You can write your own data!! Data should be of the form shown below. If you are dying to have some data but can't get the numbers, feel free to drop me a line pointing to where the graph is on a web page somewhere. Or send me the graph and I'll scan it myself. I'm looking to get as much data here as possible!


Parameter data takes one of the three following forms, for which examples are given:
FANCY:   -0.003035 0.0229 -0.07614;vu=km/h;vsu=m/s;deg=2;wld=350 N/m2;gwt=0 lb
SIMPLE:  -0.003035 0.0229 -0.07614   
FILE:    whatever.htm
Parameters start with the highest order and go down from there to the constant term. Default units are those shown in the FANCY example. Note that gross weight and/or wing loading can be supplied. The default is gwt=0--I.E. unknown gross wt. If the both are supplied, be sure they match! The FANCY type is experimental. So far I have not tried it! Please let me know if it works or not.


To test your data yourself, you must transfer the calculator to your own machine because JavaScript cannot access frames or data from more than one computer. For a PC, just download the program and run the self-installing EXE. Files will appear in the C:\spd2fly directory.

I appreciate your doing this. Then you can just send me the HTML file and I will include it on my site. Just clip the following into your clipboard to get started.

<html> Source Contact: <a>your name</a> --any comments you wish-- --any other links you wish.-- --a link to the polar would be nice-- <form name=info> <input type=hidden name=srcname value="Title for your Ship"> <input type=hidden name=grosswt value="1000 kg"> (optional; units can be kg, Pa, or lb) <input type=hidden name=wingload value="350 N/m2"> (optional; units can be N/m2, Pa, kg/m2, or lb/ft2) <textarea name=xy rows=7 cols=35 wrap=physical> knots ft/s 33.03 1.2 34.05 1.4 etc. </textarea> </form> </html> The first column values are airspeeds (V). The second column values are sink rates (Vs). (The sign of the sink rate, positive or negative, is inconsequential.) To specify units, just head the columns with the units you desire. Options include knots, mph, km/h, ft/min, ft/s, and m/s. Columns do not have to be aligned. Space-,comma- or tab-separation is OK.