______ Introduction to processes (CS 273 (OS), Fall 2020)

Introduction to processes

CS 273 (OS), Fall 2020

Basic notions

  • A process is an execution of a program

    • The same program may be executed by multiple processes

  • Creation of processes

    • Linux: fork(), clones a process;
      execve() changes program being executed by calling process
    • Windows: CreateProcess, creates a new process and loads its program.
      10 parameters, many involving options
      ~100 Win32 functions related to process management, synchronization, etc.
    • Windows approach is typical of non-Linux operating systems

  • Terminating processes

    • Normal vs. error exits (voluntary);
      fatal error (e.g., segmentation fault) vs. killed by another process (involuntary)

  • Process hierarchies

    • Linux: Parent/child relationship (from fork()) defines a tree-like hierarchy; a child always knows its parent.
    • Windows: No fixed process hierarchy. Parents can know their children (through handle token), but may pass this access to other processes.
    • Linux process groups are typically all the descendant processes for a parent; setpgrp() allows limited rearrangement of process groups (e.g., a shell may place all processes in a pipeline in a particular process group).
      Processes may only send signals to members of the same process group, or to that process group as a whole.
    • In Linux, the tree of parents and children has one root, with pid 0, which is part of the boot image (never fork()d or execve()d). Process 0 creates the init process, which is the parent of all other processes; it fork/execves a getty process for each terminal (e.g., prompts for login:), which child execves login to receive and validate passwords, then execves the user's login shell to begin a session (fig 10-11, p.757).

  • Process states

    • A process state is maintained by OS for each process.

      There is only one running process per CPU.
      A runnable process is ready to run (at time determined by scheduler).
      When a process can run no further (e.g., awaiting I/O), it becomes blocked.
    • A deadlocked process is a member of a set of blocked processes, each of which awaits event(s) that can only be generated by other processes in that set. None of the deadlocked processes can ever run again, unless someone intervenes somehow (e.g., killing selected processes and generating some events).
      Deadlock is not a process state, since OS (usually) is unaware of it.

Example data structures and algorithms for processes

  • Process table, with one process table entry (PTE) per process.

    • Contents of a PTE includes information such as the following:
      • process state
      • boundaries of memory segments for that process (e.g., program code segment, data segment, stack segment)
      • scheduling fields (queue pointers, priority, etc.)
      • saved register values for non-running processes (including PC, SP, general purpose registers, etc.)
      • array of signal handlers and vector of pending signals
      • current working directory, uid, gid
      • elapsed CPU time (user time, system time)
    • In Linux, the process table is a circular linked list of PTEs. Each PTE has the type task_struct, which consists of hundreds of fields per process, plus additional fields specific to memory management and file systems.

      Here are some example fields of the Linux task_struct (in descriptions, "this process" refers to the process for a given task_struct element in the process table).

      • mm and fs - pointers to memory-management and file-systems data structures for this process

      • state - the state of this process (e.g., runnable). There are multiple "blocked" states.

      • pid - the process id number for this process.

        • The kernel maintains a hash table to quickly find the task_struct for a given pid.

        • Compare to: getpid() system call; parent's return from fork()

      • parent, children, sibling, and group_leader - addresses of task_struct entries for processes that have relationships to this process.

      • utime and stime - counters indicating the amount of time spent by this process executing user code (utime) and kernel code (stime, for system time).

        • Compare to: Linux time command

      • files - points to a data structure files_struct that contains all information about open files related to this process.

      • sighand - pointer to a sighand_struct signal-handler data structure, which includes an array action[] of k_sigaction data structures, one such structure for each signal number.

        • The system call signal(N, func) assigns the address of a new signal-handler function func to a field sa_handler that is nested within the k_sigaction data structure for the given index N.

        • Compare to: signal.sh demo

      • The final line in definition of the task_struct data structure (PTE) - total of 627 lines long!

  • The interrupt vector contains addresses of interrupt handlers, code to be called when an interrupt occurs. Each CPU can be interrupted separately, so there is one interrupt vector per CPU.

    • Shared by all processes
    • Recall that an interrupt is a hardware-generated event, e.g., notification that a character has been entered, that a memory address doesn't exist, or that a clock tick has occurred
    • Implementation: irq_desc[], struct irq_desc.

  • The scheduler is the code within the kernel responsible for determining which process becomes runnable next (implements scheduling algorithm)

    In Linux, a function schedule selects a next process to run.

  • Some factors in scheduling algorithm:

    • Time sharing: processes run for segments of time called time slices, and resume where they left off when they start their next time slice.

    • Priority: each process has an assigned priority p (integer up to 40). During a time slice, a counter starts at p and is decremented over time until it reaches 0, at which point that time slice ends.

    • Interactive vs. Batch vs. Real-time classifications have an influence. Interactive processes must be responsive -- short delays to events such as key presses. Batch processes receive lower priority, do not need responsiveness. Real-time processes receive especially quick response time, very low variance (but do not have guaranteed scheduling in Linux).

    • I/O-bound processes (mostly performing I/O operations) receive high priority, since they already wait long for their I/O operations, and their time slices tend to be short (since those time slices usually end soon, waiting for I/O). Compute-bound processes (rarely performing I/O operations) receive long time slices to reduce overhead due to context switches

  • General algorithm used by Linux when an interrupt occurs:

    1. Current values of PC, PSW, etc., stored on interrupt stack, by hardware
    2. Hardware loads new value for PC from interrupt vector, thus calling interrupt handler
    3. Interrupt handler first saves other CPU registers (AL)
    4. Interrupt handler sets up new stack (AL)
    5. Response to the interrupt (C)
    6. Scheduler determines next process to run
    7. Return to AL portion of interrupt handler, which then starts up new process.