Here are some study ideas for Exam 1, over Chapters 1-3.
Be sure to look over the labs and ask yourself,
"What is a 20-point question that could be asked about this experiment?"

Chapter 1: Probability, Distributions, and Equilibrium Chapter 1 quiz
a. You should know how probability, number of ways, and number of ways total are related. [our first equation]
b. You should be able to apply that understanding to simple card/dice-type problems. [calculation]
c. You should be able to determine the most probable distribution of molecules in an isotope exchange reaction involving some number of moles of various molecules initially. [calculation]
d. You should be prepared to discuss le Chatelier's principle in terms of probability quite apart from any calculation. [rationale]
e. You should be prepared to discuss why we are allowed to focus on the most probable distribution. [rationale]

Chapter 2: The Distribution of Energy Chapter 2 quiz
a. You should be able to calculate W for any distribution of just a few quanta of energy in a few particles. [equation]
b. You should be able to demonstrate that you know what a "microstate" is. [description]
c. You should be able to predict the most probable distribution of energy in a system containing mole-quantities of particles and mole-quantities of energy quanta, provided the energy level separations are identified. [equation]
d. You should be able to discuss the role of temperature, and what effect it has on the most probable distribution of energy in a system. [discuss]
e. You should be able to discuss the effect of energy level separation on the most probable distribution of energy in a system. [discuss]
f. You should be prepared to discuss why we only need to consider the most probable distribution of energy in molecular systems. [rationale]

Chapter 3: Energy Levels in Real Chemical Systems Chapter 3 quiz

For this chapter, all the energy equations will be provided for you--no need to put them in your calculator. I think you will find that the calculations are just one part of the whole here. The exam will not just be a rehash of the homework. Take a look at those homework problems and ask yourself, "What was the lesson here?" Look at the answers. Compare numbers. Do not assume that the lesson was simply how to use your calculator and get the "right" numerical answer. You need to go beyond that. What do the numerical results tell you in relation to chemistry? Be prepared to use your calculator, but not anywhere near the amount you have used it on recent homework assignments.

a. You should be able to describe what each of the following terms means: electronic excitation, vibration, rotation, translation. [description]
b. You should be able to calculate reduced mass. [equation]
c. You should be able to identify which energy equation goes with which type of excitation. [equations]
d. You should know what the various variables "R" "d" "a0" "m" etc. refer to in the energy equations. [description]
e. You should know in general why one type of energy level system is more or less closely spaced than another. [description]
f. You should be able to compare two substances and predict which has the more closely spaced energy levels in one or more of the types of excitation. [description]
g. You should be able to understand and use energy diagrams that show one or more electronic state and its associated vibrational and rotational levels. [discussion]
h. You should be able to discuss at least two of the applications presented in the "putting it all together" section and later sections in this chapter. [discussion]