Jill Watson is an avid language & culture learner, and completed Minnesota teacher licensure in English as a Second Language & French. She has taught ESL and French in middle and high schools, French at Augustana College, South Dakota State University, and Cornell University in New York, and teacher education courses at the University of Minnesota, the University of St. Thomas, Hamline University, and Augsburg College. She specializes in the area of Students with Limited or Interrupted Education (SLIFE), focusing on refugee-background and Indigenous education practices and supporting oral interaction in the classroom. She has served as President of MinneTESOL and founded the MinneSLIFE group. and She is a frequent professional development provider, and is currently working on a manual for teachers of English learners.
Jill joined the St. Olaf faculty in fall 2016, where she is a member of the education and lingusitics faculties. She teaches courses in English as an Additional Language & World Language education, including an educational ethics course with a French or German discussion section. She serves as advisor for the ESL Club and the Aspiring Educators Club, and consulting member for language on the Accessibility Subcommittee.