User-Modifyable Parameters for divgraph.js

To set, use a javascript statement such as:
prior to the call to GRdrawgraph(). Then be sure to include the Info parameter (the 4th parameter). "NaN" is a special way in JavaScript of showing that a value is "not any number."

parameterdefault valuecomments
alert "" message to be sent to the user after display is complete.
anchor "0,0" the top left-hand corner of the graphing "window" or the name of an element of the page such as an image upon which the graph is based. For example, using <img name=anchor src=transp.gif width=300 height=300> would require Info.anchor=anchor. Setting this paramenter to a named element on the page allows resizing of the graph to occur correctly. If an element is indicated, place "onresize=GRresize()" in the body tag as well.
append false set Info.append=true to indicate that the previous graph should be used as a base for this one. No axes will be drawn, and the previous x/y range will be used.
bgcolor "" "color" of plotting surface (default is no plotting surface). If defined as, for example, Info.bgcolor="red", then red.gif must be available.
curvecolor black color of the spline curve for (x,y) data. Set to a blank string ("") to indicate that the curve color is to come from the point color, and color is being used to separate curves. In that case, data must be sequential, with increasing x.
datatransform "y vs. x" functions to apply to the data--for example, ln(y) vs. 1/x or sqrt(y) vs. x^2
debug false set Info.debug=true to get alerts related to debugging
defaultcolor "" default color for the function to be drawn or for (x,y) points indicating no color. If this is left blank, and a color is indicated for a point, then that color will be taken as the default for future points. That is, a change of color need only be indicated once when the default color is not specified.
docurve * *default is true for functions and false for data. Set Info.docurve=true to include a cubic spline for (x,y) data or set Info.docurve=false to NOT smooth f(x).
dogridx false set Info.dogridx=true to display vertical grid lines along with the x-axis tics.
dogridy false set Info.dogridy=true to display horizontal grid lines along with the y-axis tics.
dopoints true set Info.dopoints=false to not display x,y points or to draw smooth functions.
doptlabels true set Info.doptlabels=false to not display "alternative" tags when the point is moved over with the mouse.
dotrendline false set Info.dotrendline=true to draw a trend line for (x,y) data. On return, GR.L.m is the slope, and GR.L.b is the intercept.
dotrendeqn true set Info.dotrendeqn=true to show the trend line equation y = m x + b. Ignored if Info.dotrendline=false.
doxaxis true set Info.doxaxis=false to turn off the x-axis.
doxticnums false set Info.doxticnums=true to show numbers along with the major x-axis tics.
doxtics true set Info.doxtics=false to turn off x-tics.
doyticnums false set Info.doyticnums=true to show numbers along with the major y-axis tics.
doyaxis true set Info.doyaxis=false to turn off the y-axis.
doytics true set Info.doytics=false to turn off y-tics.
graphheight 200 plotting surface height, in pixels
graphleft 50 plotting surface left, in pixel
graphtop 50 plotting surface top, in pixels
graphwidth 200 plotting surface width, in pixels
histogram 0 set Info.histogram=1 for vertical bars; set Info.histogram=2 for horizontal bars
imagedir . directory for GIF images that are used for colors
info "" document status to display while running (not working?)
keepopen false set Info.keepopen=true to prevent resetting of variables. Required any time Info.append=true is used in the NEXT plot. Automatically set to true if Info.maxaddpoints is greater than 0.
key "" add a color key for multiple data sets. For example, "red=Sample 1;blue=Sample 2;green=Sample 3"
keyx 200 horizontal position for key information, in pixels from the left
keyy 60 vertical position for key information, in pixels from the top
labelsonly false set labelsonly=true to draw labels instead of points with ALT tags
linewidth 1 line width for curves and trend lines, in pixels
majorticlength 8 length of major tics in pixels
maxaddpoints 0 the number of points to allow the user or program to add AFTER display. (NOTE: for printing in Netscape Navigator, a call to GRreplot() is necessary after adding points. See example8.htm)
minorticlength 5 length of minor tics in pixels
onmousedown null name of the function to use for processing mouse down events. See examplec.htm
onmousemove null name of the function to use for processing mouse move events. See examplec.htm
onmouseup null name of the function to use for processing mouse up events. See examplec.htm
overwrite 0 Set Info.overwrite to a graph number to overwrite a graph, reusing the points. If you do this, the exact same number of points must be present in the overwritten function.
ptsize *see note size for lines, curves and data points in pixels (defaults are 4 for points and 1 for lines).
quicktrend true draw a quick trend line using files line1.gif and line2.gif. Lines close to vertical or horizontal will be dotted.
style "" cascading style information for the plot. For example, body {background-color:silver}. Built-in style classes are shown below, with defaults indicated:
.body {font-size:10pt;color:black}
.keylabel {font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;color:black}
.ptlabel {font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;font-style:italic}
.trendeqn {font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;color:black}
.xaxisnum {font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;color:black}
.xlabel {font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;color:black}
.yaxisnum {font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;color:black}
.ylabel {font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;color:black}
ticwidth 2 width of tics, in pixels.
title "" title for the plot. Include any HTML tags you want.
trendcolor black color of the trend line for (x,y) data
trenddigits –3 number of digits of precision for the trend-line equation. Positive numbers indicate fixed notation; negative numbers indicate to use scientific notation. If unspecified, automatic
trendlabelx 60 horizontal position for trend-line equation, in pixels from the left
trendlabely 60 vertical position for trend-line equation, in pixels from the top
xaxisaty 0 vertical position for x-axis, in user coordinates
xaxislabel "x" label for the x-axis
xaxislabelx * x-axis label x-position. Default is just to the right of the x-axis. Specify this in user coordinates. Specifying Info.xaxislabelx=NaN indicates roughly centered on the plotting surface
xaxislabely * x-axis label y-position. Default is in line with the y axis. Specify this in user coordinates. Specifying Info.xaxislabely=NaN indicates 30 pizels to the right of the right edge of the graph.
xclip true set Info.xclip=false to allow data to extend beyond the plotting surface horizontally.
xmax NaN maximum for x. Setting Info.xmax=NaN indicates that it should be determined on the fly (by prompt for functions of x, or based on the data for x,y data).
xmin NaN minimum for x. If Info.xmin > Info.xmax, then the axis will run backwards, from right to left
xnumdigits NaN number of digits of precision for the x-axis numbers. Positive numbers indicate fixed notation; negative numbers indicate to use scientific notation. If unspecified, automatic
xstep 1 a factor used to make plotting of functions and trendlines faster.
xticfirst NaN lowest x-number to get a tic, in user units. If left undefined while any of Info.xticmajor, Info.xticminor, or Info.doxticnums is defined, then it is set to the value of Info.xmin, either as defined or as determined.
xticmajor "auto" distance between major x-axis tics, in user units. Setting Info.xticmajor=NaN or a negative value turns off major x-axis tics.
xticminor "auto" distance between minor x-axis tics, in user units. Setting Info.xticminor=NaN or a negative value turns off minor x-axis tics.
xvar "x" x-variable name to use if not "x" in the trend equation and for the x-label. Setting this ONLY affects labels, not calculation. To transform the data, use Info.datatransform.
yaxisatx 0 horizontal position for y-axis, in user coordinates
yaxislabel "y" label for the y-axis
yaxislabelx * y-axis label x-position. Default is in line with the x-axis. Specify this in user coordinates. Specifying Info.yaxislabelx=NaN indicates 50 pixels left of the left edge of the graph.
yaxislabely * y-axis label y-position. Default is in just above the y axis. Specify this in user coordinates. Specifying Info.yaxislabely=NaN indicates roughly centered vertically on the plotting surface.
yclip true set Info.yclip=false to allow f(x) and data to extend beyond the plotting surface vertically.
ymax NaN maximum for y. Setting Info.ymax=NaN indicates that it should be determined based on the data or function values.
ymin NaN minimum for y. If Info.ymin > Info.ymax, then the axis will run backwards, from top to bottom.
ynumdigits NaN number of digits of precision for the y-axis numbers. Positive numbers indicate fixed notation; negative numbers indicate to use scientific notation. If unspecified, automatic
yticfirst NaN lowest y-number to get a tic, in user units. If left undefined while any of Info.yticmajor, Info.yticminor, or Info.doyticnums is defined, then it is set to the value of Info.ymin, either as defined or as determined.
yticmajor "auto" distance between major y-axis tics, in user units. Set to auto for automatic calculation. Setting Info.yticmajor=NaN or a negative value turns off major y-axis tics.
yticminor "auto" distance between minor y-axis tics, in user units. Set to auto for automatic calculation. Setting Info.yticminor=NaN or a negative value turns off minor y-axis tics.
yvar "y" y-variable name to use if not "y" in the trend equation and for the y-label. Setting this ONLY affects labels, not calculation. To transform the data, use Info.datatransform.