A.B. (Latin [with distinction] & Greek), Wellesley College, 1976; M.A., Ph.D. (Classical Studies), University of Michigan, 1977, 1982 

Anne Groton has taught at St. Olaf since 1981. For nearly 25 years she has chaired the Department of Classics and directed the interdisciplinary programs in Ancient Studies and Medieval Studies. She was Marie M. Meyer Distinguished Professor in 2017-20.

A specialist in the Greek playwright Menander, Groton is the author of several articles on ancient drama as well as a Latin reader, 38 Latin Stories (co-authored with James M. May), and a Greek textbook, From Alpha to Omega: A Beginning Course in Classical Greek, now in its 4th edition. Her 46 Stories in Classical Greekco-authored with James M. May, won the Ladislaus J. Bolchazy Pedagogy Book Award in 2016. In 2017 she edited Ab omni parte beatus: Classical Essays in Honor of James M. May.

Every other year or so, Groton directs and takes on tour to nearby schools and colleges a student production of an ancient Roman (or Greek) comedy, performed in a musical mixture of English and Latin (or Greek). She has also served for more than a decade as the faculty advisor to St. Olaf's chapter of Blue Key Honor Society and is active in St. Olaf's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. In 2007 she was honored with the Gertrude Hilleboe Award for Faculty Involvement in Student Life.

OstiaAnticaAnneGrotonJune2015Groton has held an NEH Fellowship for College Teachers and been an Associate Junior Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC. In 1995 she received an Award for Excellence in the Teaching of the Classics from the American Philological Association (now the Society for Classical Studies). She was President of the Classical Association of Minnesota in 2001-03 and a member of the Board of Trustees of Eta Sigma Phi, the national collegiate honorary society for Classical Studies, in 2000-04. In 2023 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Eta Sigma Phi.

For eight years (2004-12) Groton was Secretary-Treasurer of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, with CAMWS headquartered at St. Olaf College. She served as CAMWS President in 2019-20 and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for Classical Studies in 2017-20.

In her spare time Groton rides her bike, plays the piano, composes music, and sings in a Renaissance chamber choir. Besides being able to get lost virtually anywhere, her greatest claim to fame is never having learned how to parallel park. The photo above (June, 2015) shows her in Ostia Antica co-leading the Great Conversation's 35th anniversary tour to Greece and Italy. The photo at left (July, 2024) shows her niece's family in San Francisco welcoming a new baby, Wildflower Moon! 

Courses in 2024-25: Semester I: Greek 298 (Alcibiades in Fact & Fiction), Latin 111A (Beginning Latin I), Latin 231B (Intermediate Latin); January Term: Classics 251 (Classical Studies in Greece); Semester II: Greek 253 (New Testament Greek), Latin 112A (Beginning Latin II)