Real Analysis I
Math 244

Fall 2013- The Humke Version

  • Back to the Basics

  • Course Goals

  • The Ideas We'll Cover

  • Learning LaTeX

  • Definition and Theorem Lists

    I'd like you to maintain two active lists during the course. Both lists should be written in LaTeX and maintained on your laptop electronically. I'll ask one group to put their list on our class folder each week as a check.

    1. I'd like you to keep a complete, dictionary (ie. an alphabetized list) of the definitions we learn in the course. Check out on Wikipedia or Math World to look up any definitions not in the book.
    2. I'd also like you to keep a separate, analogously formatted list of all theorems. This list should also be organized by section, but rather than number the list consecutively, you should use the books reference numbers for your list.
    Your lists should should be in written in LaTeX, organized by section and updated frequently.

  • Suggestions for Success (important section!!)