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St. Olaf names next year's Lilly Teaching Fellows

Jacob VanScoy
January 19, 2005

Bruce Dalgaard, executive director of the St. Olaf Center for Experiential Learning, announced yesterday that six St. Olaf faculty members have been named Lilly Teaching Fellows for the 2005-06 academic year: Professor of English Rich DuRocher, Associate Professor of Political Science Dan Hofrenning, Assistant Professor of Psychology Donna McMillan, Professor of Religion Barbara Reed, Associate Professor of Art and Art History Matt Rohn and Associate Professor of Theater and the Director of Media Studies Bill Sonnega. The Lilly Teaching Fellows receive one course-release to develop or revise a course so that it incorporates the topic of vocation.

The St. Olaf College Lilly Grant Program, Lives of Worth and Service, seeks to help the college's students, faculty, staff and alumni discern and reflect on their own personal vocations through retreats, workshops, internships and other opportunities made possible by a five-year, nearly $2 million grant from the Lilly Endowment's Program on the Theological Exploration of Vocation.

Contact David Gonnerman at 507-786-3315 or