
Submitted reading questions for 02/12/2014

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

sid q1 categ annot
9688 How do all of these simple math functions affect the large-scale programs that make up the sort of applications that people use everyday?    
9694 What is the significance of translating a high-level language into a low-level language?    
9695 Why are there multiple high-level languages?    
9697 How come we use Python instead of a different high-level language?    
9698 In a string, are quotation marks necessary for numbers or are numbers not a string but an integer? Would it still print the number if I did not put them it quotations but marked it as a string?    
9700 The differences between lower-level language and the higher-level.    
9701 Source codes can be used to prevent other people from changing the program or writing some plug-ins?    
9702 Is the object code/Executable the same similar to a .EXE file that you click to start a program?    
9707 I think I understood the concept of some of the things mentioned in the paragraphs about Python - such as shell mode or program mode, but I really did not understand the execution process. Is this something we are going to learn? Or am I just lost here?    
9709 How does debugging change as the programs and processes become more advanced?    
9710 How do low-level languages work?    
9711 In what situations would a programmer use a low-level programming language?    
9712 For difficult open-ended prompts, is it beneficial to struggle with debugging for a while before searching for help or a resource with the answer?    
9713 Would you be able to provide additional examples to motivate why the int, float, and str functions are useful?    
9714 Are there "degrees" of how high-level a programming language is? For example, is Python a "higher"-level programming language than C, or are they both just considered high-level languages?    
9718 What exactly is a shell mode and its overall benefit to CS and programming?    
9720 What kind of real life situations (if not real life, closest to real life) do we use the len function? Is it useful in any way other than word count?    
9726 How were the first programs developed?    
9728 Is there a way to create a new line of text when the program does not recognize that you need one (like when you type "if")?    

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9702 Are we supposed to be able to do all the exercises at the bottom of the page by ourselves without peeking at the solution?    
9707 How much creativity really comes into programming and/or working in Computer Science in general? I was surprised and delighted to read in the very beginning that creativity is a big factor. I guess I always thought work with computers was only analytical. Coming from a major where creativity is all important, I was relived and intrigued to read this. The rest of the chapter does talk about the need for very analytical and logical thinking and programming, which, of course, makes sense, but I my question is really about how much creativity comes into programming/computer science?

My book would not let me 'save' or 'load' anything with python, although it did let me 'run.' Is this the same with everyone or just with me?

9712 When completing activities in the online textbooks we are often prompted to complete actions which require signing in. Do we have Runestone Interactive accounts? Or can we just skip these steps, forgoing saving and showing feedback?    

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