Journey to Antarctica: The White Continent, January 6-19, 2024
Antarctica is remote, independent, captivating. People often visit for the wildlife but fall in love with the ice: an entire museum of colossal and magical ice forms defying description. And we’ll have our very own ice experts along: Bob Jacobel, Professor Emeritus of Physics, a researcher so acclaimed he has a glacier named for him based on the recommendation of the United States Geological Survey, and his daughter Allison Jacobel, a paleoclimatologist and Assistant Professor of Earth and Climate Sciences at Middlebury College.
Broadcast / Media Services is committed to supporting members of the St. Olaf community regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, or religion. We condemn racism in all forms and vow to actively combat it.
Our department is a service provider responsible for presenting content from across the St. Olaf community. Content and messaging on this platform may not necessarily reflect our own personal beliefs. We recognize that our work has the power to perpetuate a culture of systemic racism at St. Olaf. In order to generate needed and lasting change, we commit to supporting and affirming marginalized voices. Our platform is open to all.
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