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Thalhammer named director of Kloeck-Jenson Endowment

Anne Keasling
September 17, 2002

Associate Professor of Political Science Kristina E. Thalhammer has been appointed to a three-year term as director of the Kloeck-Jenson Endowment for Peace and Justice. She joined the St. Olaf faculty in 1994 and teaches courses in Latin American politics and comparative politics. She has published extensively on issues of political tolerance and human rights, particularly in Latin America. Thalhammer is co-author of Tolerance for Diversity of Beliefs: A Social Studies Curriculum, a four-week curriculum for junior high students, and is collaborating with other scholars on a book about human rights and courageous resistance.

The Kloeck-Jenson Endowment was established in memory of Scott Kloeck-Jenson, a political science major and 1987 graduate of St. Olaf College who worked tirelessly for peace and justice. Kloeck-Jenson, his wife, Barbara, and their two children were killed in an automobile accident in South Africa in June 1999. The Kloeck-Jenson Endowment for Peace and Justice provides support for academic initiatives related to peace and justice, and underwrites the college's involvement in the annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum.

Contact Carole Engblom at 507-786-3315 or