Professional website:


Ph.D., Kansas State University, 2020

M.A., Kansas State University, 2017

B.Sc., Lahore University of Management Sciences, 2015

Teaching: Money and Banking, Time Series Econometrics, and Introductory Econometrics

Research areas: Macroeconomics, Energy Economics, and Applied Time Series Econometrics

Academic publications:

  • Naafey Sardar, and Irfan Qureshi, 2024. "Revisiting the relationship between oil supply news shocks and U.S. economic activity: Role of the zero-lower bound," Energy Economics, 132, 107470. 

  • Naafey Sardar, and Shahil Sharma, 2022. "Oil prices & stock returns: Modeling the asymmetric effects around the zero lower bound," Energy Economics, 107, 105814.

  • Amir Fekrazad, Syed M. Harun, and Naafey Sardar, 2022. "Social media sentiment and the stock market," Journal of Economics and Finance, 46, 397-419.

  • Bebonchu Atems, and Naafey Sardar, 2021. "Exploring asymmetries in the effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on U.S. food and agricultural stock prices," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 81, 1-14.