Professional website:
Ph.D., Kansas State University, 2020
M.A., Kansas State University, 2017
B.Sc., Lahore University of Management Sciences, 2015
Teaching: Money and Banking, Time Series Econometrics, and Introductory Econometrics
Research areas: Macroeconomics, Energy Economics, and Applied Time Series Econometrics
Academic publications:
Naafey Sardar, and Irfan Qureshi, 2024. "Revisiting the relationship between oil supply news shocks and U.S. economic activity: Role of the zero-lower bound," Energy Economics, 132, 107470.
Naafey Sardar, and Shahil Sharma, 2022. "Oil prices & stock returns: Modeling the asymmetric effects around the zero lower bound," Energy Economics, 107, 105814.
Amir Fekrazad, Syed M. Harun, and Naafey Sardar, 2022. "Social media sentiment and the stock market," Journal of Economics and Finance, 46, 397-419.
Bebonchu Atems, and Naafey Sardar, 2021. "Exploring asymmetries in the effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on U.S. food and agricultural stock prices," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 81, 1-14.