Enoch Blazis came to St. Olaf in 2009 to serve as the senior director of development and was appointed vice president for advancement in 2012, responsible for leading the college’s constituency engagement and fundraising programs. He oversees Advancement Operations and Strategies, Annual Giving, Development, Donor Relations, Alumni and Parent Relations, Alumni and Family Travel, and the Piper Center for Vocation and Career.
In addition to his two decades of experience in fundraising and alumni and parent relations at liberal arts colleges, Enoch’s expertise includes leadership, strategic planning, and organizational development. He joined the St. Olaf leadership team after serving as a senior development officer at Williams College, where he managed a portfolio of 200 major gift prospects and contributed to the success of a $500 million fundraising campaign. Enoch’s previous experience included work as a private sector management consultant and entrepreneur and 11 years as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was assigned to military leadership positions in a variety of locations within the continental U.S., Asia, and the Middle East, including deployment to Iraq during the First Gulf War.
During his time at St. Olaf, Enoch has led a division-wide program renovation that included staff growth, operational restructuring, and database conversion. In 2013 he successfully integrated the Piper Center for Vocation and Career into the Advancement Division, overseeing its expansion and development as a leading liberal arts career center. He also led St. Olaf’s largest campaign to date, the successful seven-year For the Hill and Beyond campaign, which concluded in May 2020 with more than $252 million raised against a goal of $200 million. Beginning in Spring 2020, he has led St. Olaf’s successful COVID-19 response operations.
Enoch completed a B.S. in mathematics at the United States Naval Academy.