AMCON 202A (2018-2019, Spring) Pursuits of Happiness, 1920-Present

Students in this course examine technology, the mass market and consumerism, and the increasingly complex relations between identity and material goods. They also explore the images, institutions, and stories of environmental, feminist, and Civil Rights activists in the context of Cold War America. Topics and texts range from Yosemite National Park and Japanese internment camps to Adrienne Rich's poetry and prose, Freedom Summer, Las Vegas, and the Mall of America. Offered annually in the spring semester. Counts toward American studies, race and ethnic studies, and women's and gender studies majors and management studies, race and ethnic studies, and women's and gender studies concentrations. Prerequisite: AMCON 101, AMCON 102, and AMCON 201.

Counts Toward Majors: Gender & Sexuality Studies, History, Race and Ethnic Studies, Women's and Gender Studies

Counts Toward Concentrations: Gender & Sexuality Studies, International Relations, Media Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies, Women's and Gender Studies

To find books for this class, please visit the St. Olaf Bookstore.