Ph.D., Yale University
MSc, London School of Economics
BSFS, Georgetown University

Teaching in Economics:  Environmental Economics; Economic Development
Teaching in Environmental Studies:  Environmental Policy & Regulation; Sustainable Development; Intro to Environmental Studies; Sustainable Land Use in Costa Rica; Capstone Seminar

Research interests: Economics of sustainable development; valuation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services


Refereed articles  ( * denotes undergraduate co-author)

Gold, M., S. Binder, C. Nolte (2023) Expanding the coverage and accuracy of parcel-level land value estimates. PLoS ONE 18(9): e0291182. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0291182

Binder, S. (2020). Is Existence Value Appropriate for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis?. Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis.

Binder, S., E. Holdahl *, L. Trinh *, J.H. Smith *. (2020). Humanity’s Fundamental Environmental Limits. Human Ecology.

Tallis, H., P. Hawthorne, S. Polasky, J. Reid, M. Beck, K. Brauman, J. Bielicki, S. Binder, M. Burgess, E. Cassidy, A. Clark, C. Costello, J. Fargione, E. Game, J. Gerber, F. Isbell, J. Kiesecker, R. McDonald, M. Metian, J. Molnar, N. Mueller, C. O'Connell, D. Ovando, M. Troell, T. Boucher, B. McPeek. (2018). An Attainable Global Vision of Conservation and Human Well-Being. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(1), 563-570.

Binder, S., F. Isbell, S. Polasky, J. Catford, D. Tilman. (2018). Grassland biodiversity can pay. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(15), 3876-3881.

Binder, S., R.G. Haight, S. Polasky, T. Warziniack, M. Mockrin, R.L. Deal, and G. Arthaud. (2017). Assessment and valuation of forest ecosystem services: State of the science review. General Technical Report NRS-170. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 47 p.

Isbell, F., P.B. Reich, D. Tilman, S.E. Hobbie, S. Polasky, S. Binder. (2013). Nutrient enrichment, biodiversity loss, and consequent declines in ecosystem productivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(29), 11911-11916.

Isbell, F., D. Tilman, S. Polasky, S. Binder, P. Hawthorne. (2013). Low Biodiversity Stable State Persists Two Decades After Cessation of Nutrient Enrichment. Ecology Letters, 16(4), 454-460.

Binder, S. and E. Neumayer. (2005). Environmental Pressure Group Strength and Air Pollution: An Empirical Analysis. Ecological Economics, 55(4), 527-538.

Invited articles and book chapters ( denotes article refereed by subject editor)

Binder, S. (2022). “Economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services” in The ecological and societal consequences of biodiversity loss, Loreau, M, Hector, A and Isbell, F (eds.), ISTE.

†N.D. Mueller and S. Binder. (2015). Impacts of closing yield gaps on the global food supply, environmental quality, and food security. Daedalus 144(4), 45-56.

Mendelsohn, R. and S. Binder. (2013). Economic Value of Biodiversity, Measurements of. In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Edition (pp. 55-58). Elsevier.

Polasky, S. and S. Binder. (2013). Biodiversity and Human Well-Being. In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Edition (pp. 435-439). Elsevier.

Polasky, S. and S. Binder. (2012). Valuation for Environmental Decisionmaking. Issues in Science and Technology, 28(4), 53-62.