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Percy pens New York Times book review

By Kari VanDerVeen
October 9, 2012

St. Olaf Writer in Residence Benjamin Percy. Photo by Jennifer May

St. Olaf College Writer in Residence Benjamin Percy penned the lead piece in the New York Times' Sunday Book Review.

Percy reviewed Army veteran Kevin Powers's The Yellow Birds, describing it as "a first novel as compact and powerful as a footlocker full of ammo."

The Times asked Percy to write the review because several of his own stories — as well as his novel The Wildling — are notable for concerning the war in Iraq. In addition to authoring several novels and serving as a contributing editor at Esquire magazine, Percy writes for the Wall Street JournalGQ, Time, Men's Journal, and Outside.

His new novel, Red Moon, will be released in May.

Contact Kari VanDerVeen at 507-786-3970 or