This is an extract of an anonymous questionnaire given to students in Chemistry 247B, Fall, 2000. Permission was obtained for the publication of all comments listed here. Some answers have been edited, but none have been altered in substance.
Read the appropriate material BEFORE each class session. Ask questions right away.
I don't know if I've accumulated any organic chemistry wisdom yet.
Stay current with the material; once you get behind, it's really hard to understand the stuff that keeps coming. Spend time figuring out the fuzzy stuff, and use your resources.
I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Practice nomenclature!
don't fall asleep in class.
Use your help sessions, make the time to go, they are invaluable!
Read the book in detail, you can't just skim over it or even not read it like you can in some other classes.
Use all your resources, especially online.
Other students who have taken orgo are a great help, even if they say that they don't remember anything.
Be ready to invest a lot of time in the class, try to take a light load with it.
Study in your free time and practice the concepts.
Don't get behind in reading and don't wait till the night before to do the homework!!
I would recommend that they don't let the name scare them off. Organic isn't as awful as it sounds.
Dont get behind, make sure that you read before class, otherwise, you will be way behind very quickly.
use model kits!
study, study, study. outline the chapters
Buy a model kit before class even starts. They take a while to get here. (or maybe have the bookstore sell them)
Take good notes from the book, you are going to need it to help you study.
study hard
keep up with the reading and the concepts that are being taught - don't ever get behind!
Make sure you have a study group to study with.