
[University of Oslo] Gender Equality/Nordic
[University of Oslo] Intensive Interm Norw II
[University of Oslo] Intensive Interm Norw III
[University of Oslo] Norwegian History
[University of Oslo] Norwegian Life and Society
[University of Oslo] Norwegian Literature
[University of Oslo] Norwegian for Int'l Students Lv 3
[University of Oslo] Persp on Viking Age History
[University of Oslo] Perspectives on Viking Age Hist
[University of Oslo] Scandinavian Gov't/Polit
[University of Oslo] The Anthropology of Contemp Islam
[University of Sheffield] Critical Contexts: Interpreting Lit
[University of Sheffield] Earth's Changing Surface
[University of Sheffield] Gender in East Asia
[University of Sheffield] Hist of the United States
[University of Sheffield] Inventing the Tudors
[University of Sheffield] Making of the Twentieth
[University of Sheffield] Making of the Twentieth Century
[University of Sheffield] Media/Pop Culture in 20th C Britain
[University of Sheffield] Music of the World
[University of Sheffield] Pagans/Christians/Heretics Medi Eur
[University of Sheffield] Physical Systems at the G
[University of Sheffield] Renaissance Literature
[University of Southeastern Norway] Ecophilosophy
[University of Southeastern Norway] Nordic Model: Socioecon Pol Sys in
[University of Southeastern Norway] Norway and Telemark: Regional Ident
[University of Southeastern Norway] Norway and Telemark: Soc/Cultural
[University of Southeastern Norway] Norwegian Persp on Outdoor Educ
[University of Technology, Sydney] Abnormal Psychology
[University of Technology, Sydney] Aboriginal Sydney Now
[University of Technology, Sydney] Art Down Under: From the Dreamtime
[University of Technology, Sydney] Australian Cinema: Representation
[University of Technology, Sydney] Australian History: Aboriginal Hist
[University of Technology, Sydney] Diversity and Culture
[University of Technology, Sydney] Env Debates: People/Place/Culture
[University of Technology, Sydney] Global Internship Workshop
[University of Technology, Sydney] International Economics
[University of Technology, Sydney] International Marketing
[University of Technology, Sydney] Intro to Oceanography
[University of Technology, Sydney] Locating Social Inequality
[University of Technology, Sydney] Narrative in Theory and Practice
[University of Technology, Sydney] Sport in Australian Society
[University of Technology, Sydney] Sports Marketing
[University of Technology, Sydney] Sydney: Analysing and Exploring the
[University of Technology, Sydney] Writing and Editing Foundations
[University of Technology, Sydney] Writing the Global City-Sydney
[University of Tromso] Arctic Norway - Culture
[University of Tromso] Arctic Norway - Pol/Gover
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Am Govt/Pol Res Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] American Govt/Politics I
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Int'l Law & Orgs Res Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Int'l Politics/For Policy Res Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Int'l Politics/Foreign Policy I
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Intl Pol/For Pol Intern
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Intl Pol/For Pol Res Pro
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Journalism II
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Journalism Research Proj
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Managing Pandemic Globalized Soc
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Political Islam and Middle East
[Washington Semester - American Univ] U.S. Political Institutions
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Wash Sem Internship
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Wash Sem Internship: Foreign Policy
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Wash Sem Research Project: Am Pol
[Washington Semester - American Univ] Write Well and Get Published
[Webster University in Vienna] Current Problems in Human Rights
[Webster University in Vienna] Global Social Problems
[Webster University in Vienna] Media Law, Ethics, and Policy
[Webster University in Vienna] Student Leadership Development
[Women's/Gender Studies in Europe] Feminist Methodologies
[Women's/Gender Studies in Europe] Indep Field Res: Immigration/Gender
[Women's/Gender Studies in Europe] Situated Feminisms
[Yonsei University] Advanced English Writing
[Yonsei University] Arts of Asia
[Yonsei University] Brain, Cognition and Daily Life
[Yonsei University] Christianity in Korea
[Yonsei University] Contemp Korean Cinema/Society
[Yonsei University] Dream Writing
[Yonsei University] English Writing (1)
[Yonsei University] English Writing (2)
[Yonsei University] European Modernism
[Yonsei University] Existentialism and Humanism: An Int
[Yonsei University] Gender, War and Peace Studies
[Yonsei University] Hip-Hop Dance
[Yonsei University] History of Non-Western Christianity
[Yonsei University] International and Comparative Law
[Yonsei University] Intro to Korean Philosophy
[Yonsei University] Introduction to Korean Studies
[Yonsei University] Introduction to Literary Stylistics
[Yonsei University] Judaism, the Roman Empire, the Trut
[Yonsei University] Korean Art History
[Yonsei University] Law and Justice
[Yonsei University] Literature and Gaming
[Yonsei University] Paul's Life and Political Theology
[Yonsei University] Philosophical Reading of Theology
[Yonsei University] Philosophy in East Asian Literature
[Yonsei University] Pre-Modern Korean History
[Yonsei University] Preservation of Justice, Peace and
[Yonsei University] Readings in Modern European History
[Yonsei University] Religion, Politics, and Society
[Yonsei University] Taekwondo
[Yonsei University] Theories of Democracy
[Yonsei University] Topics in European History
[Yonsei University] Understanding Sociology
[Yonsei University] Understanding of Digital Media
[Yonsei University] Violence, Reconciliation, Peace
[Yonsei University] Yoga
[Yonsei University] Yoga
ACB: The Active Body: Moving Toward Health & Well-Being
CRE: Creativity
CTD: Christian Theology in Dialogue
ERC: Ethical Reasoning in Context
FYS: First-Year Experience: First-Year Seminar
GHS: Global Histories and Societies
NTS: Natural Science
OEP: OLE Experience in Practice
PAR: Power and Race
QCR: Quantitative and Computational Reasoning
RFV: Religion, Faith, and Values
SCS: Social Sciences
WAC: Writing Across the Curriculum
WLC: World Languages and Cultures
WRR: First-Year Experience: Writing and Rhetoric
ALS-A: Artistic Studies
ALS-L: Literary Studies
AQR: Abstract and Quantitative Reasoning
BTS-B: Biblical Studies
BTS-T: Theological Studies
EIN: Ethical Issues and Normative Perspectives
FOL: Foreign Language
FYW: First Year Writing
HBS: Studies in Human Behavior and Society
HWC: Historical Studies in Western Culture
IST: Integrated Scientific Topics
MCD: Multicultural Studies Domestic
MCG: Multicultural Studies Global
ORC: Oral Communication
SED: Scientific Exploration and Discovery
SPM: Studies in Physical Movement
WRI: Writing
International Studies Core/GE Look-up