
Submitted reading questions for 03/21/2014

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

sid q1 categ annot
10204 So key-value pairs are what link the mapper and reducer? What exactly are key-value pairs?   Apr4
10206 To clarify, is the only way to use parallelism to use multiple computers (clusters)?   Apr4
10207 Is it possible to have two programs processing at the same pace? I mean whenever program A generate a value, program B would take this value as an input and have an output which A would take as an input?   Apr4
10212 What are the differences between data parallelism and pipelining?    
10214 How do computers communicate between mapping, shuffling, and reducing?    
10218 The idea of shuffling in the map-reduce systems confuses me. Can you elaborate on the movement of the data.    
10220 So far, the programs we've written take hardly any time to execute. Will we be taking advantage of clusters in this course?    
10221 Is there a limit to how many computers you can connect together to work on programs?    
10222 What do mappers and reducers look like in terms of code?    
10226 When was WebMapReduce created?    
10242 Do we at St. Olaf use our labs for this sometimes?    
10244 Can WMRs be used in other languages?    
10249 I don't really understand the reducer() function. When do we use it? What does it do?    
10251 Is this basically the same thing as using recursion or loops to count elements?    
10252 What does the name WebMapReduce have to do with its actual function?    
10256 Could you explain what exactly the mapper and reducer are?    
10261 How does the WebMapReduce differ from Python?    

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