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Tsunami tragedy hits alumna, campus relief efforts mobilized
January 5, 2005
Despite the extensive activities of the St. Olaf International Studies Program in Asia, no St. Olaf students were in areas hit by the recent Indian Ocean tsunami, reports International Student Adviser Luyen Phan. However, recent graduate Eranthie Mendis '04 lost her mother, Tamara Mendis, when the train they were traveling on in Sri Lanka was destroyed by the massive wave (read more about the Mendis story here).
According to Salah Mohamed, president of the Muslim Students Association, St. Olaf student organizations currently involved in relief efforts include Alpha Phi Omega, Amnesty International, Asian Cultures Association, College Artists For Social Equality, College Democrats, College Republicans, Jewish Club, Karibu, Muslim Students Association, Reaching Our Goals, St. Olaf's Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Scared Scriptless and the Taiko Drumming Group. The next meeting of the planning committee for the group will be Friday, Jan. 7 (contact Mohamed for more information).
"We encourage everyone on campus to participate," says Mohamed, who is also development coordinator for the student Volunteer Network. So far, the group of student organizations is focusing on collecting relief money from students as they enter Stav Hall cafeteria. Mohamed hopes the collection effort will last into the spring.