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Fall Swing Dance to have live music provided by the St. Olaf Jazz Bands

by Sandra Gilderhus
November 12, 2004

The fall Swing Dance scheduled for Friday, Nov. 12, at 9 p.m., in the Buntrock Commons, Lion's Pause, will have live music provided by The St. Olaf Jazz Bands, conducted by David Hagedorn, artist-in-residence.

The event sponsored by the St. Olaf Swing Club isn't a competition, but there will be some amazing dancing on the floor by the students. There may also be a 'swing circle' sometime during the evening, where everyone is invited to 'show off their steps.' There will be an introductory dance lesson at 8:30 provided by the Swimg Club. This event is open to the public.

Contact Sandra Gilderhus at 507-646-3032 or