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Lois Rand will be Founders Day chapel speaker

by Sandra Gilderhus
November 5, 2004

Lois Rand, wife of the late St. Olaf College President Sidney Rand, will be the Founders Day chapel speaker in Boe Memorial Chapel at 10:10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 5. The college's Norwegian heritage will be the topic of her address. The Rands served in the U.S. Embassy in Norway for one year after Dr. Rand retired from the St. Olaf presidency in 1980. Last month Lois Rand received the Ambassador's Award for U.S. Special Services award for her work in helping to strengthen U.S. and Norwegian relations. Founders Day marks the anniversary of the signing of the articles of incorporation for St. Olaf's School on Nov. 6, 1874.

Contact Sandra Gilderhus at 507-646-3032 or