
Submitted reading questions for 03/10/2014

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

sid q1 categ annot
10079 Could you explain the L-System and Tuples?    
10081 How often are lists used and modified in a regular day of python programming?    
10082 Who had the bright idea to make lists the only things that start at 0?    
10083 What is a tuple?    
10086 When working with lists do we always want to clone them and save the original or is it better practice to delete obsolete lists?    
10087 How do you use a patter effectively in a program? Why does submitting this question always crash my computer?    
10088 Are lists and the way we group them in brackets somehow related to trees? and if so, how?    
10089 What does it mean when they say that Pure Functions do not produce side effects and modifiers do?    
10094 Can you go over Tuples? Why are they used?    
10099 Could you clarify the definition of a pure function?    
10103 Could you explain what a mutable and immutable function is?    
10104 Can you go over the changing of aliases for lists? The changing and replacing of parts if a list and how it affects the copied list versus the original.    
10106 Could you go through the most important differences/commonalities between lists and strings? I'm trying to get them straight in my head.    
10107 How exactly do you control/access "levels" in nested lists? For example, for Recursion 11c for today's homework, we must access only the "top-level" elements (excluding sublists) in our argument list: how exactly?    
10108 What are the key differences between strings and lists? What are the advantages to using one over the other?    
10109 Do a list usually be considered as a whole or the composition of those elements in it?    

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