During May 23-27, 2000, The University of North Texas will host Summer Symposium in Real Analysis XXIV. These symposia are considered to be the premier conferences of their type by members of the real analysis community, and are the only classical real analysis conferences which traditionally draw participants from North America, Western Europe, Eastern and Central Europe, and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Beginning with the sixth, this conference has alternated between North America and Europe. During the past decade, research communities of real analysts from these regions have effectively merged and the impact of this confluence on research has been dramatic. This past decade has witnessed a reemergence of Classical Real Analysis as one of the core subdisciplines of mathematics. Long taught as a core course at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, classical real analysis is regaining its more traditional role as a central player at the intellectual root of both modern applied and pure mathematics. Dramatic solutions to historic problems , surprising applications to other areas of mathematics and new applications of classical techniques have invigorated this branch of analysis.

Our symposium will highlight lectures by leading experts on some of these topics. Specifically, Summer Symposium 2000 will include a main focus on recent important work in dynamics and set theory; we plan to emphasize this focus by pairing each of six major lectures with a directed Analysis and Comment Session. In addition, we will provide a vibrant forum for the discussion of research problems, and allot prime speaking time to the young researchers. These portions of the Symposium are discussed in detail below.

The special nature of this event and the related high quality of the program has enabled the organizers to attract initial funding from several sources including: The University of North Texas. We have applied for NSF funding sufficient to enlarge the scope of participation to include a larger number of graduate students, beginning researchers, and those whose research interests are contiguous to work in real analysis. Funds to support participants will be distributed with this goal specifically in mind and, in general, on a reverse seniority basis. The schedule includes hour long lectures by six principal speakers, several invited twenty minute presentations, and two directed Research Problem Sessions. Time in the program has been reserved for young researchers, and the Research Problem Sessions have been designed to entice new people to work in newly developing areas.

The six principal speakers have all accepted our invitation. A brief description of each of our main speakers can be found below.

  1. Zoltan Buczolich (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)

  2. Kenneth Falconer (Mathematical Institute, University of St Andrews, Scotland)

  3. J. P. Kahane (Universit/'e Paris-Sud, Mathématiques, Orsay, France)

  4. Michal Misiurewicz (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)

  5. Yuval Peres (University of California, Berkeley, California, USA)

  6. Alexander Kechris (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA)

The tentative schedule includes main lectures on Wednesday morning (Buczolich), and afternoon (Falconer); Thursday morning (Peres); Friday morning (Misiurewicz) and afternoon (Kahane); Saturday morning (Kechris).

Research Problem Sessions

The program will also include a directed Research Problem Session on Wednesday evening from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Research Problem Sessions were introduced by the Europeans at Summer Symposium XV in 1991 at Smolenica (now in Slovakia) and have become quite popular and successful ever since.

Time to Work

One of our high priority goals for this symposium is to create an atmosphere at the conference where people can begin collaborations on research problems. To be successful we must set aside time when participants can feel free to work. A too full schedule can be a deterent to the type of working atmosphere we wish to create. As such, we plan to set aside at least two hours each early afternoon when no activities are scheduled.


We anticipate that Symposium XXIV will attract a broad international audience from North and South America, Russia, Georgia, Japan, Taiwan, China, India and most every European country. Information concerning this conference was placed on the real analysis web page ( in May, 1999 and preregistration indicates that a majority of the most active research real analysts will attend the 2000 Summer Symposium.

Young Researchers

We have set aside at least five of the short presentations for first or second year Ph.Ds. In addition, we plan an active program of support to encourage and enable beginning researchers and graduate students to attend the conference and participate in its proceedings. Indeed this is one of the main objects of our fund raising efforts for Summer Symposium XXIV.

Advertizing and Desemmination

Announcements of Summer Symposium XXIV will appear in the Real Analysis Exchange and in The Notices of the American Mathematical Society. In addition, flyers will be sent to departments and invitations sent to individuals. This conference is the next in a series of international symposia sponsored by the Editorial Board of the Real Analysis Exchange since 1978, and the millennium meeting will be the fifteenth time an American institution has served as host. As in the past, the proceedings of this symposium will be published in a special section of the Real Analysis Exchange.

The Host Institution

The host institution, The University of North Texas, is an ideal location to hold such a conference. The University will be on break during the period of the conference so that lecture halls, meeting rooms and the like will be readily available. The UNT web page contains a wealth of information about the University of North Texas and you can have a look by clicking HERE.

A map of the UNT campus and the surrounding area are found at these links. If you will be flying, you should fly to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. We will be running a shuttle from the airport to campus at regular intervals on May 23 and these will leave from outside the baggage claim area near the Hertz Car Rental Booth. Wait at the

Real Analysis Symposium

There is a commercial shuttle service which can be contacted with a 24 hour notice at 940-565-9936, if you arrive after hours. The airport is a short 40 minute drive from campus.


While there are several convenient hotels in Denton we encourage you to consider staying in the campus residences.

Conference grants will pay the cost of a shared room in the Bruce Residence Hall and for breakfast during the conference. Subject to availability, guests are welcome to stay with participants at the rate of 13.50 per night. A limited number of single rooms are available for an additional participant cost of 5.00 per night.

In general, room assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis. Upon request, residence hall rooms will be available Saturday night for those departing on Sunday. If your travel schedule is such that you will arrive earlier than Tuesday or depart later than Sunday, please contact us about making special arrangements for you.

For those interested in staying off campus, the La Quinta (940-387-5840) the Raddison Hotel (940-565-8499) offer reduced conference rates and adjoin campus.

Conference Leadership

The directors of this summers symposium are:

  1. Dan Mauldin

    Department of Mathematics
    University of North Texas
    Denton, TX 75203
    Fax: (940) 565-4805
  2. Steve Jackson

    Department of Mathematics
    University of North Texas
    Denton, TX 75203
    Fax: (940) 565-4805
  3. Paul Humke

    Department of Mathematics
    St. Olaf College
    Northfield, MN 55057
    Fax: 507-646-3116 (use a coversheet)

Real Analysis Exchange