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Songwriting and self-discovery is topic of a lecture and performance by St. Olaf alum

by Sandra Gilderhus
November 6, 2004

Helen Nienhaus Barba, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology and a 1981 St. Olaf College alum, will present her arts-based research into the creative process of songwriting and human shadow studies. The lecture is set for Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Christiansen Hall of Music, Urness Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Barba co-authored "Minstrels of Soul: Intermodal Expressive Therapy" in 1995 and wrote "Follow Your Bliss: A Soul-Centered Guide to Career-Life Planning" in 2000. Barba is a registered art therapist and psychotherapist.

Contact Sandra Gilderhus at 507-646-3032 or