Media Advisory

Press credentials for Karl Rove's Oct 1 appearance at St. Olaf College should be requested by Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 5 p.m., via email to David Gonnerman: (include "CREDENTIAL REQUEST" in subject line). Credentials will be limited to two per organization. Wireless access to the St. Olaf computer network will be granted at the venue for the first five minutes of the speech via pre-assigned username and password (electrical power will not be provided).

All media attending the event will be allowed to record only the first five minutes of Mr. Rove's speech. The audio feed from the mult box will cease at the five-minute mark, and Internet access (via pre-assigned username and password) will be terminated.

Print photographers may shoot on the main floor for the first five minutes (please be judicious in use of flash).

Note that the event will be fully accessible via the live online stream.