______ In-class notes for 08/21/2020 (CS 273 (OS), Fall 2020)
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In-class notes for 08/21/2020

CS 273 (OS), Fall 2020

Introduction to Operating Systems

  • An operating system is a body of reusable software that makes it easier for programs to use a computer's hardware.

    Some components: bootstrap loader; kernel; device drivers

  • Four kinds of OS service:

    • Process management -- A process is the execution of a program

    • Memory management -- Virtual memory, paging, swapping, etc. (virtual: "acts as if")

    • Devices -- disk, monitor, keyboard, mouse, network card, system clock, etc.

      devices vs. controllers vs. drivers

    • File system -- files/documents, directories/folders, features such as linking (e.g., ln -s)

  • OS services are accessed via system calls, "entry points to the OS"

    Typically packaged in library functions for each language, e.g., read()

History of operating systems

Selected Linux system calls

C programming language

  • Lab 1, due Monday "midnight" as HW1

  • Stogit repositories are now available (please check)
