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Class of 2004 satisfied with St. Olaf experience
January 21, 2005
St. Olaf conducted a survey last spring asking how our seniors perceive their St. Olaf experience. Results show that 96 percent of the graduating class were satisfied with their time at St. Olaf.
As in previous years, most respondents are very satisfied (44 percent) or generally satisfied (51 percent) with their undergraduate education at St. Olaf. If given the chance to relive the college experience, 73 percent of respondents would definitely (37 percent) or probably (36 percent) attend St. Olaf again, a number that has increased by 5 percentage points in the past five years.
Regarding future plans, 48 percent of respondents from the class of 2004 plan to be employed, either full or part time, as their "primary activity" this fall. Another 29 percent plan to go on to graduate or professional school, or complete additional undergraduate coursework. Yet another 8 percent plan to be doing volunteer activity, such as the Peace Corps. When thinking about a career, 93 percent of respondents think "interesting daily work" is essential or very important, while 80 percent think "creativity and initiative" and "quality of colleagues and clients" are important. The least important characteristics of a career are "social recognition or status" and "limited working hours."
Students ranked their satisfaction with services/aspects of college life on a four-point scale (1 = very dissatisfied and 4 = very satisfied). The class of 2004 is most satisfied (3.5 to 3.7 mean responses) with "internships or study off-campus or abroad," "faculty availability outside of class," "student interaction with faculty," "recreation/athletics facilities," "library services" and "student center." Students are least satisfied with "ethnic/racial diversity" and "climate for minority students on campus" (mean responses of 2.3 and 2.5, respectively), followed by "availability of courses," "student voice in policies" and "computer services and support" (mean responses of 2.8).
In questions about the St. Olaf mission, the majority of students felt their undergraduate experience enhanced their Christian understanding and global perspective. Three-fourths of the respondents said college greatly or moderately enhanced their tolerance for "complexity, ambiguity and informed disagreement."