If you want just a specific figure, and you have a Macintosh or you have the PC version of ORIGAMI.EXE already, you can access the ftp site for the figure library.
If you already have molecular origami:
Download the
latest .exe version.
You can copy this directly over your old origami.exe version.
Windows 3.1,9x users needing to get molecular origami for the first time: Download origami.zip.
First unzip origami.zip, then type setup to begin.
Please note that ORIGAMI.EXE is written in Visual Basic 3.0 and therefore may not function perfectly under Windows 9x or later versions of Windows. Please let us know if you have problems so that we can address them.
First create a directory c:\origami and unzip origamnt.zip into it. Then run c:\origami\origami.exe.