
Submitted reading questions for 03/03/2014

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

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9999 Could explain more about the rule section? I was confused as to how they worked.    
10003 Can you step through how the L-Systems programs work? (applyRules, processStrings, createLSystem) I'm kind of confused by all of this.    
10011 Would you use techniques from this section in defining functions often?    
10012 Can we go over how to use the rules for the turtles? I am really confused about that    
10017 I am confused about the example where this code prints apple backwards:

fruit = "apple"
for idx in range(len(fruit)-1, -1, -1):

I understand how len(fruit)-1 would equal 4, but what do the two -1s after that do and how does the function know to go through the range backwards?
10019 How come we don't need to import any modules for all the string functions while math and random require being imported?    
10023 Under the heading "The Accumulator Pattern with Strings," there is an example of code to remove vowels from words and they used a "for" loop. Is it possible to do a "while" loop, or is there a reason you would not do this?    
10024 I'm still confused about the slice operator.    
10025 Can you explain a little bit more about len and index? I get confused about finding the last letter of a string.    
10026 How do you apply the slice operator when given a list of integers and strings?    
10027 Would slicing work for integers as well as strings?    
10028 Seeing that strings have a "not in" operator: are double negatives to be avoided? Would it be bad form, for example, to combine a boolean "not" with a string/substring "not in" statement?    
10029 So + is a concatenation and puts words together. Is there an operator that can take words out of a sentence?    
10033 Are strings the basis of interpreter programs that translate high code to low code?    
10014 How do we get the alphabetical problem to work?? banana and apple... daily  
10016 Question 2.E.f directly deals with lexigraphical order. Though I understand the concept after reading the chapter, I can't seem to actually get it to work in the problem. Can we look over this in class? daily  

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9999 Could you explain find, find2 and find3?    
10028 Again: what are stacks?    

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