On-Line resources to help refresh your memory regarding organic chemistry.
An outstanding database of spectra of over 30,000 compounds. SDBS is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds, which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory database of the compounds. The spectra are EI mass, 1H decoupled 13C NMR, 1H NMR pattern (90 and/or 400 MHz), 1H NMR parameter (300 MHz pattern generated), FT-IR, laser-Raman, and ESR.
A superb set of 64 unknowns including IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and MS, graded from easy to difficult. Click on Problems to go directly to the problem set. When an NMR spectrum is displayed, click on a peak to expand it.
WebSpectra - This site was established to provide chemistry students with a library of spectroscopy problems. Interpretation of spectra is a technique that requires practice - this site provides 1H NMR and 13C NMR, DEPT, COSY and IR spectra of various compounds for students to interpret. Hopefully, these problems will provide a useful resource to better understand spectroscopy.
Quizzes covering alcohols, alkanes, amines, esters, halides, aldehydes, amides, carboxylic acids, ethers, and ketones from the University of Arizona.
Spectra Online is a searchable database containing over 6,000 IR, MS, NMR (proton, carbon and other nuclei), UV/VIS and NIR spectra. The database is a collection of public domain and other data generously contributed from various sources. Pure compounds include chemical formula, CAS number, chemical name, chemical structures and other chemical properties if available. Spectra Online is maintained as a FREE service to the chemical community.
Operate the Bruker Avance 400 NMR spectrometer from anywhere on campus, any time, day or night.
An extraordinary hypertext covering mostly 1D but also a little 2D 1H and 13C spectroscopy.
A short summary of free, cheap, and commercial mainly educational NMR and ESR software suitable for simulating spectrometers and spectra, processing NMR data, and illustrating various concepts.
This is a page for practice in using NMR spectra. This version should run properly under requires Netscape 4.x or Internet Explorer 5.
This JavaScript page lets you simulate the 1H spectrum of aromatic compounds.
A nice table of characteristic frequencies along with a handful of problems with answers.
A linked list to sites of possible interest relating to IR spectroscopy.
A very readable introduction from the University of Arizona
Mass Spec Tools is designed to be an information source for the entire mass spectrometer community. We hope that the following information, literature and reference sites will be of use to you. Your frequent use of these sites as well as your additional input is encouraged. If you have any suggestions for additional information to be included or if you would like to make a contribution to its content, we would like to here from you. All authors will receive credit for their contributions. Note: there are several bugs here.
Enter a nominal mass such as 82 and get a listing of all of the possible formulas with that nominal mass along with their exact masses.
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