Scriptures for this Program
- (1R) Genesis 2:18-24
- (PS) Psalm 8
- (2R) Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
- (G) Mark 10:2-16
The Creation: And God Created Man in His Own Image — Franz Joseph Haydn / Robert Shaw, arranger / Alice Parker, translator / Robert Shaw, translator (1R)
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, ensemble / Jon Humphrey, tenor / Robert Shaw
(CD) The Creation / TELARC / CD-80298-A
© 1992 Telarc, Concord Music Group, 100 North Crescent Drive, Garden Level, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, USA
The Creation: In Native Worth and Honor Clad — Franz Joseph Haydn / Robert Shaw, arranger / Alice Parker, translator / Robert Shaw, translator (1R)
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, ensemble / Jon Humphrey, tenor / Robert Shaw
(CD) The Creation / TELARC / CD-80298-A
© 1992 Telarc, Concord Music Group, 100 North Crescent Drive, Garden Level, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, USA
Psalm 8: O Lord Our Governor — Glen Woodward (PS)
Gloriæ Dei Cantores: Cape Cod, MA / Elizabeth C. Patterson
(CD) His Love Endures Forever: Psalms of Thankfulness and Praise / GLORIÆ DEI CANTORES / CD45
© 2008 Gloriæ Dei Cantores, P.O. Box 1568, Orleans, MA, 02653, USA
Psalm 8: How Great is Your Name — Joseph Gelineau / Richard Proulx, arranger (PS)
The Cathedral Singers: Chicago, IL / Richard Proulx
(CD) Joseph Gelineau: Psalms of David / GIA PUBLICATIONS / GIA CD-357
© 1995 GIA Publications, 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60638, USA
Psalm 8: Herr, unser Herrscher, SWV 27 — Heinrich Schütz (PS)
Regensburger Domspatzen: Regensberg, Germany / Hanns-Martin Schneidt
(CD) Schütz: Psalms of David / DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON / 4531792
© 1972 Deutsche Grammophon, PolyGram Records, Inc., New York, NY, USA
Lord, When Thou Didst Ascend on High (WASHINGTON) — William Billings / Isaac Watts, lyricist (2R)
The Oregon State University Choir: Corvallis, OR / Ron Jeffers
(CD) Make a Joyful Noise: Mainstreams and Backwaters of American Psalmody / NEW WORLD RECORDS / 80255-2
© 1996 New World Records, 701 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY, 10036-1596, USA
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (MILES LANE) — William Shrubsole / Edward Perronet, lyricist / Ralph Vaughan Williams, arranger (2R)
Massed Choirs of St. Olaf College: Northfield, MN / The St. Olaf Orchestra / Steven Amundson
(CD) For God So Loves the World / ST. OLAF RECORDS / E-2939/40
© 2006 St. Olaf Records, St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA