Greetings Northern
Boundary Sectionaires

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for our stalwart sponsors. Once again we send out heartfelt thanks to Jerry Kraft of Secoa for the ongoing support of the students in our section through two scholarships to the national conference. And give up another round of thanks to Niles Sayre of Stage Technology for the StageTechnology-John Mullen Scholarship. Please visit these folks on the expo floor and tell them how much we appreciate their continued generosity.

NBS and HOA (Heart of America) cosponsored the 4th annual Stage-crew Showdown at the KCACTF Region V Festival in Lawrence, Kansas. Our sponsorship is underwritten by a grant from the USITT national office. Thanks to all who helped with competition.

Remember the section meeting in Cincinnati at 8am on Thursday March 19th. Bring your own coffee and a bag of donuts to pass. I am happy to report that there are NO VACANCIES ON THE BOARD! The agenda will be forward looking as we plan ahead for the fall workshop and the 50th birthday party in Kansas City. Please give me a call or drop me a line if you have something for the agenda.

See you in Ohio.